Versatile Mage

Chapter 1198: Buried Stations?

“Why can't these things just fly up and die?” Zhang Xiaohou said with confusion.

“It's kind of like a ritual where those dust storm grasshoppers don't know why they're always called here for a flame-born flame ritual.” Lin Fei Calendar said.

“What the hell kind of ritual is this? ”

As you speak, you see these dust storm grasshoppers flying all the way into the Flame Mountains. Soon, some dust storms that can't stand the flame will burn Momon's body and wings.

As they deepened, more dust storm grasshoppers were devoured by flames and burned in half the sky.

The flames continued to spread among the densely flown dust storm grasshoppers, which were burned wings directly into a drop of flame feathers and fell into the mountains.

Soon after, the entire Mountain of Fire and Demon fell like the rain of fireworks, lighting up the desert night sky as if it were a dream night.

However, this decorative pyrotechnic is all painted by the life of a near-born grasshopper, stacked with hundreds of deaths, and looks extraordinarily strange.

“Is this their ritual, jumping into the fire pit one by one?” Jiang Shaoxiang said.

For more than an hour or so, this fantastic act has had to admire the number of dust storm grasshoppers, and it takes such a long time for such a huge flaming mountain to burn clean.

The ashes of the sky were drifting, and the night went deeper, and the magic fire in the whole Mountain of Fire began to extinguish.

Without the flame, everyone dared to approach this mountain range, and Lin flew forward, leading everyone along a curved mountain path towards the top of the mountain.

“I don't know when these grasshoppers have been committing mass suicide here every midnight. They have no objection, no fear, rushing into the flames, but rather a enjoyment. I haven't seen any grasshoppers scared to escape so far.” Lin Fei Calendar said.

“You mean they kill themselves here every night, burn so many grasshoppers every day, shouldn't the dust storm grasshoppers die long ago?” Jiang Shaoxiang said.

“The Flame Mountains don't burn all the time, and I don't know what it's based on, but as long as it burns, the dust storm grasshoppers will definitely come.” Lin Fei Calendar said.

“That's weird! ”

“Hmm, somewhat strangely, these dust storm grasshoppers are the biggest disaster for the West, and the areas they affect are grass free, not the reason for the overcrowding, and wouldn't it be a good thing for them to commit suicide here?” Zheng Tong said.

“You're right, burn more, less disaster! ”

“Fear is not that simple. ”

Walking into the mountains, the flames are still warm, and the burning at your feet makes you walk on the hot pot, and it won't be long before someone can hold on.

The further up the mountain, the higher the temperature of the mountain, gradually only those practicing the fire system can continue.

“Brother Van, we may not be able to get up there. The temperature is too high.” Zhang Xiaohou Khan said as if it were raining.

Shengnujiao, Jiang Shaofu and Ling Ling are all, some of them can't bear this temperature, then climb up, sooner or later they will dehydrate and faint.

“Then go back to the station and rest. I'll go up myself.” Neither did Movan.

Lin Fei Li practiced the fire system, and he told Movan that if he kept going along this path, he should be able to reach the top of the whole Mountain of Flame Demons, where he might see the holy place of fire that burned the whole mountain range.


Movan left the team and the others could only choose to return if they were helpless.

Kiryl seemed to still care about her sister, and still couldn't help but ask: “Flying Calendar, my sister wrote to me in her last letter that she and her patrol had discovered a mineral vein, that she would be stationed there all the time, you know that mineral vein, I wanted to go there and see, maybe find some footprints about her. ”

Lin Fei History appeared hesitant, did not seem to wish to mention the word mineral vein, and showed some vigilance and hostility on his face.

“All these years I couldn't be relieved, I just wanted to ask for a result, a calendar, and if you know where my sister is, tell me, even if it's just a bunch of skeletons, and I want to take her back to our hometown.” Kiryu complained.

“Lin Fei Li, don't you really remember his sister?” Jiang Shaoxiang asked softly.

Lin Fei has been silent for a long time. Finally, he said: “I will take you, but only you. ”

“All right, all right, thank you, thank you. Find my little sister's skeleton, and I can tell my parents!” Kiryu said with excitement.

“You… you, with me.” Lin Fei Li suddenly pointed at Zhang Xiaohou and said.

“Me? Go find the skeleton and pull me up for what...” Zhang Xiaohou's face was confused.

“I only trust you.” Lin Fei Calendar said.

“... Kiryu won't hurt you.” Zhang Xiaohou said helplessly.

