Vanguard of the Eternal Night
Episode 377, Shirley Rescue Battle, 20 of them.
"... All right"
I imagine only the castle of the Kingdom of Earth Height (...) or when I come to Shirley, I activate the magic of space in such a powerful way.
The proposal has been decided, and the situation inside is not so bad now.
When you come to Shirley, the space is distorted. For the strange feeling of walking in a space that doesn't take long up, down, left, and right, the light of trees growing from above and falling next to each other flows through the space, but even this time, the space is still true and dark.
... I see a little light ahead of me in the darkness. Is there an exit?
The magic that causes them to consume is not unusual, and if they are not awake, they cannot be maintained.
Though, awakening is more than just a minute, it's a second of fun.
... I have no choice but to be prepared.
I go into space with Shirley in my arms.
Shirley...... I will definitely take you home. And make sure you regain consciousness.
I carry forward the magic I consume by space magic, and so the influence of the impossibility of exercising space magic after attacking Earth Height and battling the Dragon, and the energy and heavy feeling of fighting demonized men and women, even though my mind is dyed by darkness, to see Shirley in a state of strength and not necessarily help.
"Wear it to Earth Height..."
I gave up moving. I finally said something to my body and I walked forward whining.