Versatile Mage

Chapter 694: School Struggles

Emperor College

“Snow as a muscle, ice as a bone, 3,000 silver silk silk, dumping the country, less famous than meeting, I am honored to meet Miss Muningsnow here.” An elegant man slowly walked in and said politely.

Mu Ningxue walked by this person and didn't even look at it.

She's going to be sick and tired of hearing these old compliments, not to mention Munningsnow's lack of interest in getting to know him.

The mermaid appeared to be patient and charming, and did not care that Muningsnow was coming from the indifference of the bones. She laughed herself and quickly followed.

“In any case, we will be living and dying dependent teammates for the next year or more… I almost forgot to tell you that I am an official World Academy contender in China.” The mermaid went on to say that there was a smile on her face, as if the second half of the sentence were enough capital to pry open the iceberg beauty.

If not, Muningsnow's eyes slightly raised, and she turned her face...

The smile on the mermaid's face is even brighter.

He is also not a casual fighter, and while it is indeed very difficult to obtain this official quota, nothing is expected to be meaningless against a woman like Muningsnow, which is the most effective thing.

However, the smile on the mermaid's face quickly became stiff, as he found that Muningsnow was not looking at him at all, but at a middle-aged man walking towards him.

“Snow, come with Daddy.” Mu Zhuoyun also ignored the official fish, and his expression was somewhat condescending.

Muningsnow nodded and followed Mu Zhuoyun to a classroom.


When he arrived in the classroom, Mu Zhuoyun deliberately looked nearby to see if anyone was there, lightly sighed, and the whole person looked very gloomy.

“What's the matter?” Muningsnow asked inexplicably.

While it is true that his father has been unhappy over the years, he has rarely been exposed to such emotions and must have encountered any major problems.

“Your uncle Muha, this bastard joined the Black Holy See when he was young and became the head of the Black Holy See. This guy really disgraced our ancestral face!!” Mu Zhuoyun smashed his fist against the stone wall and his chest fluctuated violently.

Muningsnow was silent.

That's exactly what she didn't expect!

“A while ago, all the lords opened a national convention in the Golden Powder Building. Mughe's identity as the Black Holy See caused great turmoil for the entire Mu clan. Now all the lords and elder chiefs have planned to completely exclude us from the family. Our family has become the horse of the harmful group in their mouths... Alas, this is too much... I don't know what to do anymore...” Mu Zhuoyun said later has begun to have some incessance!

It's anger, more helplessness. Mu Ha's identity is what caused him tremendous damage to Mu Zhuoyun's family!

“So what do they want me to do?” Munningshebbi's imaginary calm is just a simple question.

“They want the place you won in the World Academy to give way to Mutiny.” Mu Zhuoyun sighed.

“Have they begun to embarrass themselves?” Muningsnow said coldly.

“There is also no way, who made Muha this treacherous thing is my brother, also your uncle, Bo Cheng, has shattered us, now it gives us a fatal blow... now we are all going to be judged and scrutinized, now I am not worried about how to deal with us on the world side, I am worried that the parliamentarians in the world school contest will also remove you from the quota because of your stain, then all our efforts over the years will be wasted.” Mu Zhuoyun said.

To do this, Mu Zhuoyun ran all over the family, hoping to get more resources for her daughter.

No one knows Muningsnow's cultivation talents better than Mu Zhuoyun, and if she is given enough resources, she will surely become the strongest ice magician in the country in the future.

Nor did Muningsnow disappoint him and succeed in winning the place of contention in the world academy, yet Muga's vicious attack on the archdeacon of the Black Holy See has directly wasted their years of hard work.

Even they'll lose their reputation for it!

Nobody will do business with him again, nobody will sell their feelings, the fact that the archdeacon of the Holy See is his brother will spread to everyone around him in a short time!

In the past few days, Mu Zhuoyun has already felt that the painstaking contacts have suddenly become far away. The cause of just returning to earth has fallen again. Mu Zhuoyun has collapsed a little. Haven't he suffered enough from the Bo disaster to compensate for his self-esteem? It is such a terrible loss!

“In that case, there's nothing left to say.” Muningsnow said.

“But this is a spot you can hardly get yourself…” said Mu Zhuoyun.

“Mo Ting Ying wants to replace me, let's see if she's that good! ”



In the middle of autumn, the emperor is still in the cold wind.

The heart of Teito College is home to one of the most magnificent magical duel fields, the entire site is star-shaped, covered with a black four-arc dome, which can be closed or opened, surrounded by a huge seating capacity of 50,000 people to restore the atmosphere!

This duelling field is rarely open, it is not possible to place a magic duel here without reaching a certain level!!

There is no one over the duel court, but there are about ten young magicians in the center of the duel court, standing side by side, wearing a handsome magic robe, the wind strikes, the cape rises, it's called English!

“It is a pleasure to see you stand out from so many colleges and universities, and next you will also represent the best young magicians of our entire country against the top experts of other countries. Although we can give you a very solemn ceremony to celebrate your next national experience, I would prefer this ceremony to be held when you have earned glory for our country, and by then it will be a hundred times more solemn, because you are the pride of our country.” Dean Pine Crane's voice echoed in the ears of these ten men.

President Matsutsuru was the mentor of the National Team on this trip. At the end of the contested election for the world academy this spring, it will be more than a year of national experience to greet these outstanding young magicians. Next spring and summer alternating season is their time to compete in the Venice Water Capital World School Competition!

Though these trainees are already one-of-a-kind, more than a year of national experience is also very important, which is a qualitative change for every young magician!