Vanguard of the Eternal Night
Story 236, Dungeon Challenge Pt. 2, Part 15.
Skeleton leaders rushed at me again at the same time as they turned to me.
Since I was watching which move earlier, I will respond without delay this time.
And then me and Skeleton Leader's sword staggered and a metal noise rang around.
"Hal, you're in danger!!
Suddenly, Shirley's voice rings and the water tiger comes to my side and strikes at the flying arrow.
Damn it! The Skeleton Leader, you're giving instructions to the Skeletons around you with the emphasis on winning one-on-one battles at last!
"Thanks, Shirley!
Shirley nodded at me and turned the water tiger toward the skeletons around him and the arrows that were flying at him.
Skeleton leader, that's right, that's right...
"Will! Back off once!
Will feels something on my instructions and goes straight back to Shirley and the others.
And at that moment, I press Skeleton Leader and release the magic without chanting with the hands of a bunch of skeletons.
"... wow"
"That's so against the rules!
"Senior Hal is amazing!
When did I first think about magic in this place?
My opponent is coming at me with a bow and arrow for a long range attack. It's as if I could do it!
I just unleashed magic on the Skeletons in the image of the arrow of light.
The arrow of light magic descends on the skeletons and pours on the meteors. Besides, even though it's light magic, it still works for Skeleton, the monster of the undead.
The skeletons fell before the falling arrows of light.
And then the skeleton leader looks at me like he's hungry.
Perhaps the opposite is true of self-absorption and irritation.
"Come on, get out of the way! We're going to have to make a decision!