Versatile Mage

Chapter 230: Online Strike Down!

“Why is it dark? ”

“It's already midnight! ”

“No, no, how can I not see a little light...”

“Seems really, strangely why my stars have become so disturbed and disobeyed! ”

Under the Night's reign, the confused cadets finally realized that they were in a very strange field.

This is a dark realm, where you can't see a little light in the distance, and you can see the target within a certain range.

It's like an invisible black wall that traps them in one small chamber after another, where people can see clearly, but they don't know what's going on outside the chamber.

Soon, the chaotic battlefield was divided by this night rule. At this time, those who fought against each other suddenly realized that in this dark and dark maze, if the Shadow Demon Beast was taken away, no one would know!!

“Don't panic, this is the big magic array set up by the school long ago, not surprisingly, this is a shadow system of high-end magic that has been magnified countless times - the reign of the Night. Night rule is a very powerful dark magic that will set up a dark maze like battlefield, where all non-dark biological forces in this battlefield will be suppressed to some extent, and the power will be diminished to a large extent, which seems to be the school's fear of causing serious casualties in this chaos among those who can release intermediate magic.” said Song Xia, who joined forces with White Tibetan Feng.

Song Xia is a freshman with quite a bit of strength, and among the sorceress, she is the only one who can compete positively with the hermitage.

White Tibetan Feng and others were relieved, but when I thought that the Shadow Demon Beast might be taken away by this big black painted magic array, White Tibetan Feng immediately became anxious and said, “How do we find the Shadow Demon Beast? ”

“When I dumped the Shadow Demon Beast on you, I made a magic mark on the Shadow Demon Beast, and you followed me to find it.” Song Xia said.

“Hahaha, Miss Song is too smart, this time the Shadow Demon Beast we want to get!! ”

Nobody wants to see chaos, and the chaos eventually falls on everyone's family, as God says, in a dark battlefield dominated by night and night, each learner can play to the maximum, not to be thrown cold arrows, not to be besieged.

So, just find the Shadow Demon Beast and find the way to Train the Beast Iron Cage, and you're done!


“Damn Movan, don't let me catch him, I'll stamp him myself!!” Shen Ming smiled trapped in the dark and said angrily.

Next to Roson is a teeth cut to Movan's teeth.

This time they stabilised the winning ticket, who knew the situation would turn out like this, which is good, they don't even know where the Shadow Beast is.

“It stinks, do you smell like shone??” The people next to him said.

“I smell it too, wow, what a monster...”

“What kind of monster are you scared of? ”

“I really saw something like a monkey's ghost face climbing. ”


It was dark everywhere, and Movan himself stood still, not moving half a step.

The Shadow Demon Beast is gone, and now this vision rule is the battlefield divided into countless mazes...

I have to say, this is a great convenience for the Holy See.

Just how could Movan let them succeed!

This Great Night's Rule was an extra umbrella for their actions, but it was also a huge dark prison.

Tonight, none of them will get out of here alive!!

Night rule is a fog for many, a layer of suppression of the forbidden boundary, and combat power can be severely affected, but as a man with a shadow system, Night rule not only does not suppress Movan, but gives Movan unlimited space for movement.

It is an insurmountable wall of darkness for others, but it is the most convenient gateway to action for Movan. Using the art of shadow, Movan can easily rule the labyrinth throughout the night!!

It is clear to Movan that the primary objective of the Black Holy See must be the Dark Shadow Demon Beast, and it is imperative to find the Dark Shadow Demon Beast.

Fortunately, the Shadow Demon Beast was marked by Movan.

Naturally, it is impossible for Movan to throw the little mud falls that absorb the Holy Springs into the belly of the Shadow Demon Beast. He is simply allowing the little mud falls to break down into a small drop of Holy Springs.

Anyway, with the smell of the Holy Springs, the Black Holy See will surely do it. The purpose of seduction has been achieved, and the net has been completely dispersed. The school has created such a huge dark cage that they are completely trapped inside...

The self-assured Black Holy See will gradually rip their skins and reveal its true face under this umbrella.

Once exposed, Movan will definitely kill him instantly!!

“Little Muddy, look at you. Help me find the Shadow Monster.” Movan said to the fall on his chest.

Little mud falls are actually very spiritual and better able to understand the master's intentions.

Slightly bright lights slowly shine in small mud falls, like dark stars slowly lifted up in pitch-black night sky.

The starlight is faint, but as Movan moves, this ray of light gradually intensifies...

But if Movan walks in the wrong direction, the light diminishes again.

“When I approach the Shadow Demon Beast, the light will increase and the distance will decrease?” Movan soon learned the mystery and couldn't help but want to kiss the magical little mud drop.

Of course, Movan wouldn't think this little guy would be amazing if he knew that little mud falls just didn't want to waste a precious drop of Holy Springs.


Along the way, Movan began to look for the Shadow Demon Beast.

The labyrinth wall is set up for Movan, so that he can easily find the Shadow Beast.

“Strange, how do you keep changing directions?” Movan watched the little muddy falls of the light and darkness, a little more confused in his mind.

Movan continued, and suddenly the direction of the Shadow Demon Beast changed again.

Movan stood still and wanted to keep locking...

At this time, the light of the little mud falling is actually a little enhanced by itself!

Don't move yourself, why does the light increase!


Suddenly, a grey shadow passed in front of Movan, a leopard-shaped creature that could almost only see the outline, but whose tail sparkled brightly in darkness!!

“I'm grass. Isn't this guy tied up?” Movan opened his mouth and watched as he flew faster than the Phantom Wolf.

The Shadow Demon Beast has broken free of the locks and has fled the maze himself!

“Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo!"

Soon, a creepy voice came out, which was a familiar voice!

It's the Black Beast Demon!!

The people of the Black Holy See summoned the Black Beast demons and hunted the Dark Shadow demon beasts.

No wonder the Shadow Demon Beast ran fast and was chased by a group of stinking demons.

“Looks like the Shadow Demon Beast can beat them all up!” Movan hid in the labyrinth wall and couldn't help laughing.


Why don't we continue with four chapters today? Squeeze your monthly tickets again. How much can you vote for?

(This is chapter one!