Versatile Mage

Chapter 1496 Snake Mountain

That black mushroom cloud is getting bigger and bigger, looking up, you will see that a tiny half of the sky is covered, your eyes look farther and deeper in pursuit of the past, you will even be caught in that dark fear, and the shadow of your moving mind will continue to grow.

“This route will be relatively safe, and the snakes don't like wet sand outside Cairo, which can keep the rain moist, although some mud will slow down the speed of the camel beast, which is better than being eaten by demons.” Old Harrah said to everyone.

Speaking of gathering people for dinner, several ladies made fearful noises and caused Old Harrah to laugh.

“Don't worry so much, in front of my cadets, Snake Scorpion is just a few weak reptiles, you just have to adjust your minds and don't let the Fear Devil take over your reason and run around and you'll be fine.” Internship teacher Vanni showed the aura of a leader and spoke very calmly to the crowd.

“Ha ha, I won't leave without them, give me ten times as much money.” Old Harrah said.

The businessman nodded at the moment, smiling at the students at the European Academy.

“Humph, just a bunch of students, really in danger. Maybe get away first.” Hiring team captain Chad said.

Protection should be the task of their hiring team, in the end it seems as if they are more like soy sauce players, this has to do with their afterwards bonus, traitors will definitely say that they did nothing, bonuses will not be given, they lose a lot of wealth all of a sudden!

“Oh, I think you met some third-class college, where the students out there are unlikely to compare to our European college.” Internship teacher Wanee said.

Hiring captain Chad didn't say anything more, but he still had his grievances.


The wet sand gradually appeared, and indeed the camel beast was much more inconvenient to walk at this time. At this time, Ferrero proposed to walk, and Old Harrah immediately stopped nervously: “No walking, scorpion demons are like spiders, sensing organs in their legs, and the rough hair above them can sense fluctuations in sand and soil. The fluctuations presented by different organisms on the soil are quite different, but the scorpion monsters can clearly tell whether they are humans or organisms. Camel beasts are a species that they have little interest in. Even if they are heard, they will often not have that interest, but people will be different. They will gather here crazy, and no matter how we escape, they will be able to recognise the chase! ”

Old Harrah immediately stunned the students at the European Academy, especially Ferrero, who was blushing a little, and as a high-calibre student he did not necessarily know more than one desert wanderer.

“So that's it.” Movan suddenly realized.

Movan had been dealing with the Snake Scorpions the other day, and he found the scorpions' tracking abilities to be particularly powerful, even if they hid behind the walls of the Great Stone.

Pose up!

“Then we can only do it on camels, which is very inconvenient.” Internship teacher Wanee said.

“It's best not to go down, believe me, no matter how powerful you are, once you get down on the ground, hundreds of monsters will rush towards you, and then you will regret that you despise Egyptian antiquities, which are even scarier than you think!” Old Harrah said.

At this point, the mercenary captain Chad snorted coldly, spitting the chewing grass roots in his mouth to the ground: “So listen to our command and don't make trouble for us all by being smart! ”

Neither did the participants speak, they were all new to mysterious Egypt and really didn't know much about the situation here.

Of course, they don't necessarily take what these people say seriously. The gap between middle and upper order is still quite large. They have no idea how powerful the high order magician is!


Moist sand carries some stickiness, and the camels begin to slow down, not much different from ordinary camels.

The thick black clouds are over your head, and that rotten stench is all around you, and many people have covered their mouths and noses with sand towels.

“Don't let go. You must follow me. If you encounter any monsters, don't take the initiative until it doesn't attack us.” Old Harrah warned the humans that from his tone he could already tell that this was a dangerous place.

Cairo's safe area is a short distance away, and everyone is cautiously walking along the wet sand towards Cairone, using some plants as shelters.

The war zone is also a distance away, but demons can't follow the rules in designated areas, and occasionally some lost demons especially like to walk around.

“Be careful, it's Snake Mountain three kilometers away, you can't shock them!” Old Harrah lowered his voice as if he could hear it three kilometers away.

“What is Snake Mountain?” Movan asked.

“Snake demons are clustered, they particularly like to intertwine, and a female snake tends to have seventy or eight male snakes on her body. So when there is a larger female snake tray somewhere, it will suddenly attract many Grand Duke snakes to attach to it, and Grand Duke snakes have absolute attraction to those little female snakes, so the herd of little male snakes will wrap around the female snakes, thus intertwining, overlapping and staggering each other, will form a mountain of serpentine nest!” Old Harrah explained.

“So exaggerated!” Movan was somewhat surprised.

“You look up there and see if you can see the outline of Snake Mountain.” Old Hara refers to a somewhat turbid side.

Movan looked closely and found a strangely shaped hill in the cloudy fog. Its outer contours would creep, and from time to time there was another thing rolling and falling from it. Thinking of the image that Old Hara had just described of the female serpent, the male serpent, the female serpent, the male serpent constantly intertwined, she couldn't help but wreak goose bumps!

“Scorpion has a strong sense of hearing and the Snake Demon is very sensitive to the breath, and I let everyone walk in here with me because the wind is blowing against us, and our living smell should not spread to them.” Old Harrah continued.

“So that's it.” Movan nodded and was taught.

It is true that an experienced old hunter is far more important than a powerful magician, a mountain of snakes like that, if it startles, something will happen.

“Strange, don't you think that mountain is moving?” Mubai suddenly said.

“It's normal, they're snakes.” Old Harrah said.

“No, I mean they seem to be spreading..." Mulberry said.