Versatile Mage

Chapter 928 Disaster, Bird Tribe

“It doesn't matter." Ling Ling gave Movan a very definite answer.

“Why? ”

“Time is passing, time backwards and time standstill are not founded, and there is no magic that can make time unusually pass away. The liquid of time is a kind of term. Perhaps it can have some effects similar to time change, such as causing certain plants to grow and keep women young forever...” Ling Ling seriously explained to Movan.

What that means is, you have to believe in science, you don't have to speculate!

Movan had to put things away and go back to sleep.



Without spending too much time in Hamish, the crowd went directly to the Peruvian embassy, Castel Royal Felipe.

Arriving in Lima by plane, the crowd did not have the will to do any tours and shopping, and rushed to continue to arrive by car at the Royal Castle of Felipe on the coast of Cayao.

Royal Felipe Castle is situated on the beach facing the vast Pacific Ocean, and Movan looks down as he flies, seemingly seeing this magnificent castle.

Looking down from the air, the castle takes on the shape of a pentagram, but each corner is not a triangle, but a bow-shaped corner, entirely surrounded by thick walls and, most importantly, a large castle.

Peru, like Japan, is frequently harassed by sea demons, and the main purpose of the Royal Castle of Felipe is to serve as a command and strategic centre for the entire west coastline of Peru, after all, not far from Lima, the capital of Peru!

Now in the quiet season, the Xihai An Line in Peru is relatively calm, and local news reports do not mention the sea monster half a word, which is great news for Peru. After all, they are not like the chicken thieves in Tokyo, Japan, which has developed the sea monster attack into a way to collect money. For their country, sea monsters are natural disasters, affect fishing, affect urban safety and affect crop growth...

Arrived at the Royal Castle of Felipe and identified himself, the guard guard at the gate was courteous enough to take everyone into the castle.

“Hi, I'm Royal Mage Austo here, and I'm glad you're here in Peru.” A darker man walked over and looked at everyone smiling and seemed polite.

“Hello, we are Chinese state champions, come and get the National Palace Chapter.” Ejiangtu said directly.

“Aren't you going to take a break?” The Royal Mage Austo said.

“No, we didn't need it. We just got some rest.” Ejiangtu said.

“Well, I'll arrange it, you guys come with me. ”

Austo took everyone outside. In fact, by the time he walked into the Royal Castle of Felipe, he could already see the Big Test Square in front of the fortress. After Austo the Royal Mage sent people to open the junction, the whole Test Square was separated by a water curtain, which looked like a large fountain square.

The players from the Peruvian National Palace arrived shortly after, and there were about eight or nine of them, either dark or white.

“These are young strong men from the East, and I hope you will excel.” Austo laughed.

The competition was simple, both sides chose three players for team rivalry, and Ae Jiangtu assigned Li Kai Feng, Mu Ting Ying and Guangxi to fight.

Peru's overall strength is general. None of the three people assigned arrive at the upper echelons, although there are so many natural talents that they combine their eggs...

Fixing it up is crushing it, the whole game is simple and easy without any suspense.

“You are strong indeed, but please don't rush away, we hope to consult with you more.” Ottos didn't think losing was a strange thing either, naturally speaking to them.

“Yes, we also need some training.” Ejiangtu replied.

“Of course, it doesn't make much sense for our players to confront your players. I hope it's you who picks a few people, we pick a few people, and we mix them up.” Ottos said.

“It's okay. ”


Six against six, three Peruvian players on this side and three Peruvian players on that side.

Everyone was in position, just at the beginning, suddenly a man in military uniform, like black iron, walked out of the fortress, he was beside about five or six people, there were men and women, and from the way they dressed, they were all in status.

“Like a general or something!” Jiang Shaoxiang saw the medal on the man's chest and whispered.

“Oh, General Mort, are you interested in watching the young man play?” Austo greeted him immediately, looking very respectful.

“I'm not interested.” General Mott replied coldly.

The royal magician, Austo, was embarrassed for a while and didn't know how to answer.

