Versatile Mage

Chapter 991 Disappearance of Nanjin

Keep moving forward, Movan, almost every 100 meters you walk out, look back carefully at Muningsnow's location to make sure you're not going too far.

It has to be said that this desert enchantment is indeed quite bizarre, and every 100 meters turns around and finds itself targeting a different place. On several occasions, Movan feels that Muningsnow should have been right behind him, but there is a big way out, and that feeling is like Muningsnow is always moving in parallel.

In fact, Muningsnow did not move, she stood on the dune, and every time a whirlpool of fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted fitted,

Unconsciously, Movan had walked a kilometer, and in the face of the endless red yellow sand around him, he had a sudden feeling of confusion.

Except the sky was blue, everything around her was hard to tell, even Movan felt like he was walking back to the sand dune where Munningsnow was, because the sand dune in front of him was so similar, if it hadn't been for the occasional bucket cassette signal to tell Movan that she'd been there all along, that Movan would really think he'd gone around a big circle.

No wonder a lot of people get lost, without flags, coordinates, references, and go into pure darkness.

The yellow color of the desert, the sandy sands of the desert, the hills of the desert, these are repeated, walking over and over again, when the surrounding scenery is always these, endless, there is no difference between going into a dark place with no fingers, completely lost, not even knowing if you are circling or walking in a straight line.

The scariest thing is that the comms here are basically jammed. When Movan walks out about 500 meters, the comms are starting to get ugly. If the team doesn't discuss how to signal beforehand, they will probably never find each other again.

Movan roughly estimated the distance and then took Muningsnow as the center for this kilometre-wide search.

After about half an hour of walking, Movan finally found something other than Huang Sha.

It was a sandfox, passing by itself timidly, and Movan looked over to where the sandfox had just passed, and found that there was a light green thing buried in the sand.

Walk there, sweep the upper sand, and Movan pulls a light green tent out of the sand.

Seems to have been severely windswept, the tent is somewhat torn apart and surrounded by water storage bags and food that some hunters often use when they go out, presumably someone has stayed here some time ago.

And of course, it's possible that these things got caught up in that mighty dust storm, and in fact those people's camps are a long way from here.

However, it is now at least certain that the African cadets are in this generation, and they lost touch about a day and a half ago, if they had some brains, I hope they have not gone far.

“There's no other clue about the broken tent. Alas, I hope this is a crossover. Otherwise, you can't even see the broken tent when their real rescue team gets here.” Movan picked up the green tents and put them up with tent sticks, barely turning them into a green flag.

After finishing this mark, Movan began to return. What made Movan extremely confused was that Movan thought that Muningsnow should be in his six o'clock direction, but the wind wind that rolled up the casket was at the twelve o'clock position. It was completely 180 degrees off. This was too exaggerated. If he had just gone by his instincts, he would have taken the opposite direction altogether.

Returning to Muningsnow, Muningsnow looked at Movan and said, “This desert is a little strange. ”

“It's not just weird, I'm lost in a bit of a heartbreak, and I can't believe that no one with such a good sense of direction has ever locked the right place.” Movan said.

“Go back to Jiang Shaoxuan first.” Muningsnow said.

Jiang Shaofu also kept the signal released. You can quickly see the light magic signal released by Jiang Shaofu a kilometer away.

If you find Jiang Shaofu, you can see Jiang Yu.

To be honest, each of them is in a different position from the chess pieces scattered across the board in Movan's eyes, where they are a long dragon formation, but the facts show that they are indeed a straight line of six-continuous beads.

“Come on, go to Zhao Manyan and we'll see Nanjin. Honestly, I don't want to spend a second in this shithole. I always feel like Jiang Yiu is in a constantly changing position in front of me.” Zhao Manyan said.

“I feel the same way, but none of us have moved.” Jiang Shaoxiang nodded his head.

“Why doesn't Nanju send a signal yet? Didn't he say five minutes at a time?” Jiang Yu said.

It has been five minutes since everyone reached Zhao Manyan, according to reason, the signal of Nanxun should also be lit, but there is no reaction from Nanxun outside the stray boundary.

