Vanguard of the Eternal Night
Talking Swirling Emotions Back
... Who are you?
"My name is Haaten. Kono world no creative god da. Omaeno Body Ni Cebu Lu Guangno Pokémon Spirit Tong Shite Talk Shitheil '
Creating God...? Aten......? No way!? That Lars god's!? But why to me!?
"Talk Seba Length Kunal. Soleni now ha time monai. Lesser Sino-Me Daga Ga Li Lend Saw. Soleniotte Lesser Sino Inter-Chino Daga Awareness Hamodle Darrow. Between sonos niomaeno ready to see cetemiro '
Consciousness returns......?... minutes! I'll do what I can in the meantime!! So...... give me some time!!
"... SasgaAyatsurano ko ga Chounda ko dana"
What!? I don't know now!?
"More Shikkhao Maeta Chiga Raw Ki Leftover Talk When Cellular Ga Lai Darou.... Big husband da. Omaeno medium niha light no elf spirit moi moil. Sugni died in Hanai. Posthaomaeta Chishidaida '
Hey, what the hell is going on? I'm making fun of nothing!!
"Saah time ganai. Row Kuzo!!
Hmm...... what is that!?
Hal, you stay! Hal, you can't be a demon! Hate is damned!!
"Ha...... Le you? Hal... you... hate... all of you... heart, take away... no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. So... so, laugh... what?