Versatile Mage

Chapter 1125: The Warrior!


We never believed in endless things!

Like Jeroah, his chaos system is not called invincible, it can carry all the magic of destruction, but in the end it was destroyed by a giant claw of thunder.

Nascar paintings, they also seem endless, but in fact the vast majority are symbolic and illusory.

Likewise, the Egyptian summons of the dead can never be endless, except that Greece and Britain did not hold on and were consumed by the Egyptians with true willpower!

Even with one more Shreve, Movan kills these spirits as quickly as he can, he has dealt with them too much, he has no fear of the spirits at all, he has a good understanding of the characteristics of the spirits, he knows what magic can strike them to destruction, and what magic is better suited for restriction.

Movan's basic work is quite solid. His initial magic has already reached the realm of wavering. In this dense, numb, invisible and endless group of dead spirits, the more advanced magic works, because under the siege, it is difficult for a magician to have the opportunity to perform. Once a painstaking constellation is interrupted, the magic consumes as much as it does, but no power is visible.

So beginner magic and intermediate magic are the keys to battle!

“Thunderprint!! ”

Movans took a thunderbolt stance, with a strong paralytic thunderbolt arc, passing wildly on each of the indulgent red mummies around them, making their bodies difficult to move.

After possessing the tyrant's wild thunder, Movan's primary magic power is actually equivalent to the intermediate skill of many common magicians. Thunderprints can be freed at will, and the magic consumption can be negligible. Though it cannot kill the inhospitable red mummy, it can be used as an incredibly powerful control, and a few more thunderprints can be released. Those arcs are constantly passed on the target, and repeatedly can cause enormous damage to these inhospitable red mummy!

“Death! ”

With a punch, Movan felt a grave appear and decisively destroyed it directly.

If you want to slow down, there must be dozens of indulgent red mummies climbing out of it. This fierce punch is just the end of the net!

“Uhh!! Uhh!!!!!! ”

Inhogany mummies have an amazing ability to jump, and as a new batch of mummies rush in, they are either raging, jumping high, or coming down from the ground, they want to do everything they can to get close to Movan.

“Stand down!! ”

Movan was covered in silver light, and his mind turned into a powerful shock and regurgitation field, bombarding all the mummies. All the mummies were shocked out, and many of their companions were smashed when they landed!

“A thousand fires! ”

The flame is divided into a thousand layers of fire candles, which fly out like feathers and explode immediately upon touching any mummy!

A burst of hierarchy, like fireworks, suddenly erupted around Mofan, but with a strong sense of destruction.

Movan recently practiced this fire, combining the first-stage magic flames-burst with Xiao Yanxi's thousand layers of flame feathers, more than doubling the power.

Mofan's fire burst is already level 4, the bursting power is astonishing. This fire burst is equivalent to a thousand fire magicians simultaneously carrying out first-degree fire magic. This is not particularly effective against high-order magicians, it is not powerful enough, the destruction is not powerful enough, but it is used against these mummies, it is a magic.

The power of the burst can strike a red mummy, and such a dense burst, the same mummy will surely be affected many times, basically even the body will not be found!


“This guy, the fighting power is so horrible, he killed all our dead spirits.” Shreve knotted his tongue and stared at Movan.

Myos is also a little stuck, this guy is like a cadet, it's like a battlefield killing machine, so many dead spirits surrounded him, he actually stamped him all.

“He also uses mostly intermediate and beginner magic, full of magic. ”

“Call again, don't let him near!” Mios looked ugly.

“But... we use Pharaoh's Fountain a little too much. ”

“Stop summoning Yin Red Mummy. These little dead spirits can't help this guy. This man must have been in the war, he knows how to preserve magic. Unlike Greeks and Brits, he doesn't use high-order magic without a brain. He thinks high-order magic can destroy everything.” Nephru of Egypt said.

“Then summon the mighty spirit, Shreve. Hold on.” Mios nodded.

It takes more time to summon powerful spirits, and Mios has to let Shreve stop Movan from approaching first.

“Me? I can't hold on, that guy killed my dead spirit as easy as mowing grass... how did we meet such a tough guy, it's working so well against Greece and England. ”

“I had no idea this man was putting so much pressure on us. ”


On the other hand, the four people of Maknujiao, Zhao Manyan, Jiang Yu and Guangyu still held their positions. They finally ripped off the dead groups and wanted to see if Egypt was still summoning.

