Versatile Mage

Chapter 1425 West Kunlun Feng

Pastoral light was a little awkward, but it still quickly recovered its serious appearance: “This white melt syrup should be the core of the vein where the meteor burned through the mountain body and stayed at the bottom of the entire volcanic pool, not surprisingly, its temperature can burn monarchy level creatures to ashes within a minute. ”

“Are you kidding me internationally!!” Zhao Manyan screamed with his voice.

“This white melt should be in a fixed position, so we need a Fire Pokémon to summon the beast through this white melt and set the spatial coordinates on the other end of the melt, because none of us have ever been inside, and we need you to strain randomly by then, and if there's no way through the melt, then you can use the spatial scroll to leave.” Lian Guangqing said.

The Fire Elf summons the Beast, referring to nature as the Little Flame Girl.

In other words, there is a white molten syrup beneath the volcanic pool, which is the most terrible thing at the highest temperature. When it burns, no monarch creature can survive it. As long as they encounter a drop of spilled broiled * * liquid, they will burn completely to the ground!

The only way through this white-flavored paste is through the space scroll.

But many space scrolls are random, especially if you have no idea how many walls, rocks, and blocking materials you use, and instead you die 100%, so someone has to go through the white-flavored paste first and set up a space coordinate node behind the white-flavored paste.

Once a space coordinate node has been set up, a space shuttle can be used to accurately reach that location!

“Set up the coordinates of the space reel, and once your task is complete, leave the rest to us professionals to mine.” Lian Guangqing said.


The plan was to reconstitute it again. There was only one space scroll, which was entrusted to the master of the space system called Mahjong. This rare space scroll was provided by the pastoralist. Movan wanted to hold it, save his life, but he wanted to come to Mahjong and not give it to himself.

Any magic scroll is very rare, the skill of making the scroll is more in the hands of a few forces, luxurious and nowhere to buy items like space scrolls, Movan has grown up to see the use of Asarella, at the top of that tyrant mountain, the shadow of the clouds under the cliff and the claws of the sky, but now Movan still has a few shadows.

This time, the pastoralist also spent a lot of blood, sacrificing an ancestral space scroll, a space scroll that escaped wonderfully and would be a lot farther away than the instant movement of a space mage.

Movan's instantaneous movement will probably not exceed 300 meters, and in fact, the thickness of the stone walls under the molten pool definitely exceeds kilometers. It is impossible to escape from the inside of this volcanic pool with an instant movement. Perhaps it will suddenly move into the molten milk, which is difficult to imagine.


When you're ready, it's time to wait.

Pastoral green is always staring at the molten pool, he will issue a command and wait for a long period of molten hollow.

As the mortar cavities form, the mortar will splash everywhere, flying over the pool of mortar is an extreme search for death, and they can only wait on the edge, quietly waiting for a mortar cavity near the edge to appear.

This wait is a very long process, the melt holes are not meant to be there, and the whole melt pool is so big, most of the melt holes appear near the center, or opposite the shore...

“Coming, this is very close to us!” Lin Lin of the East said.

“No, the duration is too short, you don't have to go down there to contract.” Pastoral green shook his head.

“But we've been waiting a long time. ”

“Can't rush. ”

“The wind seems to be blowing towards us, and all the flames flying into the air have fallen to us, or shall we change direction?” Movan said.

“Wait here, be patient. ”


Mubai, as an ice magician, cooling down is a very important task at this time. Not every magician has a strong fire resistance system. This group of people who are going down can wear ice and water magic on everyone. After all, they cannot resist the shock of heat. The longer the time elapses, the more suffering the people who wait here suffer.

“If you insist, I know this is a tough thing to do, but chances are likely to appear in the next second, or it may take all day…” Pastoral Green is here to comfort everyone.

“We're exhausted before we get inside.” Zhao Manyan said.

Mu Bai demons consumed a lot of energy, not knowing when the wind was coming from afar, and the wind was beating the slurry from the sky here, making everyone very sad.

“Damn, there's never been such a big wind before, how could this scratch so hard?” Zhao Manyan cursed.

Mu Bai looked up at the sky and suddenly found the thick volcanic cloud over his head rolling like an orange, brown thick pull in the western sky...

The wind has blown these volcanic clouds??

For some reason, Mulberry suddenly remembered what she said to herself that night:

“Then you have to come back safely, probably the day after tomorrow at night, there will be the West Kunlun wind, then all the clouds and all the dust will be blown away, then the sky is the cleanest, you come back here and you will see the kind of starry sky I said. ”

Sikunlun wind

Does this mean that the volcanic clouds will dissipate as well???

Mu Bai looked up at the burning rock peak, which he had never paid special attention to.

A horrific scene was instantly printed into the eye curtain. The highest burning rock peak, which had been completely covered by volcanic clouds, did not know when to appear in view. The peak was like a sword, poured into the sky, and the momentum was brisk... But at the top of that peak, a pair of huge red wings were slowly unfolding, far apart, but astonishing!!

Volcanic clouds, blown away by the West Kunlun wind.

And Mubai has also heard Pastoral Light Green say that the hegemony is not a complete peace, but that the sun collar will patrol from time to time. Is it when the Kunlun wind arrives?!

“Damn, how did this wind happen so badly!!!” Maki Guangqing finally realized what it was and shouted.

The sobriety boat grew up here. Although she is not a magician, she knows more about the style of the season in Kunlun Mountain. She knows when the wind will blow... Mubai knew the night before, but he didn't even connect the two things!!

Volcanic clouds used to shield the dominant sight and perception will be blown away by the Sikunlun wind!!!

This is not good, their group of people standing on the volcanic pond, at this moment has been completely exposed to the pride of the ruler, as a monarch, his eyes are absolutely exceptionally sharp, this distance can lock their group of humans!!