Vanguard of the Eternal Night
Story 235, Dungeon Challenge Pt. 2, Part 14.
When I turned to Skeleton Leader, I got eyes on him.
And he rushed towards me at that moment.
The speed of the Skeleton Leader is a lot faster than I thought, and when I grabbed the void, I took the long sword of the Skeleton Leader in front of me, and I drank everything I could to stop it.
"Mr. Hal!!
I can hear Shirley screaming in my name.
And eating tackles on the flank of Shirley's Water Tiger Skeleton Leader, the Skeleton Leader moves only slightly, and the damage is unlikely.
On the contrary, a skeleton leader pays off Shirley's water tiger flies by the wall.
"Shirley! I'm a big husband! More self-serving with the other skeletons than this one!
"So, but..."
"Big husband! There's no way I'm gonna leave Shirley behind and be negative, is there?
"... yeah, it took me minutes!
I don't know how confused I am, but I can't afford to lose the other skeletons.
With Skeleton Leader coming out, I can take my hand and the rest of the Skeletons can afford to go on offense.
Besides, it's just coming out the back of the aisle.
Will and the others are too numerous, judging by his aggressiveness.
There are occasions where the linear magic of lartosonin cannot be prevented.
That's when Will changes. Shirley can manipulate the water tiger as he pleases. Otherwise, there will be a debacle.
When I think about that and match my skeleton leader with my sword, the skeleton leader turns to Shirley for a moment.
Probably Shirley's water tiger.
He's the one who turns his head on the book.
"I'm the one you're dealing with!!
I pushed the Skeleton Leader with my strength, taking distance and structuring it.