Versatile Mage

Chapter 398: Totem Xuan Serpent VS Silver Dome Master (Bottom)

No matter how the White Legion crashes, more morale and more, they all fall to the ground as a body!!

Totem Xuan Snake stood in the sky in a fog, staring proudly at the silver dome, the dense numbness hit its legion of white eagles like rain, it didn't even look at it, thousands of white eagles did not fade its realm half, it was like a silver dome laughing foolish act, provocatively spitting red signals at it.

Aware that doing so would only kill his own people, the Silver Dome ordered the White Eagles to retreat and begin to manipulate the stormy feathers around them towards the Totem Xuan Snake.

Silver Blade was just washed away by Congressman Meng's Flame Gun for the most part, sweeping it up and drastically reducing its power. Totem Xuan Snake still stands on the cloud fog, the sharp edge leaves only light marks on its metallic snake scale, and Totem Xuan Snake still stares at the silver dome with those eyes, as if waiting for it to exhaust its solution.

Suddenly, Totem Xuan snake's body flew out, fast like a purple and black lightning bolt, and the dense field of sharp edges could not hinder it. It ejected into front of the silver dome master, biting the wings of the silver dome, and then shook it off to the ground.


There are also many people on the edge of the city who are rushing to evacuate towards the city's interior, and every city opens a safe border immediately when demonic attacks occur, which is a haven for humankind in the face of disaster.

With a limited range of security borders, it is feared that only one will be established in an urban area, and it will not be easy to evacuate completely to the security perimeter at the time of a disaster.

Looking down from the sky, the dense streets are just a small grid, and the buildings and traffic are very small, not to mention people.

The crowd looks like a whole bunch of little black dots, and only when they come together can they see that they are moving slowly, they are moving too slowly compared to the entire White Eagle Corps, and if it weren't for a layer of blue gas mist that was always on the edge of the city, these people would have turned into food in the belly of the White Eagle.

“Oh, my God, look at that. What is that?” In an evacuated crowd, several students suddenly discovered a silver creature crashing down in a chaotic sky.

Silver creature covered with feathers, feathers sharp enough to reflect the rays of the sun completely armed by silver blades, its falling wings first landed on the ground, a large part of the flat residential building near the edge of the city was smashed to pieces, rolled up the rolling smoke and scattered several blocks!

There are few more people in this western part of the city. After the silver dome was smashed to the ground, it stood with outrage and shook its own dust and scum, seemingly caring for its clean feathers.

It stood up slowly, as huge as the movie's exterminating monster, and human neighborhoods, streets, parks, hospitals, schools, bridges, were like toy models in front of it.

Humans have evacuated far away, but can still see this silver giant bird spreading its wings across much of the city, causing great visual shock and fear in the mind!!

“What's falling!” At school, a female teacher covering the student's evacuation screamed and shocked at the sky on the western edge of the city.

When it was still in the cloud sky, it was already clear that it was a blue and black snake, and as the snake fell down at an extremely fast speed, people realized that it was much bigger and much bigger than they had initially seen!!

The silver dome master is already at the level of an extinct monster. The blue and black serpent king is more than twice the size of it.

Diving down, the city streets, under the power of the Totem Xuan Snake touching the ground, suddenly grey smoke extinguished, the powder rolled up high, people in the distance could not believe their eyes!

The magic that the world has always admired seems to be beyond all power, but it does not seem to be at all on one level compared to these two giant monarchy creatures.


Movan and Ling Ling have already scared the hell out of their faces on Totem Xuan Snake's head!

This big guy is going to fight the blood of the silver dome without saying hello in advance. At least put them two little bugs down. Do you have to be so grumpy!!

Totem Xuan Snake is really a tantrum, it only has this cold-blooded silver dome in its eyes. Fortunately, this guy doesn't have a conscience yet. He knows to protect Movan and Spirit with several layers of snake scales, otherwise the impact of the two monarchs colliding can turn them into pieces!!

“Heh!!!!!! ”

Totem Xuan Snake did not give Silver Dome a chance to breathe. When Silver Dome was about to spread its wings, Totem Xuan Snake immediately threw out a long tail...

The serpent tail turned into a mountain patting towards the silver dome just off the ground, whispering in the face of the silver dome.

Once again, the silver dome was struck down, and it screamed angrily, pouring out of its mouth an incredibly horrible sound wave of destruction!!

Destroying sound waves along the city toward the Totem Xuan Snake, everything around the Totem Xuan Snake is numbered beneath the sound wave, and the hard snake scale also has a crack under the power of the sound explosion.

Totem Xuan Snake ignored at all. It was made like a cannon. Once again, the mountain's tail swung hard toward the silver dome.

It swept through the sound blast area and swept over the silver dome's claimed open eagle mouth...

The silver dome master was like a lousy singer suddenly slapped a deadly ear, the sound breaking force stopped, and his body stumbled back a few steps, stepping down a highway toll station...

“The big guy is so overbearing!!” Hiding in the armor of the Totem Xuan Snake, the Spirit's eyes flashed with the light of worship.

Movan nodded beside him.

Movan had just ascended into the sky and witnessed an entire five super-majors surrounding the silver dome master, who had beaten him to pieces.

And when the Totem Xuan Snake strikes, first let you make the Silver Dome attack it with its own domain, then bite it down and hit the ground, immediately followed by the two most brutal and direct snake-tailed slaps on the face of the Silver Dome, the Silver Dome is like a lifetime, such power in front of the Totem Xuan Snake can do nothing but scream angrily!

“A lot of people are watching!” Spirit turned back, through the height of the Totem Xuan Snake, she saw the more central part of the city, and countless people were watching the battle from afar, and their dense numbness was distributed in places with better perspectives and higher floors.

Whether it's a silver dome or a totem snake, they're too big to see the fighting between them clearly across much of the city.