General Mort turned a blind eye to Movan, the yellow-skinned Asians, and said, "Are you government players? ”

“Yes, they are indeed government players, from China.” Austo replied instead.

“I didn't ask you.” General Mott seemed a little unsympathetic.

The more embarrassing Austo gets, what happened to General Mott today?

“We are Chinese state champions. What can I do for you, General?” Ejiangtu feels this person is not very friendly, and his tone is not good enough to go anywhere.

“You must have done something stupid in our country. Follow me to the lookout tower!” General Mott said in a very strong tone.

Everyone was confused. Why is he so unfriendly?

“Gentlemen, go to the observation tower, as the general said.” Austo laughed and kept his courtesy and grace.

Follow the general to the observation tower.

The lookout tower is high enough to look out to the far ocean, or to bring dozens of kilometres of coastline to the bottom of both sides… including the blue sky without a cloud.

General Mott's face was still black, and when the state staff arrived, he pointed in the direction of the long north coastline and the long sky, saying in a murderous tone: "Look what you did. If the people on the Hamiltown side hadn't intercepted your news from me, I don't even know who to look for. You've caused our country so much trouble, you know! ”

Movan got angry for a while. What does this general mean, he's out of his mind and he's scolding everyone?

His temper couldn't stand other people's high toes. When he was about to scold the past, Zhao Manyan held on to Mofan, and then pointed stiff at the sky...

Movan looked down and gradually discovered that a large cloud had appeared in the northern sky.

The whole blue sky is as clean as the sea, the clouds suddenly burst into the sky to make it look particularly prominent, preferably they are not white, but blue and green!!

The sky emeralds were so unnoticeable at first that it was not until they were heavily cloud-intensive and covered a large part of the sky that people finally found something very strange there.

“My God, it's them again!!!” Jiang Yu screamed.


It's those freaky birds!!!

When they were in Gobi, they became legions, who knew that in Peru's capital city, these strange birds had come to kill for nothing!

This is not the scariest place, given the vastness of the cloud, this time the number is almost ten times higher!!

The clouds are much bigger than they were in Gobi, and the clear sky seems to be covered by them. The sound came from hundreds of kilometers away, but it was also like lightning, getting clearer and sharper!!!

“A tribe, it's a tribal demon in the air! ”

“Too many, too many! ”

Austo looked a little stuck, and the other followers screamed and shouted, "My God!"

Ae Jiangtu, Jiang Yu, Mu Tingying, Zu Jiming, Nan Yu and others are even more foolish to see!!

Why is this happening and why is this happening?

From dozens to hundreds, from thousands to nearly 10,000, and from nearly 10,000 to 100,000 tribes today, where exactly did these weird birds come from, and what are they, infinitely so incremental?!

The last time you were in Gobi, you couldn't describe the horror of being attacked by a bunch of weird birds, and this moment is even more blank.

Tribes, a whole lot of undefeated, 100,000 demons!!!

“What the hell did you do to kill this weird bird and the whole tribe?" ”Mofan questioned.

This is really not a joke, this is going to turn into a disaster. If the city of Lima is attacked by 100,000 demons, it's a direct alarm!

“We... we didn't do anything!” Jiang Yu said.

“I don't care what you've done. Now get out of this city, now!” General Mott's voice growled even more this time.

“What do you want us to leave??” Mo Ting Ying looked at the general incredibly.

“General, if these kids go out there, there's no way out.” Osto said hastily.

General Mott's gaze was so cold that he couldn't even move Austo.

“You mean to make sacrifices to the generals of our country, you know how many soldiers these freaky birds can kill us!!” Mott said angrily.

Austo was silent, but he finally felt that driving these Chinese players out at this time was very inhumane and would tie them to a tall cliff wooden shelf and wait for the vultures to eat in the sky!!

“I won't say it again, if you don't leave, I'll have to kill you and throw you out!!” General Mott turned his eyes to the others and his eyes were filled with killing intentions!