Versatile Mage

Chapter 558 Wind… Wind Dishes!

“Uh-oh! ”

Before you could reflect it, a ghost body crawled very fast and caught one of the youths and dragged him a few meters away.

“Save... Save... Aaaah!!!” Before the young man could cry out for help, several crawling ghosts suddenly hit him and instantly tore him to pieces.

The other two young people were scared, pulled their legs and ran to the village.

The mud was all over the ground, and they didn't even have the guts to wipe the sewage off their wrestling faces, and they ran to the village wooden stake fence.

However, the dead were much faster than them. All of a sudden, a few rotters came up from both sides. One of the youths was caught on both sides of his arm, and all of a sudden he was split between his arms, sprinkled with fresh red blood spring water!

“Help, help!! ”

The young man shouted, barely running back to the position of the wooden stake fence, and the whole human soul was gone.

The dusk was heavier, the rain curtain was denser, and the villagers surrounded by the stakes did not know what had happened until the young man fled with the blood of his companion before the villagers realized that the village was surrounded by the so-called mutant dead spirit!!

“Dad, help me... help me!! ”

Shortly afterwards, Hung Jun, who had been caught with several blood wounds, also fled. Compared to the previous figure of a wind sorcerer, he now sentenced the two men and the young man who had just fled without distinction.

“Back off, push away!” Chelsea shouted and the blue star orbit drew out in front of him. It quickly turned into a watertight package wrapped around Hung Jun.

With a layer of water protection, Hung Jun gave a sigh of relief. He choked. “Many, many dead spirits, they... they...”

The villagers panicked and only one mutant spirit appeared. Then it is understandable why all the spirits around the village started attacking them. Are they no longer protected by the Jingshui God? Doesn't that mean that they are a herd of sheep falling into wolf territory?

“Where's Little Lo? Where's Little Lo??” Zhang Xiaohou grabbed Hung Jun furiously and cried angrily.

“I... I don't know, in the back...” Hung Jun is paralyzed there, the crowded rainwater smells!

Zhang Xiaohou threw Hung Jun away and ran straight towards the broken fence.

“Fuda, don't go! ”

“Fool, are you going to die? ”

“Mayor, Mayor, there are dead spirits climbing up!!! ”

Xiaohou Zhang wanted to pull out, but turned his head and found several extremely long clawed rotters climbing the wooden pile fence, green oil eyes staring at this village full of living people.

A hungry roar sounded, more and more dead spirits appeared at the village stake fence, the villagers looked at it all silly, they had no idea how to face these terrible creatures.


“Fuda, where are you going? ”

In the heavy rain, a weak figure appeared beside the wooden stake fence, and she turned her head and found Zhang Xiaohou rushing out.

Zhang Xiaohou suddenly grabbed hold of his foot and was delighted to see Su Xiaoluo return safely.

“You're all right, great.” Zhang Xiaohou ran over and looked a little overwhelmed.

“I lured them away with perfume, and quickly went back to the village, and we seemed to have lost the blessing of the well water god, surrounded by the dead.” Su Xiao Lola ran into the village with Zhang Xiaohou.

However, just entering the village, several ghost bodies appeared on the muddy wooden house road of the village. They tore the bodies of unarmed villagers with long claws and were greedily enjoying the villagers' guts!

Seeing this scene, Su Xiaoluo, the whole person stayed, even the wooden stake fence has not worked, and the ash trees that kept the dead soul from the distance have failed??

The village screamed, the blood mixed with rain everywhere, a familiar figure fell down, seeing that Su Xiaoluo's tears had fallen...

“What the hell is going on? ”

“What the hell is going on? ”

Su Xiaoluo cried and faced this terrible massacre, she was mentally unbearable.

Everyone in the village was like a relative to her, but now they were poured in blood, soaked in muddy water, turned into the food of the fierce, evil spirit, the skin was torn off, the flesh was eaten clean, not even a single head was let go, and numerous caves were bitten out.

For generations in endangered villages have been blessed by the well water gods. The fearless dead spirits of others are nothing more than blind animals to them. Some say they are descendants of a god, and those filthy dead spirits do not dare to attack them as god children.

But now?

Have their gods abandoned them and left these animals to trample on the lives of their devout followers??

Heavy rain poured on everyone, can't resist, like the attack of the dead spirit, brutal without any mercy!

The rain was dense, Zhang Xiaohou stood next to Su Xiaoluo, who was almost half kneeling in the mud. He looked up blindly...

“Wind... Wind...”

Su Xiaoluo looked up helplessly. Zhang Xiaohou looked like a wooden man. I don't know what he was mumbling about.

“Fuda, run away, you are not from the village, maybe our village is really cursed, those dead spirits are coming for us...” Su Xiaoluo whispered.


Zhang Xiaohou was still standing there, and Su Xiaolo did not notice that a light blue star orbit was being drawn at his feet.

However, the depiction process was very strenuous, as was the memory barrier in his brain, and the star chart was intermittent.

“Wind… wind plate!! ”

Finally, that graphic of memory came to mind!

Zhang Xiaohou's body suddenly appeared a turbulent flow. With his hands raised by instinct, the sky's rain curtain was actually twisted and turned along a spiral trajectory high-speed disk!!

The wind!!

A very strong wind was stirring the heavy rain, which was wildly absorbed into the tornado and turned into a water dragon hurricane wrapped around the coil!

“ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!! ”

The wind dragon tray appeared on the village road, and the ghosts who were massacring the villagers were immediately sucked into the huge thing.

The hurricane was moving, several thatched houses around were all pulled up, countless stacks of grass and wood were also mixed into the wind plate, and the involved dead spirits rotted in collision with the wood!!

The wind was so violent, but it didn't involve any villagers. The path was all toward those brutal dead spirits!!