Versatile Mage

Chapter 887: Frozen Kisses

“Nutrition ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"

The drops fell on a middle-aged black Holy See, and shortly thereafter a black water mark appeared on the ground.

“This stuff really helped me a lot.” Mofan shook his hand and grabbed this little bottle of medicine from the Yang Qiao woman's hand. He couldn't help but praise it and testified that it was necessary to kill someone while traveling at home!

Along the way, from the Orange Tower to the underground Nest of the Black Holy See, Movan would solve some obviously lonely Black Holy Communists and then destroy the remains with this pill. The Black Holy See estimated that some of the Christians were missing, but they did not see the bodies at all and could not fully judge that someone had broken in.

So, how come the solving Negro Holy See has three or four million dollars? It's all a little money.

Movan wasn't walking aimlessly. Movan was smart enough to leave Movan with that little crystal mark along the way. Movan could find them if he followed.

This must be the nest of the Black Holy See, and then we can destroy them all by solving the poisonous change.

After finding the dungeon, Movan unexpectedly discovered that there was no guard here. It didn't matter if he walked in with such a big swing.


Mu Ningxue, Rongsheng and Guo Wenyang are all held in a very ordinary iron cell. This level of cell Mu Ningxue can come out at any time, which makes Mo Fan laugh. There are people in the Black Holy See who are so careless.

“Are you all right?” Movan asked.

“Well, thanks to Zhao Pinlin for taking us into their nest.” Muningsnow said.

“I went half a lap, there were plenty of members of the Black Holy See, and the two of us might not be able to cope.” Movan said.

“There's...” Muningsnow said.

“What do you have?” Movan asked inexplicably.

Mu Ning Xuemei clasped tightly together, and she continued to speak and found herself making no sound.

Movan looked at her face and initially thought she was just dry throat and didn't sound good, but when he found her mouth spilled a black bloodstain, Movan was thundered!!

Black blood kills!!

Movan looked at her and her whole brain felt like it was going to blow up.

He immediately used the shadow to enter the dungeon and grabbed Muningsnow's shoulder to see exactly what it was.

Black blood, even if Movan doesn't believe it, still spreads light from her lips.

“Black blood, she's spitting black blood! ”

“Help her, help her!” Both Guo Wenyang and Rongsheng shook up.

Black blood kills, they've seen it several times, and that terrible, very rapid lesion symptom can take life without even being completely fearful.

At this time, the most horrible situation occurred in Muningsnow, so close to each other, and both Rongsheng and Guo Wenyuan were completely blank.

“Snow and snow...” Movan's mind is just as confused, and this is harder to accept than what happened to him.

Why is it her, Ling Ling has already said that the possibility of poisoning them is very low, the thief God is so unhappy with her??

“Mo… where… don't panic…” Muningsnow did not know how to control slightly the rebound of black blood.

But Movan knows that this control means nothing, and in no time, Muninger will turn into a grey, black corpse. Perfect as a goddess in Movan's heart, even a little scratch on her skin would hurt a lot, not to mention turn into such a creepy dry black scorched corpse. When I think of this image, Movan's eyes are starting to become extremely bloody!

“You'll be fine, believe me, I'll kill them right now in front of the deacon in blue and force her to take out the antidote, you bear with me first.” Movan took a deep breath.

Muningsnow shook her head so desperately that she had a very cold smell that it adhered tightly to her and constantly poured into her vascularly visible skin.

The cold was getting stronger and stronger, and Movan found that Muningsnow's entire face had been frozen green and white.

“What are you doing?” Movan looked at her and her heart burned.

“Frozen... freeze yourself... Movan, don't panic, remember when you were in the temple of Ming Ming?” Muningsnow's body is frozen from layer to layer, both on the body's skin and inside.

This is the only way Muningsnow can think of. This horrible poison changes the circulation of human blood and piles it up in a fragile area of the blood vessels. Then it erupts like a volcano mouth and becomes a black blood surge. When all the black blood flows dry, the body functions will be further severely damaged and horrible black and grey lesions will occur...

What Muningsnow can do now is seal his body's ice and make the circulation of blood incredibly slow.

She can't freeze the blood completely, that's no different from a dead person, she just slows down the circulation of the body and the poison spreads based on the blood circulation of the human body, which can delay the time of death.

Mu Ningxue did not think that she was “next”. She looked at Movan worried about her nervousness, but somehow a little comfort appeared in her heart. Few people could see this disgraceful man's anxiety as irrational. This concern could not be disguised.

“Ming Temple?? Remember, remember, don't remember, I don't want to do anything with you.” Movan said emotionally excited.

“Listen to me first...” Muningsnow said seriously, at this moment, her cheeks were covered with frost, and she became stiff when she spoke, "I will be fine in a short time, I sealed my blood vessels with ice. ”

Movan looked at her, listening to her voice getting weaker and weaker, and she felt her heart cut with a knife, one piece at a time.

“Movan.” Muningsnow has turned into an ice man, but her eyes are shaking, like there's something important to say.

Both Rongsheng and Guo Wenyang stood aside and could clearly feel that Mu Ningxue must have been in his heart for a long time.

Say don't live or die, but that's it!

However, Muningsnow was just about to open up, Movan suddenly thousands, one hand behind her already cold neck, head slightly lower, biased, not at all concerned about that black toxic blood, heavy with his own lips Muningsnow began to freeze on the cold lips of purple...

Movan thought about how Muningsnow's lips smelled soft, moist, and smooth, but at this point he felt cold, dry, and stiff, like kissing a beauty with an ice seal who wasn't a little angry.

Lip split, Movan stared at Muningsnow and said harshly: "If you really have anything important to say to me, just wait until you wake up. Like me or hate me, I'll concentrate. ”

After all, Muningsnow did not say anything, she froze her throat, and at this moment she was able to have some physical function, only those bright and sincere eyes, reflecting Movana's arrogant and wandering face.

The body is frozen and even any emotions are weakened to the extreme.

But Muningsnow believes that if the heart were still normal, it would probably accelerate at this point.
