Vanguard of the Eternal Night
Episode Three Hundred Nine: Lat's Past
"Your brother? Did you play...?
I listen back to what came out of the lat.
Claude... is that the man's name? And the fact that you have to play when the latte is little, and that your brother is calling you a brother, is that not a brother?
But why demonize...?
"Oh...... no, you can't be the brothers in the book. When I was a little girl, my parents attacked the monster and died... so I could get into an orphanage in the Kingdom of Saraj with the help of an adventurer I occasionally had access to.
And that's when Brother Claude came out. "
I don't think that guy and Lart have such a relationship...
Roy and Will also have a slightly surprising look.
"When I was just a little girl, my parents were annoyed, and my hair was different, so I went out to the city to tease her. Then I teased Greg and made a big deal out of the city. At that time, when I saw a guy in a fancy dress, I was pretty naughty, but the other way around, I was negative.
Brother Claude, you're a dick.
Brother Claude is strong and my teeth are stuck.
But, Brother Claude, after you negated me, you spoke to me.
"Use it at last for the sake of those who are so powerful."
And on Brother Claude's recommendation, I came to adopt you to Brother Claude's house, the Alfonso family.
Since then, I've admired Brother Claude like a brother. And Brother Claude was disappointed that you were as cute about me as my brother. "
Was that a problem?
As long as I listen to Rat. That man dyes his heart in darkness...
Karzal said he would give his heart to the Spirit of Darkness, or he would save himself.
"Thank you so much...... but the guy named Morat, Claude, is a self-absorbed demon. The story I know is that when you protect yourself with demonization, you have to give your heart to the spirit of darkness. As far as I can tell right now, Claude, is he giving his heart to the Dark Spirit?
In my words Laat looks down with a sad look on his face. And I looked up less.