Versatile Mage

Chapter 1366: Evil Scale Pharaoh

Hundreds of kilometres of plains can also be trampled down, and a city is not even as strong as it used to be, as if these underworld creatures could smell alive in any direction, or even the fear that they were fleeing!

chase game, this is one of their favorite carnival of underworld creatures, the prey directly in their hands always tastes untortured, chased to perfume, run away, the world will die, eventually will fall into the underworld, this pointless struggle will only bring them more fun, so escape to the fullest, escape exhausted, escape to despair completely, then must be full of fragrance!

Not long ago, only the underworld fiber and the underworld frog were on the plain. At this moment, the underworld fiber and the underworld frog have been rapidly submerged by the latter. The fastest is a group of whiteners riding on the corpse horse. These underachievers are carrying two sharp sharp blades. The rotten body and the broken corpse horse are about to marry each other. They fly across the land of the living people in the wind of the plain. The open blade in their hands sounds like a bunch of crazy mutilation executioners!

In the underworld, they are responsible for breaking up newly joined "people" into countless pieces, scattering them in different places, or mixing them in other limbs. They call themselves new teachers, because as a qualified dead spirit and underworld creature, you first have to learn not how to kill, but how to restructure your body. If you can't find it, choose the right combination...

The Plutchers look down from the night sky at the forefront of the entire Army of the Dead, their black bodies are like white veils on the earth, they are moving forward as the wind moves, the front will be more dense, the rear will be more sparse, but those who wake up late can always surpass those running underworld creatures on foot, eventually gathered at the tip of the whole underworld frenzy, just like the white wave arc at the front end of the tsunami, is the most spectacular of death!!

Tens of thousands of Plutters, however, are only a fraction of the entire underworld army, second only to the twin cow ghosts, an incredibly strange creature that consists of an incredible body of demonic cows and then collapses around the neck for the upper half of the underworld fiber.

It is said that the "atoned” underworld fibers have the opportunity to break away from the dominion of the underworld frogs, but because their tormented and devastated cursed bodies are separated from the underworld frogs, they will not be able to kill a single chicken, and they will be reborn only if they find a demonic cow without its predecessor.

The two underworld fibers and the Minotaur Bull make up the twin cow ghosts, they are powerful, the smallest is also more than five meters, the biggest even reached fifty or sixty meters, compared to a building!

These twin cow ghosts are the main force of trampling. In the course of their collective journey, they do not know how many underworld creatures have been crushed directly into meat sauce. The sound and foot feeling of stepping on the bones and flesh is their happiest and most decompressive way. The rulers of the underworld like to fly across the bones and love the plasma floor so that they can match their noble position. It is a magnificent carpet of bright red. The twin cow ghosts responsible for this task are loved by the Pharaohs, so give them more power than those free creatures!!

The big earthquake of the rampage vibrates and breaks, half of it is the masterpiece of the twin cow ghosts, they follow the plunderer closely, the plunderer can smell the living, so follow them all the way to the high song, there will definitely be a new carpet!

Behind these two pioneers, they are made up of completely different species of underworld organisms, mixed together in such a way that it is impossible to tell what they are.

These underworld creatures are not distinguished by four broad categories: skeletons, demons, demons, ghosts, and ghosts. They are generally referred to as several major categories: underworld slaves, underworld samurai, mummies, dowries, underworld trolls, rulers...

Movan stood on a rocky high slope, the first to roll over like a flood tide were the Plutters and the twin cow ghosts, who were loud and indestructible, and even if they were preceded by undulating mountains, they would be razed to the ground. It is worth mentioning that when these creatures passed through this high rocky slope full of members of the Black Holy See, Movan saw a red borderline that covered the entire high rocky slope like a dungeon.

When the underworld surfaced, the mess turned around, and it seemed that this high rock slope was a forbidden area to step into, even if the crowd was created behind them, they would be cautiously avoiding!

So even though the most forward of the underworld creatures is loud, the members of the Black Holy See here have not been stepped into meat sauce as Movan had hoped.

Immediately thereafter, Movan saw the underworld of the corpse sea roll over in front of him. He saw the mummy, the dead knife mummy, the giant axe mummy, the red-eyed mummy, the evil scaly mummy...

