Versatile Mage

Chapter 1507 Huge Bounty Pool

Fenner himself is a general, at best find a more familiar veteran to help Movan and others find the young girl Medusa, unlikely to send too many people, Cairo is still at war, where there are so many people.

Heidi means that when Bran's concubine returns, so that they can get into the snake pit, even if they meet adult Medusa, the strength of Bran's concubine should be able to cope with one or two.

Unfortunately, Bran's concubine hasn't returned a message since she left. She only told everyone that it would take a week for her to arrive in Cairo. A week later, the curse must have spread again, when Bran's concubine used to collect the bodies basically for them.

“Looks like we're on our own.” Mofan said helplessly.

“We can't really count on anyone at this time, let alone be willing to die with us.” Zhao Manyan said.

The people at the European Academy have gone through intense mental struggles, or they definitely go to Snake House to find Medusa, the young girl, or they will not survive until they continue to be so cursed.

Fortunately, the team Rivani is an intern teacher, which means that at least one of his strengths should be superior.

Internship teachers who can take outstanding graduates from European institutions must be of superior standard. After all, most of the students from these European institutions are also highly qualified and will not be much worse than their group, and will be able to make a difference at a critical time.

In fact, most magicians in the wild have to form a complete team, and different faculties can play a decisive role, and it's not too bad to go looking for a young girl, Medusa, who can pull these European academies on their backs.

However, there is a great deal of resentment in the minds of the people of the European Academy, who clearly come to the test, but end up hanging their lives on this damn Serpent curse, a mission to find Medusa, a young girl, in a serpent, which is no different than dying.


You bought some supplies for the wild in Cairo, and the antidote is essential, considering that they are mostly facing snakes and scorpions.

The antidote is not an all-purpose antidote, it generally refers to the antidote material. The truly horrible toxin is variable and often needs to be combined with the antidote material in order to be able to formulate a truly effective antidote.

“Is there only one pharmacist on our team??” Zhao Manyan asked around and found that none of the European academies could formulate drugs!

Without dispensing the medicine, it would be poisoning, dark wounds, rotting acid saliva, if it touched you, your life would be in danger!

“Without a healing magician, without a pharmacist, we go into the most poisonous places in the world like this, and I think we might as well wait for Cairo to die comfortably.” Zhao Manyan said with great dissatisfaction.

“I'm kind of one.” Mulberry spoke at this time.

“Holy shit, what's a half-hung pharmacist doing?” Zhao Manyan said.

“Better than a piece of crap you scream!” Mubai was ironic.

“I'm a phytologist, but I don't make drugs.” Fa said openly.

“So make sure that the antidote material is fully equipped. Don't worry, I still have some knowledge of toxicity. As long as it's not similar to the serpentine curse, I generally know what to use to antidote it, which is that I don't really formulate drugs...” Chad said.

Mulberry is not a half-chang pharmacist either, he is a certified senior pharmacist from the Hunter's Association and Magic Society, it's just that Spring Formulation | The drug was an accident...


Everyone was getting ready, and Movan found his place not far from the Hunters League Hall, so he took a detour.

The name of the Master Hunter is international in nature, so Movan is equally respected and well served in Cairo's League of Hunters.

In fact, official information does not circulate quickly, and hunters' information, if it is bad, is often truly false.

“Medusa's tears, anyone get a reward?” Movan asks about the Hunter Girl who followed her all the way.

The Hunter Girl smiled and put a glass of water in front of Movan and said, “Do you want to add a bounty pool too? ”

“Bounty Pool??” Movan had some accidents.

“Didn't you know Medusa's tears are the highest accumulation in our Egyptian Hunter League Bounty Pool!” The Hunter Girl said.

Bounty pools, which are a collective bounty, are often extremely difficult to pay, and there are very few people who can complete it, and their needs are very high, so this bounty pool appears.

The winners are a lot of people, they throw their reward amount into the bounty pool, and after the bounty keeps piling up, there will eventually be strong people at the end of the day with huge returns, and even some governments will personally form strong people to complete the bounty in order to be able to get the money back into the cage.

Movan and Spirit completed the Drowning Curse Bounty Pool, gained a huge sum of money and the hunter's rank soared from the original few stars to six!

Master Six-Star Hunter is a fairly high-ranking existence. If Movan gets tired of fighting and killing, he will hang himself as this Master Six-Star Hunter and gain a high-ranking status in a big city in any country!

After resolving the drowning bounty pool, Movan and Spirit haven't received much of a bounty in a while. They were here today to announce a bounty to see if this can be solved with money. How can they know that they underestimated the value of Medusa tears? A bounty pool of Medusa tears has been formed in Egypt!

“How much is in the bounty pool now?” Movan asked.

“About 3.5 billion.” The Huntress replied.

“Three... three and a half billion, that's probably your highest reward in Cairo, right?” Movan was surprised.

There were only a few drowning spells, and Medusa's tears rewarded 3.5 billion!

It made Movan swallow his throat!

How much money represents how difficult it is otherwise how will the bounty pool continue to accumulate??

“Well, that's kind of an S-level reward. Also in recent years, this bounty pool has been rising, partly because the female serpent also possesses the ability to have revenge eyes. Many magicians face the curse of the serpent clan. On the other hand, Medusa's tears can be immune to petrification, relief from freezing, strengthening the mind and other effects. Many magicians love it very much, it is all heavy gold to ask for... I think some hunter kings should have some foolish moves.” The Hunter Girl knew a lot and told Movan the truth.

Movan was a dark surprise that Medusa's tears were so precious and powerful!

Immune petrification!

Isn't that to abolish the technique of petrochemical, the eyes of rock demons in the upper order of the earth system? You know, that's how many earthly magicians eat!

Immune Petrochemical Forget it, you can still meet Frozen, this thing is still the ice magician's gram star!!

There are also effects that strengthen the mind. Although I don't know exactly how much it can strengthen, the first two effects are already quite exaggerated!