Versatile Mage

Chapter 969: Treacherous Temple Mage

Movan couldn't be happier, because five seconds before this call, it was still this number, but it was an international signal in three English, translated into Chinese is -- help!!

But before Movan could return to God from that stunner, this phone call, in a slightly understated tone, with a tone that seemed merely lonely and scared, raised Movan's alarm.

Mofan sent a text message to show you that Zhao Manyan was just going to continue | but immediately shut his mouth.

“What's going on? ”

“Soul control, the guy manipulated Lee Yu-ee, trying to use her to lead me into the trap he set!” Movan said with great certainty.

Although there was not much contact with Li Yu-e, it was clear that she was a very optimistic and strong person, and that was basically impossible to say from her mouth.

Of course, without this strange text message before, Movan would just find it strange, but with this reminder, Movan soon associates himself with Pei Li, who must have taken control of her!

This executioner is really poisonous and evil!

“What should we do now? She could be in danger.” Zhao Manyan said.

“Don't panic, Perry should be afraid to do something to her for now. I told her on the phone that I would call her when I got to the hospital, so she'll be fine before I call her back.” Movan said.

Movan's reaction speed is also divine. If he doesn't say so, maybe after this call, Pei Lee will kill Lee Yu Eun!

“Shall we inform the Temple Mage?” Muningsnow said.

Movan and Spirit shook their heads, and they didn't want the Temple Mage to handle it.

Obviously, Pei Lei had a close relationship with the Temple Mage before, and when the Temple Mage appeared, he must have fled without a trace.

They must deal with this executioner in New York, or else they will suffer infinitely in the future, and the Temple Mage will only frighten the enemy away.

“The guy thinks he's a hunter, hiding in the dark, trying to take my life anytime, then I'll show him who's hunting who!” Movan said coldly.



It will be late at night, not even the main road can see too many vehicles, occasionally a whirring sports car slides past a brilliant light, accompanied by strange screams that the racing party thinks attract the attention of the whole city, not knowing that it only sounds like garbage.

Orange yellow lights illuminated the appearance, and several nurses walked on high heels after work at night, making the laughter extraordinarily clear.

The light dragged a long figure, and one of the nurses glanced at the man and suddenly found him disappearing from the blind area of the light between the two street lights, mysterious and evil.

When I arrived at the hospital, the lights were mainly white. Movan stood in front of the hospital and found that there were far fewer people here than during the day after night. Plus, the United States was not as densely populated as China, and even the hospital lobby seemed empty.

This is a good thing, otherwise it will be extremely difficult to fight and disperse.


On the fifth floor, Li Yu-e lay on a white hospital bed with her eyes on the ceiling.

By the window, Pei Li, dressed in a different outfit, opened the curtains and looked out, not looking too anxious.

He's got to be patient. He missed this one anyway. Next time!

“Why did you have to kill him?” Li Yu-e raised a question.

“Little girl, you don't seem very scared.” Pei Li turned her head and the smile on her face was gloomy.

“I've fallen into your hands, and I'm afraid it won't help.” Li Yu-e said.

“You are a rare ordinary man. Oh, by the way, if you don't sell drinks, you can probably be a psychic magician. You're almost 20 years old. Don't you ever know you're actually a very talented person?” Pellet walked back to the hospital bed, bored, picked up the apple next to her, and slowly grinded it with a fruit knife.

“I know, but I don't like it.” Li Yu-e replied.

“Interesting.” After Pei Li chopped the apple, he cut it in half, handed it half to Li Yu-el, and sent half to his mouth.

Li Yu Er was not worried about anything, chewed up.

“I have no grudges with the boy, just orders to act. He has offended the least deserving person.” Pei Li said very casually.

“Who?” asked Li Yu-e.

“Oh, you better not know, this guy... you know it doesn't do you any good.” Pellet said.

“I'm dying and talking about what's good and bad.” Li Yu-e said.

Pellet looked at her and couldn't help but laugh.

“I find you really interesting. However, I must remind you that death is not really the most terrible thing, that a lot of the people who annoy that person, they spend their whole lives praying for her, letting her give them a death, as long as it makes them comfortable to die, blade loved ones they are willing to do it. Are you sure you want to know about this guy?” Pellet said.