“By the way, it's been ten minutes...” Zhao Manyan muttered.

He was just saying, after all, his position is more than a kilometer into the desert obsession. Even without Nanju, he can walk out of the desert obsession with feeling, but Nanju didn't send the signal according to the strict agreement, which is really a bit of a panic!

Everyone continues to wait at this point in Zhao Manyan, but after 15 minutes, there is still no response from Nanxun!

“Will she fall asleep? ”

“Nanjo can't make such a childish mistake, she could be in trouble!” Movan said with great certainty.

Nanju and Ejiangtu are both from the military, they are very disciplined, and since it was agreed to release a signal in five minutes, they will not differ by half a second.

Fifteen minutes without any signal, which could very well indicate what kind of trouble she was in!

“Let's get over there and see, though it's the periphery of the Sahara, it's just as terrible.” Jiang Shaoxiang said.

Everyone nodded and ran immediately in the direction of Nanxi.

About 300 or 400 meters out, Movan found that Jiang Shaofu had not moved, which made Movan very confused, turning his head and shouting to Jiang Shaofu: “What are you standing for? Go! ”

“Did you look forward and see the yellow sand or did you bring the red sand?” Jiang Shaoxiang went straight to everyone's ears with the voice of his heart.

Jiang Shaoxiang cautioned that people only noticed the color of the sand.

Mofan glanced at the very flat sand, like a lake lit by golden yellow, orange red sunset, a little further away, is a stand-alone hill, this hill Mofan remembered rarely when they walked from Jiangyu position to Zhao Manyan position!!

“Yellow sand... Shit, we're going the wrong way!” Jiang Yu spoke loudly.

“That's right, that's the direction. I remember Nanjin was this way. The last time I sent a signal, I specifically remembered it.” Zhao Manyan said with great certainty.

“You fly to high ground.” Movan said.

Zhao Manyan summoned the wing magic, flew to a higher place and looked down at the sand from above. This whole piece of yellow made Zhao Manyan artificially cold!

At this altitude, you can already see a few kilometers away, but where is the shadow of Nanbu??

If you can't see Nanju, forget it. The scariest part is that this circle of sand is a few kilometres across, all in red!!

He Zhao Manyan has never moved a position at all. He is at most one kilometer from Nanju, outside the desert boundary. According to theory, one direction will always be out of the desert boundary, but now there is none!!

As he fell from the air, Zhao Manyan's face changed.

“Nanxun is missing...” Zhao Manyan said.

Before everyone could panic, Zhao Manyan continued, “I look from the height, we are a few kilometers round here through red sand, we have completely fallen into the desert fantasy! ”

Zhao Manyan's words made everyone's heart sink, Jiang Yu had some unbelievable calls to call out the night rush, so that the direction of the night rush can be distinguished.

Finally, the night rush returns without success!

“So... where are we now? ”

“We are lost. Once the people who stand outside the boundaries do not give us directions, we cannot find a way out. This is not a question of choosing one of the four directions to step out of. As long as there is no very obvious sign, we will be lost.” Muningsnow said.

“Should this place be so evil? ”

“Stop it, I'm getting goosebumps. ”

Movan turned her head and glanced at Jiang Shaoxiang's position.

Jiang Shaofu did not move, it is good to say that Jiang Shaofu deliberately kept an eye on him. He stayed where Zhao Manyan had stayed while everyone went to find Nanfu. That is, Jiang Shaofu's position should now be the closest point to getting out of and out of the boundary. As long as everyone returns there, it will not get deeper and deeper.

The scariest thing about getting lost is that even if you go forward, you can't figure out if you're going backwards, and when you think this path is wrong, you want to go back to that more reliable place, but you can't find it anymore, the deviation is getting bigger...

Everyone hurried back to Jiang Shaoxiang's position and could see that kind of incomprehensible panic and anxiety from their faces.

First of all, where did Nanju go, why didn't they stay outside to give you guidance signals? They were in a long line of dragons. When the dragon tail disappeared, they were totally caught up in the desert obsession.

Secondly, how exactly are they going to proceed, choosing one direction or staying where they are?