Vanguard of the Eternal Night
Chapter 386: The Last Supper Part 5
That's right. It's been a long time since I got out of the club.
At that time, I was still avoided by all of you, and you spent a lot of time training magic by yourself.
That's when Roy first showed up.
Then keep it to yourself, dive into the dungeon, you two are all kinds of things.
That's why Shirley and I came out...
The village has been raided by dragons.
Did you know Roy was a prince after that? That's why Ali joined the four of us. Finally, Louise is here...
The war with the Istonian Empire has brought Will and Sonin together.
"Kind of before the war with the Istonian Empire. Much"
"Oh, no."
I already talked to Roy then.
At that time, I used my own power in war... and I was wondering how to use my own power.
"At that time, I had no idea that this was happening, but I was the only one who could stop Golzola.... And, Louise, I can't wait to get more victims like that. Louise, you're staring at me.... That's why Hal,
Louise, I'll stop you. "
"That's why Hal, all in all, this ex-con... stop the archbishop of Golzola"
Louise, I'm gonna stop you... and Roy's got a lot to do with this.
But Roy's face is full of determination.
Roy, you're an amazing guy.
"Minutes... Louise, please"