Vanguard of the Eternal Night
Episode 449: The Battle Against Golzola Part 1
"" "Whoa!!!!
Gorzola's words were disappointing, and me, Roy, and Will's three flew out.
We are slashed from left to right and from top at the same time.
"It's no use!
But Golzola prevented the Black Aura from occurring, and the sword does not reach Golzola.
"Inn the world, Spirit of Light. I, Thy guidance, give this life. Give me strength to pay for that oath. (PURIFI) Be Holy Purified" The Application "!
At that time, Lulu's divine magic is unleashed, covering the periphery.
"From now on..."
I've seen this divine magic itself several times, but the scope for this...
"Ha... ha... I don't care how good you are going to be"
Lulu shrugged with breath on his shoulder.