“Forget it. However, I saw a large round scar on the back of your hand, with many marks, which seemed to be broken in the back, but it seemed to be a diagram of the back of the Temple Master's hand. Were you a Temple Master?” Li Yu-e continued.

Pei Li raised his hand and glanced at the back of his right hand.

He hated the pattern. In order to remove him, he tried to stab his hand in the back, but even if his face was gone, the girl still recognized it. Pei Li can be sure that if the girl were willing to become a magician, she would be a pretty good psychic magician, without any awakening, the insight could be so outstanding!

“That's my shame.” Pei Li looked up at the ceiling lane.

“Many are proud to be Temple Mages.” Li Yu-e said.

“So most of the world is dull... pity that I was part of this group once, so little doubt about their faith, I gave them half my life, shouldered responsibilities that were not my own, only expected them to take care of my daughter. They didn't do it, the mighty Temple of Liberty, the mightiest magician in the world, and they couldn't even protect a girl your age.” Pei had a smile on his face, and when he was describing these things, he didn't have any pain in his face, not even his tone of voice was excited.

But in this Li Yu 'er's view, it is not how calm his emotions are, but rather a manifestation of jealousy to the extreme!

“What happened?” Li Yu-e asked.

“I had a daughter, and I did everything I could to care for her, to watch her grow up, and the day she was elected to the Temple of Patnon, she made me more ecstatic, more proud and proud than the day I entered the Temple of Liberty and became a temple magician myself. I also had a superior who made a mistake and the temple didn't want him to be punished, so I always saw him as a big brother and I was willing to take all this on his behalf. I was expelled from the temple, and I was abandoned by a painstaking cultivation. My boss promised me that he would make my daughter a supreme magician, surpassing my little temple member, and I believed in him, willing to be a man without any power, even cleaning up New York Avenue, and I thought it was all worth it.

“But then one day, there was something that wanted my daughter dead, dragged her into the abyss of death, and she couldn't spare her soul. I begged my boss to save her. He didn't do it! I personally fought the thing that killed my daughter, but I didn't have a hint of magic. At that moment, do you know how much I yearned for my magic to come back to me, in the cries of the closest of kin, lying beside me like a worthless old dog, watching all this happen...” Pei Li's expression still hasn't changed much, it's a little weird and scary.

Li Yu-e was silent, she didn't know what the magician's world was like, but she could feel an unprecedented cruelty while listening to Pei Li's descriptions!

“The man, who restored my magic, even made me stronger than before. So you think I'd refuse a simple request from that man to kill a kid?” Pellet said.

Li Yu Er was just about to speak, when the phone suddenly rang.

Li Yu-e connected at the fastest speed and was about to shout into the phone. However, Pei Lee was faster than Li Yu-e. She had not shouted yet, and her eyes had lost their normal splendor, carrying holes and mune.

“Are you here?” Li Yu-e asked.

“I'm here, you're in the hospital bed.” Movan asked.

“Fifth floor, this one at the end of the hallway. Are you coming alone? ”

“Yeah, do you want to see me and bring me a big light bulb?” Movan laughed.

“Well, just when the hospital got to this point, there was basically no one there, I hung up first...”

“Relax, I don't know the way. I'm on the fifth floor. You said at the end of the hall, which one is this one, on the right or on the left. There are two. I don't want to go wrong.” Movan said.

“There's only one room with the lights on.” Li Yu-e replied.

“Oh, didn't you always go out in the ward? How do you know there's only one?” Movan said.

Pei Li, who was manipulating Li Yu 'e's wisdom, stunned. He immediately realized what he was doing and turned around.

A black sword nail flew towards Pei Li all of a sudden. Pei Li had no idea when this Movan guy had arrived. He was still on the phone...

The studs are extremely confined, even if they are repaired like this, if they are all stabbed in the body, they will be suppressed by the forces of darkness to read half the magic.

Most importantly, Pei Li has been talking to Li Yu Er just now, remembering his bad past, but has not noticed the unknown darkening of the light, and the entire hall and ward is filled with an unpredictable dark smell!

Night rule!

Under Sinoe's reign, the giant studs changed into stud darkness arrays. Pei Li dared not to stay in this room for another half a second, and as soon as he turned around, he ran out the window!