Vanguard of the Eternal Night
Four hundred and forty, the Kingdom of Saraj, part four.
"Divine Dragon Lucia!!
A voice rang in my head, and when I looked around, I saw the dragon Lucia in the sky.
"Divine Dragon Lucia......?
"Oh, garlic on the summit of the Spirit Peak Folkrest"
With that being said, I can't say enough about Lucia the dragon.
"I ha Divine Dragon Lucia. Ancient Kara Continuous Battle II Termination Character, Hand Lending Saw"
"The Battle of Ancient Bodies?
I explained so much about the battle that lasted from the past.
"That's what..."
"Well, I don't know what to do with you."
I raise my head so much.
The spirits who embodied it for me also bowed their heads.
I don't know how the Spirit lowers his head, but the Spirit has a negative eye.
"No, I don't think Hal would appreciate it."
"Will... but..."
"Strike the termination mark on our behalf. So that solves it, right?
"That's it! We're stopping it! Hey? Brother Claude?
"... hmm"
"That's right! Hal! Don't hang on to me!"
"That's right! We're not destined to meet you, Hal!
"Yeah! Because I'm as hard as I can be!
"Well, is Shirley destined for the book?
"Also, already! Allie!"
We can't all be dangerous fights...
"What do you think? Hull won't be able to move on, will he?
"Roy...... Ah. Let's go, then! To the lost continent!!