Vanguard of the Eternal Night
255, Dungeon Challenge Pt. 2, Part 34.
"Whoa whoa!!
Will and Roy are fighting the Stone Statue in the back of me.
The battle between the two of us quickly proves the high ability of the stone statue. Besides, when the two of us fight, or when we combine our swords, we suck the magic, so it may be difficult to seal the movement of the other side.
Perhaps Allie will protect you, but the speed of that stone statue will make magic difficult.
"That's a bad glue state... dude!
The moment I break down the enchantment barrier with magic and swords, I can't really make a direct attack.
In addition, that stone statue not only uses the earlier ice magic, but also the magic of the four attributes.
Now I'm trying to figure out a way to break this situation by avoiding it and beating it with anti-attribute magic.
In addition to magic, the stone statue rebuilds the enchantment barrier and doesn't want to fall into a magic cut.
I don't know if I can get magic from the dungeon or not, but I can't afford to lose this kind of magic.
Perhaps if you could destroy us once and for all because of the precious stones in our breasts...
I pack the distance while releasing rock shells (Stone Barrett). And the moment the rock shell (Stone Barrett) hit the magic barrier wall, he hung it with a magically manipulated sword.
When there was a hole in the enchantment wall aimed at an empty corpse, an arrow of ice could fly inside and towards the spot, and I could avoid it, but blood could flow through my right arm.
I'm not even reading this one. It's like...
"Hal, your blood...!!
"My big husband."
Shirley rushes to heal me, worrying about the blood coming out of my arm.
But after me, Roy and Will are at war and it's not dangerous...?
I'll swing back and forth. Roy and Will's battlefield will move to the left.
Along with that, in the middle of the club, Sonnin 'Lulu and the rest of the gang took off Roy and Will. Allie, Bian, and me, Shirley and Lart, and Lulu straightened out the joints of the light. Sonin is watching the situation and protecting them all.
I'll do it, Roy. Will's not giving me directions. It's a balanced move or something.
"Hal, are we fighting together? Don't make it impossible."
Shirley pissed me off.
But that's true. Everybody's ready to fight, but I don't know how long I have to stay here. That's what I do for a living. But that's not true. Shirley and the others are ready for a lot of things. After all the experience, they are on the battlefield with determination.
"Senior Big Husband Soft!?
"Oh, big husband."
"Is that magic barrier getting in the way?
"I don't know. As soon as I delay the attack on the main body, the attack won't reach the main body."
Thank you so much for giving me so much time. Then, by the time you break the magic barrier, you can use magic to counter and take the distance, and you will return to the starting state. I can't help but see the bottom of my opponent's demonic powers...
"Then think back to me!
Suddenly Laat thought and uttered words.