Many in Egypt are Dead Sorcerers, and most of those who are able to follow their Dead Soul summons are only mummies, and only in the underworld creatures are mummies with special covenants with the living, but even so, there are still so many mummies in the whole underworld who have no agreement with humankind!

Mummies come from inside the pyramid and are not peripheral spirits, so the power of the mummies as a whole is much higher than that of the peripheral spirits, and the weakest one can reach the ranks of the warriors!

Movan has fought with mummies and knows how powerful they are. At this moment, he sees more mummies than numbs his scalp. There is only one pyramid, but there are thousands of mummies. Knowing that the victims who can obtain the mummies ritual are mostly the upper echelons of the ancient Egyptian ruling class. At the time of Egypt's participation in the mirage of the sea market under Fenner's command, Movan sees no more than 100 mummies, but this amazing number of mummies in the Hoof pyramids represents the higher creatures!!

How many armies in the country can fight this Mummy Legion alone?

“Huh!!!!!! ”

When Movan was shocked, an evil scaly mummy passed through the high rock slopes.

The evil scaly mummy is similar in shape, but its body is tall, like an ancient pine without any branches, it is wrapped around a corpse full of evil scales, and it is filled with dark golden evil light, full of dangerous and horrible smells.

The evil scaly mummy flattened with the entire rocky slope as it walked through here with a cold gaze at the core of the Black Holy See hiding in that bloody red prison cage.

Many other underworld creatures have turned a blind eye to everything in it, or they can't even look across the red junction to see the living people in it, but this evil scaly mummy seems to be able to see the ordinary. Its eyes are focused here, and all the Deacons in the Black Holy See's blue suit look frightened and overwhelmed!

“It... it can see us???” The purple ghost sucked in a breath and couldn't help but tremble on his legs.

The other deacons in blue can't keep calm. If this evil scale mummy destroys this junction, all of them will be exposed to these vast armies of underworld creatures. If a cursed magician falls here, he may not be able to retreat!!!

“Hello!” Cold Lord raised his head with a smile on his face.

The evil scaly mummy stared, flashing a hint of indiscretion and irony in her pupils.

It took a step back and continued to march forward, clustered around this evil squamous mummy with a large swarm of sword-dead waiters, completely different from the confused forward steps of other underworld creatures, but neatly lined up in rows and rows!

The evil scaly mummy saw the people inside, but it didn't do it, and that sarcastic look seemed to have a little bit of fun and indiscretion, so noble that it didn't despise a bunch of ethnic garbage to compare.

Cold Lord seemed to feel the mockery conveyed by the evil scaly mummy, and the child's brilliant smile gradually became temperatureless.

Contempt by a mummy monarch, this is not what Cold Lord wanted. In his view, tonight's underworld celebration, he should be respected by all underworld creatures, just like the rulers in the Hoof Pyramid, not with such contempt and irony!!

Movan looked at the back of the evil scaly mummy and her heart had already rolled over.

What level is this guy at? Why is even an eye putting such tremendous pressure on them? I'm afraid that his strength is close to the death of the ancient world!!

Besides, the sword-dead waiter around this guy is one of Movan's most familiar underworld creatures. I think Movan worked very hard when dealing with more than a dozen sword-dead waiters. The number of sword-dead waiters next to the dark sword master is only a hundred.

But beside the evil scaly mummy, there are three whole squares of swords, each reaching 1,000.

Three thousand swords to guard the driver, is this evil scaly mummy a pharaoh????

Now the underworld ruler with an independent pyramid is known by Egypt as Pharaoh, the Hoof pyramid as Pharaoh King Hoof, but Movan feels that this evil scale mummy has reached the Pharaoh level, otherwise how can there be so many swords to follow!

Just this guy and his men, a city will be easily trampled to ashes by it!!

“This guy clearly sees us, but doesn't attack. Is it true that this Cold Lord has any special agreement with the Underworld??” In Movan's heart.

“So these underworld creatures could have been stupidly moving long ago, not because the Cold Lord wanted to call them, but because they opened this door from the unlocked world. Is that why the Evil Scale Pharaoh didn't see him so well? ”

The powers of the Black Holy See itself are far from immense and indestructible. For now, they are nothing more than a traitor who opened the gates to the enemy forces during the fighting between the two sides. If Movan could demonize them, he would destroy these members of the Black Holy See!