Vanguard of the Eternal Night
Episode 296: Ground Height Attack and Defense, Part 28
Davido and the others took Shirley and looked at the disappeared place, and Roy rushed in with my ex-husband.
Why... why can't Shirley be connected? Shirley's not a janitor, is she? Are you related or am I not? Then take me.
"Hal, hang in there!!
Roy shakes my shoulder with both hands.
"Hal, come on!? Shirley's still out there! I don't care! If you believe what he says, time is far from over! Of course not. Danger may be imminent! But I'm still a big husband! Think! There's some way out!! Bo, if you're free to stand up, think!! With all your strength and knowledge, you can do something!!
What can I do...? What can I do? I said I would protect Shirley. But this is how I got to Davido. How dare you protect me... always on my side... hmm? Right...... right! I made a deal with Shirley! What a rush! For this reason, I would like to cross the necklace!
"Roy! Why don't you let me take this place!?
I glance around and say something to Roy.
Still, the man with the lacquered black armor, Yalato, is at war with Karzal, and Dagmar is still on the shoulder of the dragon and stands by.
Will will gather all the others and be vigilant. No, I don't have time for this.
"Oh! Let me handle this one! Just think about Shirley!
"Roy...... thanks"
When I answered that, I concentrated my consciousness.