Who knows, looking further away, suddenly found a thicker layer of dead bodies on the other side, it feels like piling up mountains!

“It's Movan!” Jiang Yu's face was stunned.

Movan is too perverted. One man kills more dead spirits than the four of them combined, and he alone has no protection. He is trapped in a pile of dead spirits and is safe!

“Can this guy do it?” The mermaid seemed a little frustrated, and why could Movan be so strong without margins?

“No wonder it feels like our side of the pressure has been reduced a lot, it's worth killing from ancient times! ”

“Almost forgot that Movan experienced the ancient capital havoc, which is the most brutal battlefield of the dead. No wonder he killed the dead so smoothly! ”

With Movan here, the four of them were much more relaxed. Earlier, the Greeks and the British were exhausted by the spirit of death, and it was difficult to perform even the magic of the beginning. Compared to these two countries, they are not too worn out. Movan has told us this before. If you can't use high-order magic, don't use it. If you can kill with first-stage magic, don't use intermediate!


Most of the participants had not experienced several wars, and even the practice task was not that cruel to death.

Movan is different. He has been trapped many times and surrounded many times by demonic groups. It is estimated that none of the military origin of Ejiangtu has been enriched by the experience of Movan. Most of all, the despair of survival in the demonic sea is not comparable to the experience and participation arranged by the devil!

This Egyptian tactic of the Dead Sea doesn't necessarily work so well when you encounter Movan, who survives from the sea of the Dead!


“Do you still want to summon?” Movan had a terrible smile on his face, staring dead at Shreve.

Mrs. Shrew was all scared. He was really scared that Movan would kill Red Eye. He killed him too. To be honest, Movan had a completely different temperament than usual when he started killing. He was just a demon, wicked and exasperate!

“I… I go down myself…” Shreve cried with a grieving face and never thought of himself as the first to get out.

“I'll give it to you! ”

Movan grabbed Shreve and pinned him down, making him unable to perform any magic, let alone summon any dead spirit.

Briefly lifted the little Shreve, and Movan unwillingly threw Shreve outside.

The junction blocked the magic, but it didn't stop people, so Shreve fell directly into the sea, looking like a wolf!

Soon an assistant referee salvaged Shreve, but Shreve was not injured, but he was thrown alive into the sea and lost some face!

“Damn Myos, let me stop this guy, I can't stop him alone!! ”

Shreve hates why he listens to Myos so much, although a new Egyptian player will make it up soon, the problem is he's out!!


“Movan, don't be too proud!!” Mios was furious.

Surely Shreve couldn't hold up and was disposed of by Movan. Egypt took the lead in losing one person.

“You're next!” Movan smiled calmly.

To be honest, Movan hasn't had this much fun in a long time. That kind of boxing feels like meat...

Alas, I am a sinful person, how can I enjoy killing pleasure!

Must be little mud.

With so many dead spirits slaughtered by themselves, the wretch is lined up with a golden gold coin and sent to his wallet!

Yes, this must be the reason, the small mud rays can condense the brutality, so many dead spirits, their brutality is especially thick, kill some more, the fifth level of thunderbolt is promising!!

Destroying magic is about the higher the rank, the better, in the World Schools Competition, which is why many people don't waste money to strengthen their beginner and intermediate skills.

But Movan's experience tells him that beginner magic and intermediate magic have a lot of reinforcing value, fast target speed, short break time and low energy consumption, which is a magic trick in * * *!

The power of Fist is already strong, but Fist is after all a Spirit Rosemary, only with Xiao Yanxi's Fist is it really powerful, but Xiao Yanxi's Fist is not infinitely used.

And the Thunder system, now a species of soul, is nearly six times more powerful.

Upgrade the intermediate magic thunderbolt to level 5, and cooperate with the tyrant sanctions. Its killing power is definitely stronger than the advanced magic released by the common magician. It's fast and consuming less. Killing the dead spirit is simply not too easy!

So now, Movan Babhamios summons more Indulgent Red Mummies, and his 5th level Thunder is promising!!

Otherwise, Myos really summons a new spirit, but this time Myos summons not like a slave, a warlord, but a leader's spirit!!