Versatile Mage

Chapter 1487: The Queen of Scorpions

Movan is not in love. After all, this is a war zone. If he doesn't do much, it's okay. If he kills those little demon monsters a little too much, then there will definitely be more powerful demons coming to fight.

The so-called army finally emerged after following Blanche's team to the west of the airport building.

“What about the big demon behind you?” Burke asked somewhat worried.

They were cloudy, dark and basically invisible, but Booker had already felt a very powerful smell scratching over like a black storm, causing the spine to cool down and his body to tremble.

Obviously, the great demon who can't see the real face is very high level, even the presidential rank such as Wolf Feichuan must be scared to run away...

“It shouldn't be a monarch, otherwise my wolves won't be able to come back alive. If it isn't a monarch, it shouldn't dare act rashly.” Movan said.

As terrifying as a progressive leader, Xiao Yanxi's peak fighting power is similar to that of a progressive leader. Movan will not eat enough to hold on to provoke, accidentally get poisoned, paralyzed nerves, and death is just a blink of an eye.

Likewise, the guy who let the wolves escape didn't kill him directly, he hid in the temper, not a high-ranking magician like Movan, but a super-class Bran concubine.

The concubine clearly perceived the presence of the great demon, and when she led the passengers safely to the army, her eyes did not leave the cloudy group behind.

Movan couldn't see what it was, but the concubine could see the general outline of the guy and feel the look on his face.

Black storms swept in, more crawlers rushed here, snake monsters and snake scorpion witches turned into cannon ashes, crowds rolled over... There is no need to protect passengers, these little demon demons will not be in the eyes of Bran concubine, the black wind blows away her straight as a waterfall dark hair, all slightly more sensible magicians have some cold body, legs can not be shook independently, only Bran concubine eyes sharply cold, invisible aura dare to keep those crawlers and snake monsters away from her!

Not knowing how long later, this confrontation suddenly disappeared. Movan immediately discovered that the thick black smoke and poison gas had dissipated somewhat. In the blur, he could see a six-armed red scorpion turning away!

Red Scorpion?

Movan was surprised. He thought it was an advanced leader. Feichuan wolves and giant wolves fled because they were invincible. Unexpected to be a red scorpion, this guy is a monarch breed!!

“Monarch????” Movan went to Bran's concubine, and some of his heart palpitated.

Fortunately, if he was attacked by a monarch, his life would be very difficult to save. It seems that the presidential aura of the Wolf Feichuan should have led this guy here. The monarch's nourishment is nothing more than reign!

“No, but it's close.” Bran concubine said.

“It's a teenage red scorpion queen, and I think it's much smaller than a truly adult red scorpion queen.” Movan guessed.

“Well, that guy's gonna be a monarch sooner or later, and I was just thinking about getting rid of it.” The concubine looked back at the evacuating passengers.

If there were not many ordinary people at this airport, Bran's concubine would really do it. If a creature like the Red Scorpion killed one, it would bring years of peace and tranquillity to a city. It would not be too difficult to kill Bran's concubine with her strength.

“Forget it, this little scorpion will show up here, which means that the scorpion won't be too far away from here, really kill it, and this new Sioux City will be devastated.” Movan said.

These scorpion armies are nothing more than overbreeding. In order to prevent them from killing each other, the scorpion rulers launched some aggression to seize human resources, while reducing their number. So the Snake Scorpion Army will definitely not lean out, and the attack will probably end after a few waves of attempts. This happens all the time in all countries of the world...

But if the sons of the rulers die, and some extremely vengeful creatures die, they will attack the cities of mankind in large numbers, and the city must be slaughtered clean before it can be stopped altogether. Snake Scorpion is one of the strongest creatures of vengeance, so Movan must know that it is a little scorpion and will stop Bran's concubine.

Before you're ready to kill the scorpion, it's best to detour after you hit the scorpion.

Movan's words quickly made Bran's concubine understand, and in this regard Bran's concubine knows much less than Movan does.

She nodded slightly: "Those who are with us are safe and sound, let's get out of here as soon as possible. ”


Mofan, Mubai, Zhao Manyan, Bran concubine and Heidi are strong enough to ensure the safe evacuation of more than 100 passengers. If you are an ordinary high-ranking magician, you can also take escort, but some of you will inevitably die!

“Isn't that Mios? When did you become an airport security guard?” Movan recognized the woman in scales in the army at a glance.

Mios also wanted to thank the high-powered magicians on the plane for their help. Movan, Zhao Manyan and his face sank.

Not because of them, the world school fight is first and foremost their Egyptian!!

“What are you doing in Egypt?” Mios said in an unwelcome way.

“It is a coincidence that I was invited by General Fenner to help you to separate Egypt's troubles and save more than a hundred of your Egyptian people just as soon as you landed. I am your nobleman!” Movan said with a smile.

“All passengers are present and the crew and crew are present…” A military magistrate counted the number of passengers on this plane at the fastest possible speed.

“Huh, we'll be a bunch of white bones by the time you get here. ”

“I will never fly on any of your airlines again!! ”

“Don't say anything, get out of here...”

Myos, on behalf of the Egyptian airline, felt uncomfortable after being verbally abused by the passengers.

However, the landing was a huge mistake and the captain chose the wrong landing site, and there were obvious communication problems.


After leaving the theatre, driving into New Sioux City in military vehicles, New Sioux City continued to flourish, and the war a dozen kilometres apart seemed to have nothing to do with it, as if no one would ever feel that the Serpent Scorpion Army could jump over the lines of defense of the army.

“Movan, I forgot you were a summoning magician.” Bran's concubine sat next to Movan, exhaling like Lan's way.

“My summoning magician may be a little special.” Movan laughed, too. Xiao Yanxi can possess her body. Many times when Movan fought, she was directly with Xiao Yanxi to become the Flame Demon King. For a moment, she would really ignore the question of summoning.

“I'm thinking about what I'm going to give you as a thank you, and it looks like there's a magic object that would suit you very well.” Bran concubine said.