Vanguard of the Eternal Night
Chapter 469: The Light Continues into the Future
At the next moment, the light that spreads in front of you or returns to normal, and starts to move.
"... How Yarayal Chi Ninata Youdagamou Late!
With that being said, Apophis only strengthens his power with his last push.
"I... I can't be negative!!
The moment I say so, the power springs up from inside me.
This is awakening... no, it's more than that.
My hair is blonde, too.
"Whoa whoa!!
I transform the power that overflows in my body into energy. I finally know and squeeze the power.
Then, my magic emitted brings seven colors of light, and a golden light covers the area around it.
"Na, Nanda Koleja......!?
"This is the last time!! Apophis!!!!
My seven-colored light and my apophys' lacquered black light blend.
"Ku...... I ha negative ken!! Gwwwwwww!! '
"Whoa whoa whoa!!!