Vanguard of the Eternal Night
Chapter 411 vs. Demonized Louise Part 5
All of a sudden, Allie's water dragon is already appearing, and the master mason's body is attacked from the side.
"I'm going to decide!
At the same time, as Ali said, he thought that magic was the worst bullet, and as he attacked physically, Shui Long opened his mouth to the master master and burst in.
And the water envelops the master craftsman.
"Allie, when did you do this?"
"I decided to fight with you, Roy, so I thought I'd be stronger..."
I can answer with a breath on my shoulder.
Allie, are you prepared for a lot of things and determined to fight with me...
"... no!?
That's when Allie raises her voice.
When you see it, the water dragon pushes back and greets you.
That's the master craftsman, even two Ali's water dragons against each other. Or...
"Ali, I'll take care of the rest!
I ran out to waste my chances on Allie's work.