Vanguard of the Eternal Night
Four Hundred Stories vs. Dougmar Part Two
When I confirm Lulu's snort, I grasp the hammer that I brought from the Adorno workshop for love and fly out toward Dagmal.
Then, at the same time as Dougmar whines, monsters like the Bear Monster and the Battle Wolf come at me.
How many of these... Well, what do we do?
"Inn the world, Spirit of Light. I, Thy guidance, give this life. Give me strength to pay for that oath. (PURIFI) Be Holy Purified" The Application "!
When I apparently think about how to respond, I hear Lulu chanting behind me, and a faint light arises before me.
The light surrounds the demons. The demons groan and consume it as a black mist.
"Lulu, you look nice!"
Right in front of me, Dougmar, I can see the way.
Okay, take it easy on the line!