Versatile Mage

Chapter 1415: Areas in Favor of the Sea Monster

The clouds are thick, and the entire sea level is basically completely black except for the distant light of the distant distances.

In total, there are six teams, five ships. In addition to Cao Qin's ability to steer waves, which allows people to move quickly in the ocean, other water magicians can only trigger waves, which makes the boat faster.

The rescue team sighed a few kilometres away and the lighthouse on the embankment was gradually thrown a long way behind.

Most of the oceans at night are not as beautiful as you might imagine, the darkness of the heavens and the earth, filled with wind and humidity, no direction, looking straight into the abyss, terrible!

“Why is the ship further away?” Patrol Captain Tang Peng said.

They had just witnessed that the rescue boat was about five kilometres from them, and now they have travelled about four kilometres, and it turns out that the rescue light is still a long way from them.

“Probably the dirty hunters dragging the ship into the deep sea!” Captain Jiang Shen said.

“Then we have to go faster. It's even more dangerous if we actually get into the deep sea.” Tang Peng said.

“Deep sea area?” Movan appeared to have some outsiders asking.

“Sea demons rely heavily on sea water for their actions, and the deeper they go, the more space they can move, the better they can hide, and even more powerful witchcraft. We normally call the ocean shallow in the 200m depth range, the ocean medium in the 200m to 1000m range, and the ocean deep in the 1000m to 3000m range… The ocean shallow in the 200m range is a more beneficial area for our battle, our magic can play a more effective role, to the depths of the ocean, some large sea demons can travel freely, often posing a huge threat to us, to the depths of the ocean, the sea demons not only can be perfectly hidden, we cannot judge their number at all, their magic can also be greatly increased, also because the sea water is too thick, once our magicians perform powerful destruction magic, they can immediately drill into the depths of the ocean, the sea becomes their natural shield, so we can do nothing about it.” Tang Peng saw that Movan was a magician who was not good at water, so he explained to Movan.

Movan listened to Tang Peng and remembered Tokai City, Tokyo, Japan. It seemed that the shallow depths of the sea were indeed a key to the battlefield, so he silently wrote down Tang Peng's words.

“So our strongest battlefield is the shallow ocean, and the ocean battlefield will also be set up in this shallow ocean?” Movan asked.

“That's for sure, not all sea monsters have the ability to walk on land, especially those big creatures, although they may be dozens of meters in size, 200 meters deep, and they can also swim, but the problem is that little bit of water, like a big whale falling into a narrow river, with obvious targets and difficult activities, we can easily deal with it.” Tang Peng continued.

No wonder the sea level rose. The sea demon instantly became the natural enemy of mankind. After listening to Tang Peng, Movan gradually added some knowledge he didn't understand before.


“I see it, right up ahead, the ship doesn't seem to be sinking!” A squad leader shouted.

They broke into the sea more than three kilometres before they finally saw the boat calling for help.

“Control the ship first.” Captain Tang Peng commanded several other squad paths.

The five teams were rapidly dispersed around the ship, with the intention of protecting it.

Movan and Cao Qin didn't say so many rules. They jumped directly onto the rescue ship and wanted to see if there were any injured people on it.

The ship is clean, not to mention no signs of destruction. Although the materials of the ship are very good, many demons may not be able to crush it, but since fighting has taken place at sea, it is not plausible that there should be any damage.

“Strange, how come nobody's here??” Cao Qin said in a very confusing way.

Movan quickly gave this ship away again, and no one was seen on the deck, in the cabin, in the cabin, including the cab...

“Not all dead, are they?” Jiang Shen, the captain of the team who came up with him, said.

“No body, no bloody smell, are we in the deep sea now?” Movan turned his head and asked about Cao Qin.

“Already, this area is over 1,500 metres deep.” Tang Peng said.

“Are we still late? ”

“Damn, such a horrible hunter!! ”


Movan walked up to the deck, looking around, and the sea breeze smelled strange.

Even with the eyes of the night, the area that Movan could see had become very limited, and for some reason, he always felt something was wrong.

“Fire - burst! ”

Movan lit a fire in his hand and threw it at high altitude.

The flame broke into the height of hundreds of meters. As Movan's mind moved, the flames of Lexia burst apart. The fierce flaming tongue flew wildly, and countless fireworks of Mars scattered over the surrounding black waters...

The red light swept over the sea and suddenly an ugly head appeared on the sea!!!

These skulls have eyes, but they don't shine a little. They're pairs of dead gray eyes. They're like a bunch of cunning predators who've been waiting here for hours!

Movan's in shock!


This is a trap!!

These demons are actually using human distress signals to set traps, attract the humans guarding the embankment, and then surround the group!

There are more than a thousand heads that this fire brightens, and there are more where the fire does not shine, and they do not perceive it. Movan, this fire is blowing up just the tip of these sea demons' icebergs!!

Humans possess the wisdom that demons don't have. This makes it impossible for humans to fail even if they are weak and small in wars with demons for a long time. But what Movan could not have imagined is that these demons' wisdom in front of them can be so scary that they can introduce people into the sea in this way...

This is already a deep sea area, which means it's the best place for them to fight!

“Go, go!!!” Captain Tang Peng looked terrible and shouted at all the teams.

“We are surrounded...”

“My God, how can there be so many!! ”

“All aboard a ship!” Movan felt bad and hurried to shout at all the teams who came to the rescue.

These dirty hunters are not weak. If they are on land, Movan will never have any problems with them, but this is the deep sea. Movan will have difficulty dealing with them unless these things jump in front of him one by one!