Versatile Mage

Chapter 978: Causes of Drowning


Ling Ling took the jellyfish maggots back. Around midnight, Ling Ling Ling called Mofan, Muningsnow and Bobby to the sea again. She had a very small tablet on her hand, with a red dot on it, in the middle position.

“What are you doing?” Bobby saw Spirit open the box and put that perfectly clear jellyfish maggot in the water.

Jellyfish maggots are invisible to the naked eye on their hands, and once put into the water, they are completely integrated with the sea water!

“Those who drowned did not detect any poison, parasitic demons, or signs of curse because the jellyfish maggots could not be seen once they were in the water!” Ling Ling said.

“You mean, in fact, every person who drowns has this maggot in their body, and they're under some kind of mental control, and they drown in the ocean, and soon these maggots come out of these dead bodies and go into the ocean??” Movan said.

“Yes, in fact, many maggots will be much bigger than this one, and those who drown will shrivel in a short period of time, as if all the energy of the body had been drained, and because these maggots, which absorb a lot of nutrients, have left their bodies, all the nutrients of their bodies have been drained completely, so they become those horrible images.” Ling Ling said.

Ling Ling knew that the three of them were still confused about the matter, so he gave them a thorough account.

“First of all, this maggot is a terrible parasitic demon that lives in sea water, tiny as some plankton, and easily enters the living body, for example, through the mouth, nose and ears of humans. It should have been earlier that the maggots had not yet emerged as the kind of maggots that could survive in the human body, and it had only gradually evolved in recent decades. Maggots enter the human body, adhere to the vicinity of the stomach, and consume nutrients and food crazily. And so, those who were drowned began to have a huge increase in their appetite, which was tantamount not only to consuming their own energy, but also to feeding this maggotic embryo in their bodies. ”

“Maggotic embryos are becoming more mature in humans, no longer satisfied with food, not satisfied with this intake of energy secretly in a tiny receptacle that needs to be replenished in the vast ocean. At this time, maggots began to encroach on people's bodies, pumping most of their important physical functions onto themselves, which is a stock of sea trips. These terrible little things then send a spiritual control to the drowned, forcing them to go to places with water, especially the ocean..."

“Once in the ocean, fat maggots are drilled out of the human body, and this drill, it can be said, suddenly takes up all the energy in the drowning man's body, and then dies and atrophies in just a few seconds, and then these clear evil little devils swim into the ocean and start their new lives with pleasure! ”

Ling Ling explained to the three of them in great detail the whole process of implantation, parasitism, growth and disengagement of the maggots, which made Bobby, who often went to the sea to swim, feel shaky and cold, and his stomach began to cramp in position, as if there was a terrible bloodsucker lying inside.

“What a horrible creature, under normal circumstances it cannot be prevented!” Muningsnow said.

Demons are strange, there are sea demons, mountain beasts, dead bodies, strange stumps, more parasitic demons like maggots, they are often invisible to the naked eye, the characters of the little devils in the big life forms, silently take their lives!

“I've analyzed it carefully. This jellyfish maggot is divided into two forms. The first form is the parasitic incubation period that I just described to you. Jellyfish maggots are actually quite weak in this period. If they bump a little, they die, and the survival rate in the human body is not really very high, so even if jellyfish maggots swim into the human body, they don't necessarily get drowned, they don't necessarily die. But succeeding in reaching the kind of jellyfish maggots that can manipulate the human spirit is similar to the late stage of cancer, basically hopeless, kills the maggots, the drowned body instantly takes time, without killing the maggots, it is tantamount to rushing to the sea to commit suicide. ”

“The second form, the way they control the way they kill a foster body and enter the ocean, is actually the equivalent of a baby just hatched out of an egg, which needs to be gradually preyed upon and grown in order to become fully shaped...” Spirit said.

“What are their complete shapes??” Movan asked.

“That's what I'm going to do now, and I've analyzed this jellyfish maggot larvae, and they don't have any vaccine tissue on them, so I guess it's only when they've gone through a second form, and they've grown into a complete body, that kind of vaccine tissue is possible.” Ling Ling said.

“If the vaccine tissue could be extracted and the International Magic Society injected immediately in all the major countries, would no one ever be parasitized by such maggots or drowned?” Muningsnow said with a few glittering eyes.

Mu Ningxue saw the power of the Spirit when she was in Chongming Island. I didn't think she could even analyze such a complicated international drowning case so clearly. This made Mu Ningxue not only lament, but also wonder where Mu Fan came from such a super think-tank, at a young age, the intelligence was too exaggerated, right?

“So you just let that guy go and want him to grow up in the ocean?” Movan asked.

Ling Ling nodded and shook the small tablet on his hand, opening: “I have injected a tracking mark on it, wherever it swims, I can find its exact location...”

“So what are we going to do now, just wait quietly until the little devil turns into a complete body?” Movan asked.

“What we have to do now is the hardest part.” Ling Ling said.

“Tracking?” Bobby asked.

“Tracking is much easier than this. We must then ensure that this maggot, which we have only tracked, grows healthy and healthy. As I said, this maggot is horrible and terrible, but it leaves the host, which is actually very fragile. This maggot mortality rate, which swims into the ocean, is very high and can evolve to very few in its entirety... so we must not only track it, but also protect it and ensure that it grows safely and safely!” Ling Ling said with a few smiles on his face.