Versatile Mage

Chapter 807: The Great Tide Comes Soon

“You wait, you hold this for me, I'll take you to Donghai City.” Watching the moon a thousand smokers waved, directing the devil's vine entangled the Wolf's retreat, not letting Movan run away.

“Girl, what are you doing? You let me deliver the beads, I delivered them, you promised me nothing, and you want me to give you hard work.” Movan said.

“Don't you want to know about the last generation of Red Devils?” Wang Moon Chikao said.

“Go ahead, we'll go to Donghai City first, we'll talk about this later. ”

“Are you sure you want to ride this guy across Grand Tokyo? You don't have any permits.” Watching the Moon is pointing to the Sick Wolf's Way.

“I don't have one in the country either... No, he's riding the same fucking thing!” Once Movan waved his hand, he patted it on the stuffed head of the Sick Wolf.

The Sick Wolf raised his head and shouted at the blue sky, which frightened Japanese families camping nearby for a while...

“Roar, roar, roar, or you won't run away, will you? Then who, hurry up and don't take me too long! ”

The mountain curves, and the strong wolf is running at no speed. Seeing the path of Panshan, he jumps straight down the hill and leaves as quickly as possible.

“Old Wolf, remember this woman's face, she owes you an advanced warrior. ”

“Ahhhhh ~ ~ ~" Sick Wolf just thought, "I can't just whistle here, the sound will soon sink.


From Mount Seven Wings to Donghai City, it crosses more than just a great Tokyo, and it spans more than one can imagine.

Where sea breezes hit, Movan gradually discovered that the colour of the sky had also changed, presenting a dense grey colour, as if a rain would fall in no time.

“From the humidity of the sea breeze, the clouds and the air, this will be a tide, but I hope it doesn't rain...” Looking at the moon frowned and staring in the direction of East Sea City.

“What's the big tide?” Movan asked.

Chikaori University was in Tokyo. She came to Tokai City a lot of times for internships, but she didn't really like the maritime battlefield, and then went back to her family “business”.

“The higher the tide, the higher the number of sea demons, the East Sea City itself is a reclamation city, the sea water can often be submerged into the streets, and the battlefield is also an inherent neighborhood.” Wang Moon explained.

“Oh, that's funny!” When Movan heard about this fighting environment, everyone got a little excited.

City warfare, that's what I'm best at. Don't forget, I'm from the city hunting team, and my previous experience of fighting the Black Holy See is mostly in the city!

“Are you good at water combat?” Wang Moon Qiankao asked seriously.

“I'm not very good at it, and my main killing power is fire.” Movan said.

“All buildings in Donghai City are planned. When the ocean swallows the streets of Donghai City, there are waters everywhere. Mages who are not good at water warfare can stand upstairs. The building and building are not too spaced apart. Mages can travel freely. It's really hostile, but it's possible to run to a neighborhood that hasn't been swallowed up and hide in a narrow path that the sea demon can't get into...” Hope for the Moon explained some battle environments to Movan temporarily.

“I'm looking forward to hearing you say that!” Movan's fist thief has been itching lately. He hasn't had much fun fighting since he came to Japan!

“Ask them first which neighborhood.” Wang Moon Chikao said.

“Oh, oh! ”


Arriving in Donghai City, Movan saw two magnificent embankments, one tall and one short, distributed along the coastline, and just one month's tooth shape. As the white waves approached, this entire Donghai City burst into a rich magical atmosphere, feeling that different magical elements had turned into visible force fields, colorful collisions across the entire Donghai City...

The tide continued to rise, from the beginning a hundred meters away from the Dwarf embankment, naked a piece of mud and sand, gradually the sea water pounded under the low feet, each impact became a few strong points, the waves roared, the waves rained like torrential rain!

Unlike the way ancient du fought against the wall, the existence of the Dyke was purely a boundary, representing the battlefield that followed.

The Japanese did not completely reject the tide outside the city, let alone prevent the sea demon hiding in the rampage from entering the city. The whole short embankment, like a ridge, had no guard, all retreated to the high embankment and became a long line of dragons!

The embankment is the true maritime defense line of Tokyo, Japan. It is as tall as a mountain screen and as strong as steel.

Originally, Donghai City was divided into 32 blocks, each block on the roof of the building, standing several magicians, looking down from the height, the number of these magicians is just as astonishing...

The tide is definitely not the original tide of nature, the most intense tide ordinary people have ever seen, it is just a little over a dozen meters high, standing under a dozen meters high wave, you can feel the small of humans themselves.

And the tide that strikes the city at this moment, it is a demonic tide that has been sung by countless sea demons, it can easily roll over the front of the short embankment, more like a blue and white tongue, to drag the city into the sea belly!!

The rumblings came, and Movan and Wang Moon Qiankao could be heard far apart, and even the ground was trembling.

The clouds are stretching day after day, you can't see a little gap, the tide is pushing the clouds straight, it brings visual shock and mental fear far beyond the imagination of Movan...

And in the blue and white tide, you can already see a black spot, spot and spot dense numbness distribution on the rolling tide screen, it is not yet possible to know what these are in the distance, only to stand in the East Sea City will you understand, it is the sea demons who came out of the tide!!

Spectacular with trembling chestnuts!!!

If the tidal screen of the short embankment is lost, then the sea demons are stars, even standing far away can still feel that fear coming, enough to smash a strong heart into pieces!!

“Oh, my God, it's the big tide!!” I couldn't help but shout at the moon.

“Need I say, this tide is going to knock the clouds down!” Movan said in horror.

“What neighborhood is your team?? ”

“Twenty blocks...”

“Under the tide, ten blocks away will be completely swallowed, twenty blocks will probably be submerged at more than half the height of the building, and the sea demons can walk freely!” Wang Moon Chikao said.

“Are they gonna be okay?” Movan is already a little nervous.

Movan always felt that he was a man who had experienced the ancient capital havoc. He had seen the big scene, and the naval war city was nothing. But when he got to the scene, Movan realized that the war here was even more exaggerated than the scene of fighting the dead at night!!!