Vanguard of the Eternal Night
Episode 327: Isteria, the magical city
"This is Isteria, the magical city..."
In front of me, there is an unprecedented spectacle of light that I have just seen in my own country.
There are many roofs with spheres, objects with quadrangular cones, and people in robes. Unlike Pope Lars, he wears a robe of the same color as his hair protected by four great spirits: red, green, brown and blue.
I don't know. The country is another heterogeneous difference. This is amazing......
"Something totally different country... no, I just came to a different star..."
"Right. Not to mention the story, but the actual eye..."
Will and Lulu are also taken aback by seeing the light in front of them next door.
"Lulu, I don't know what to say. Get off my side."
Will's guy, I don't know what to say about vegetarian and profound meaning...
Lulu is happy with Lulu.
Until I got here, I went on the road to Isteria, the magic city, but I went back to Earth Height at night to see Shirley's son and rest. In the morning, I went from there with space magic to Isteria, the magic city.
I was worried about Willululu while I was on the road.
"Lulu, is your leg sore? Big husband?
"You don't have a lot to go on right now, do you? The dungeon's still tired. There's just so much left. If you don't have any physical fits, say it, okay?
I felt like I was watching you from me, but I couldn't help but look at what you said and did.
But it's pathetic that Will is probably saying things with all due respect.
... Well, Lulu is so happy with Lulu.
"Well, I guess I'll just have a quick look at Biancan."
That's what I said. I stepped into Isteria, the magical city.