Versatile Mage

Chapter 1250: Totem Beast, Overrun

“National security?” Movan provoked his eyebrows and conceived that something big was about to happen.

Shao Zheng drank a cup of tea and sighed: “I hope what I predicted is wrong, so that we can keep our eastern coastline stable and avoid a bloody war, but now I am 90% certain that that war will come and our entire eastern coastline will face a huge test. ”

“What are the hidden dangers?” Movan asked.

“The sea demon. It should be a few years before we face a sea monster war, and I had hoped that the Asian Magic Society would be able to shoulder this maritime responsibility, but this proposal was rejected by Sulu, which means that our country needs to face a war from the Pacific alone, and it is hard to say how long the coastline will reach. You also know that our country itself is prolific and catastrophic, the demonic kind of brutality is full of aggressiveness, the military side has invested all the money to barely guarantee the tranquillity of every city. But once the Sea Monster War broke out, we couldn't pull enough power to fight against the unknown and powerful Sea Monster Empire… I had opened up the coastline strategy, but scratched out all the power, always far from the scale of that war. About five years ago, an archaeologist talked to me all night long, and he told me that there was a powerful enough force in our country to calm down the war. If we could wake them up, the coastline crisis would be resolved. I also very much agreed with that man, so I sent him to search for monuments and find the whereabouts of the Totem Beast..." Shao Zheng said.

Movan pondered for a moment and remembered a name in his mind, so he asked, “The man you said is not Jiang Shaojun? ”

“Well, it was him, and I thought it was a hope of dealing with the coastline crisis, but unfortunately he disappeared while searching for monuments, and the Totem Beast Recovery Plan he told me about was completely cut off.” Shao Zheng sighed.

“Do you want me to pick up this great task of waking up sleepy, forgotten totems in preparation for the shoreline hazard?” Movan said.

“Yes, I hope you can shoulder this heavy burden, the Totem Beast is quite special, not that the person with the edge of the plane is unlikely to have any interaction with the Totem Beast at all, you're kind of close to the Totem creature, Totem Xuan Snake, and this time the Totem Moon Mother Phoenix, and I hope you can wake up one or two powerful Totem Beasts so that we can get some protection along our coastline. The coastline crisis is much heavier than we all imagined, but unfortunately only I felt that the need to build maximum preparedness was useless. The Asian Magic Society did not agree with my proactive approach, including the fact that there are many factions in the country who oppose my fears. I feel that I am wasting my limited military power and magician resources on a hidden and sinister war… The only strength I can muster is, after all, the help of the Totem Beast that I can feel much more comfortable with.” Shao Zheng said.

“Is the coastline really that dangerous?” Movan asked.

Shao Zheng nodded: “It's serious, worse than any war we've had, and some of the coastline could even fall… I hope you can trust my speculation and help me. ”

“I am on the coast of Snow Mountain, and if the coast really falls, it is estimated that my Snow Mountain will also suffer. To be honest, I am really interested in the Totem Beast, and with Speaker Shao Zheng coming to discuss this with me personally, I don't think I have any reason to refuse, I'm just worried about my limited ability to wake up even a Totem Beast.” Movan said.

“It's all right, I appreciate it if you do your best!” Shao Zheng said very sincerely.

As Speaker of Parliament, many things are also helpless.

“You are serious, looking for a totem is also a practice for me, and if Totem Xuan Snake hadn't covered me, what I did at the Temple of Patnon would have killed me 10,000 times.” Movan said.

“You've got a lot of nerve. That totem thing, please. I will have Jiang Shaojun hand over all the information collected to you, he should also have a record about the moon moth phoenix... you should be careful about the moon moth phoenix, don't let Sulu succeed, he has been looking at the totem of our country for a long time, but as the forgotten guardian saint of our own land, say nothing can fall into the hands of outsiders.” Shao Zheng said.

“Of course.” Movan Dao.

“Oh, yes, there's one more thing that I think I can tell you now.” Shao Zheng said.

“What is it? ”

“Didn't Zhao Manyan, a member of the national government, disappear? The rumor is that he was eaten by a giant beast and is dead.” Shao Zheng said.

“Yes, what's wrong with this?” Movan Dao.

“According to the information gathered by Jiang Shaojun, the sea monster who swallowed Zhao Manyan was also a totem.” Shao Zheng said.

“is a totem beast???” Movan was somewhat surprised.

“No accident, it should be domination.” Shao Zheng Dao.

“Overrun??” Movan was stunned and seemed to have heard the name of this totem beast before.

“We have four of the strongest totems in the country, of which Xuanwu is one, while Xuanwu's descendants have two, one is Xuanwu, Hangzhou, who has close ties to you, and the other is Xuanwu. According to theory, totem beasts do not easily harm humans. Even if they are forgotten, they still regard humans as their children, but they do not know why Zhao Manyan was eaten by the reigning power.” Shao Zheng said.

“When we were in Japan, domination followed us.” Movan Dao.

“So what happened in Japan?” Shao Zheng asked.

Movan thought about it and thought that the only possibility was Zhao Manyan's companion vessel, the wooden fish vessel.

Movan also told Shao Zheng about the wooden fish vessel.

Shao Zheng pondered for a while: “Most of the wooden fish vessels are symbolic vessels of domination. Many totem animals have symbolic vessels. If they can complete their soul covenant with the vessels, the totem animals will guard them beside them. In ancient times, such totem symbolic vessels were generally held by the tribal leaders. ”

“Then it seems that Zhao Manyan still found the baby. No wonder the ancient literature I saw at the courtyard building in the heart of Hangzhou Lake is very similar to the texture on the wooden fish. It turns out that it is the same totem, and it is still under the control of Xuanxue's brothers. So Zhao Manyan should not be dead?” Movan said.

“It should be that if he really held a totem symbol, the totem beast would definitely not hurt him.” Shao Zheng said.

“That's good. ”

Movan was relieved to hear Shao Zheng's reasoning. It seems that Zhao Manyan is not only not dead, but also lucky!