Versatile Mage

Chapter 330: Dongting Lake Reapers

“There are scattered bodies here, so strange.” Red birds are more careful and look at scattered cadavers.

“It's normal that they will kill each other internally to compete for their own land and spouse. Let's go, we're one step closer to the treasure, hahaha, when we take down that swamp, we'll all be rich together!!” Huang Zhuosi, who had a bigger nerve, laughed.

He shouted, and the people immediately looked strangely at the woman named Lehmann.

“Idiot, you told us all the native species we were looking for. This marsh is an excellent native spiritual species, the market price is still 30 million, bad matter, strip you alive!!” Captain Liang Daham glanced at Huang Zhuosi.

Huang Zhuosi smiled awkwardly and took a deliberate look at Leaving Man, discovering that the woman had just taken a look here, seemingly not very interested in the spiritual soil species like Streaming Marsh.

Going into the valley, looking west of the valley from here, that is called the gorgeous brilliance, the sunset is a cash color, and the peristaltic things all over the place form a golden carpet, covering half the valley basin, not to mention half the mountain surface to the west, far away from the past is really like gold all over the ground!

“How many lizard-headed trolls does this take?" ”The redbird looked at the scene in amazement, not feeling magnificent, but rather numb scalp.

If they get stuck in this valley, that's the real thing, sheep in the wolves, with no chance of survival.

“Captain, are you sure we're going in?” Seeing so many lizard-headed trolls, Huang Zhuosi has backed off somewhat.

While the treasure is important, life is all for nothing.

“I… I think it's too risky.” Several others said.

“It's all here, don't worry, Red Bird, since there's a plan, there's definitely no problem.” Liang Daham took a long breath, so to speak, his expression was not easy at all.

Fortunately, this valley is big enough to hide quite a few places. Otherwise, we will break into this demonic valley, and a few lives won't be enough.


After Mann entered the valley, he broke up with the hunting magicians.

She also has some interest, but she can't go robbing other people of her native spirits, gathering information, making plans, risking her life.

Leaving Mann to follow the trail of those special bodies, the team of hunters saw her and what they were looking for, not in one direction, but with her as well.

They care more about treasures than women, they have treasures, they sell money, what women can't find?

However, shortly after entering the valley, an agile figure followed and joined the special West Photo Valley.

He looked at the hunting magician and the female magician walking in different directions, examined the body again, and eventually followed the path to the female magician...

It was this man who left the military ministry and broke into Zhang Xiaohou on the plain of Caoting Lake alone.

He actually followed a team of hammers from Biyi City all the way here, and the whole process was not noticed by the skilled hunters.

In the army, Zhang Xiaohou learned to follow and secretly execute. He is a special soldier among military magicians. This has nothing to do with the two magic faculties he has built.

“Brother Van, I'll find you soon!” When he saw the scattered corpse death note, Zhang Xiao Houteng's confidence grew dramatically.



As Mann continued her search along the corpse, she was convinced she was getting closer and closer to the reaper of Cave Lake.

Torting Lake Reapers is the most recent word from the Hunter League. Unknown massive lizard skull demons have died in many areas around Torting Lake. When people find that their death warrants are nothing short of those, they call the murderer Torting Lake Reapers.

Leaving Mann is for the military personnel who came to inspect this matter. Torting Lake has always been a sensitive and agitated area. She won't let go of any details. She fears that new ruling creatures will be born or even stronger creatures will appear. That is another major blow to Wing City!

“Strange, it feels like my legs are a little heavy. Even if I haven't been out for a while, I won't be able to fall so fast?” Walked past a swamp land from Mann and had to find a dry place to rest.

She hastily took off her boots and checked her legs.

“Damn, how could I be so careless!” Leaving Man finally discovered the reason, his legs didn't know when to stain the swamp poison, and the white jade feet turned all purple.

She was not particularly familiar with the environment and was not absolutely safe from the poisons.

“No, I strictly follow the warnings of my old teammates that all the anti-drug measures have been taken, plus my own mending, there is no reason to get this poison so easily. Is this a new toxin… what exactly is it released, so toxic!” Sitting away from Mann on a piece of sunstone, he began to grieve.

She brought all the antidotes and used them, but the horrific discovery didn't suppress the marsh poison that gradually climbed up her feet!

The swamp is a mixture of water and soil. She has used both hydrolytic and soil antidotes and they are completely ineffective.

This is a big problem!!

Mann is not afraid of demons at all, come as many as she kills.

The poison is definitely the most disgusting thing in the world. She doesn't know much about the poison itself. This time she came alone without perfect preparation, and she encountered this stubborn poison, which left her helpless.

“The hunting magicians have gone far... can't they signal for help?? The military department will send people here, but... they need to know that half of my tasks are poisoned and rescued back to the military department, that's not more laughed off big teeth, so the old guys don't like me to get mixed up with them more than the Wings!” Leaving Mann biting his teeth, he finally gave up calling for help.

She continues to experiment with various detoxification methods, yet this toxicity is far more intense than expected from Mann.

As the purple water poison gradually climbed into its knees, Leaving Man regretted his stupid decision.

This poison is quite unusual!!!

When the sky turns dark, leaving Mann feels incredibly dizzy and even trying to send a signal becomes difficult.

The signal needs architecture, the normal signal is to send the demon a signal light, leaving the whole man dizzy, panting against the stone that gets cold.

The higher the toxin climbed, the less energy she could bring up from Mann. She could not help but hear the strange screams of the Lizard Head Giant Demon surrounding her. Her eyes were not disputed to cover her.

She's not sure if this place is hidden enough, but all she can do now is pray not to be spotted by the lizard giant demon, otherwise...

“Nutrition ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~! ”

Just as she was about to fall asleep from Mann, she felt a powerful current flashing through her face, breaking through a giant lizard head monster climbing toward her and killing her instantly.

A beat away from Mann's heart.

Shall we be so unlucky to encounter a poison that even a high-ranking magician like her can't resist? Not to mention, that cave lake reaper appeared before her coma!

Thunder struck through, this is the vast majority of the death of the lizard head giant demon, she is sure that the shadow that is getting closer to her is the culprit she is looking for!!