“Zhang Xiaohou, go with them. Lin Feilian has lived here alone and with demons for too long. He is sensitive to everything and will be full of hostility.” Jiang Shaoxiang said.



Everyone else has returned to the station to prepare for the next route. Zhang Xiaohou, Lin Feili and Tongli went to the black sandstone mountain, where Zhang Xiaohou found Lin Feili.

The three walked quickly and arrived at the cave where Lin Fei calendar lived.

“What are we doing here?” Zhang Xiaohou's face was full of confusion.

At this point, Lin flew to the end of the hole and pushed the big rock that was blocking it.

As soon as the rock pushed, Zhang Xiaohou realized that there was no hole in the sky, and he didn't know where it was going.

The three entered the dark painted hole, Lin Fei Cai was very familiar with the inside, dark, and his eyes glowed.

About half an hour's walk up the road, the three of them exited the cave and arrived in a basin valley surrounded by black mountain rock on all sides.

The black rock basin is surrounded by little sand that can be blown into it, so this black rock basin is like a hidden place isolated from the desert.

“She's buried here...” Lin Flying Calendar said, pointing to some piles of gravel rising next to his finger.

Kiryu stunned for a moment and saw an orbital redness, so many years apart. Despite the sour heart, this moment is also a complete relief.

“Can I take her away?” Kiryu asked.


When Kiryl pulled the stones off and went to look for them, there were really only a bunch of delicate bones left in them. He carefully put away every little piece of bone and wrapped it in a cloth bag, which seemed very caring.

“Kiryu, where you come from, there is also a custom that must be attributed to the dust of your hometown. For this custom you and we run to such a dangerous place, it is also a very important person.” Zhang Xiaohou asked.

“Alas, the old family believes in this, and feels like dying outside, the soul can't rest. Zhang Junzheng, we haven't been sacrificing the ancestors for a few days. This time I just hope to find my little sister before sacrificing the ancestors, so that she doesn't become a lonely wild ghost, I may not be able to stay here with you.” Kiryu said.

“In such a hurry??” Zhang Xiaohou was stunned.

“Yeah, we sacrifice our ancestors once every four years. Anyone who walks away from his hometown must return that day. Otherwise, we wait another four years. I don't know if I can get back, but I can't leave my sister's bones in this place.” Kiryl said.

“But we're not ready to go back. ”

“Everyone has marked the way back. I just need to go back along the way. A little trouble is the Saqqu River, but good thing I repaired the wind system next time, if I don't fall down carefully, I should be able to return safely. I didn't have much hope with you this time, I didn't expect to meet Lin Fei Luan, Lin Fei Luan brothers, thank you so much!” Kiryl said.

“All these years, I've been talking to her, and you can take her with you, and I think she actually wants to go back.” Lin Fei Calendar said.

Zhang Xiaohou was stunned and quickly understood.

Lin Fei Li should be talking to himself in front of this grave all the time, but Zhang Xiaohou doesn't really understand why Lin Fei Li doesn't go back to the city, and wants to live here alone, is there any hard connection to this place?


Kiryu left alone. Zhang Xiaohou looked at his back, and his heart was even more emotional. For the sake of his late sister to be able to return to her hometown dust, she risked such a risk to come to this desert land, which is really expensive.

“Where is Zhang Jundun from?” Lin Fei Language is already fluent, he asked.

“The Borough of the South.” Zhang Xiaohou said.

“What brings you to the west?” Lin Fei Calendar asked.

“Long term insight, but it's you, why stay here?” Zhang Xiaohou asked.

“Somebody let me stay here.” Lin Fei Calendar said.

“Is it a military order?” Zhang Xiaohou was stunned.

Lin Fei nodded.

“You almost forgot who you are, what you are rushing to do with this military order, and whoever gives you the order is not necessarily alive right now.” Zhang Xiaohou said.

“He is indeed dead. I should have died here too, but..." Lin Fei Calendar spoke of this callous end and looked at this empty rock basin.

“What's hidden here? I think you care.” Zhang Xiaohou asked casually.

“Well, I'm still alive precisely because I don't want something completely covered up...”

“Cover up?” Zhang Xiaohou puzzled.

“Do you really think this oasis station was swallowed by sand and dust?” Lin Fei Calendar said.

“Isn't it? ”

Lin Fei Li smiled, his face bitter, but somehow, those eyes gradually filled with hatred.

“What happened here?” Zhang Xiaohou felt something and seriously questioned it.

Lin Fei Li shook his head, but did not answer.