Vanguard of the Eternal Night
Story 21Next Destination
"Well, let's get back to the next one!
I speak so loudly.
At the end of Mayfa's funeral, I bid farewell, and today I will establish Pope Lars to go to my next destination.
Archbishop Lars, by the way,
"I'm still stubborn, too."
I was so excited to say.
The archbishop said that in association with the Lars Guild, we can talk about Golzola.
If Lars and Guild work together around the world, we might get some new information.
I'll give the Archbishop a phone.
At first, I was very surprised, but I was already bound, so when did I explain mine?
Of course, this is about being secretly greedy.
The archbishop listened to me and said that the word ancient race also appeared in the ancient teachings of Lars, so he said to check it out again.
Moreover, Mayfa did not ask about Mayfa's sins in connection with the apple of the Folkrest, but said that he would now sell it as a famous product under the control of Pope Lars, and that profits other than just expenses would be sent to the orphanage.
At first, it was decided to stand in the Spiritual Peak or Forrest, collect the apples and sell them, or dissent. However, contrary to the teachings of Lars, it was decided to finally take the form of sending them to the orphanage and pray to the temple of the Forrest of Luke.
By the way, when I prayed, I did it with my magic, considering the safety aspect.
Many things have been done in Pope Lars.
It's sad, but I can't stop standing.
Look forward. There's no way in.
"Next destination is Adorno Workshop"
"No, I don't."
The Adorno Workshop is world-famous in the city on its way to the Kingdom of Saraj, so I sent it to get my gear ready.
I made it, but I can still make better things from knowledgeable craftsmen.
I have the knowledge and skill of the Eternal Log of the burning blade, Louise.
After that, the Kingdom of Saraj.
"I don't know about Golzola. I can't help you with your guidance!
That's right.
Once we're equipped, we'll head to the Saraj kingdom, thinking we're the enemy's home.
But I don't know what Sonin said...
Lulu hasn't been following the tension for a while.
Well, how cruel is it to follow these members all the time?
Instead, I'd like to deepen my rapport.
"All right, line it up!
"" "Ooh!
I followed Pope Lars.