Versatile Mage

Chapter 1525: Getting Back and forth

Major General Gamma leaned against an old stump and looked at some nowhere to go Movan et al., where he laughed.

“There's a road to Heaven. You don't walk, now you know who you're up against? The only way you can live right now is to serve me well, give me that little girl and send me back to the army, so you still have a little life left!” Major General Gamma said arrogantly.

Movan could not enter Cairo and it was difficult to leave Cairo. Snake demons looked at each other and essentially left the outskirts of Cairo. They must have been surrounded by Snake Demons. On the one hand, the little Medusa thing completely annoyed them. On the other hand, the Snake Eye Curse will constantly attract Snake Demons.

You can't walk, you can't get in Cairo, and if time drags on like this, the Snake Eyes curse will become stronger, and it will be easier for the Snake Demons to find them.

“Did your bones itch again?” Movan walked to Major General Gamma to question him.

Major General Gamma will be a little afraid of Movan. Movan's dark matter tortures people to death. Major General Gamma, although he has not told any great secrets, does not want to be abused again.

“Otherwise, let's send this guy back, and some of my students don't know what's going on now.” Wanee hesitated for a moment to say.

As an intern teacher, he leads the team, and if anything happens to the student, he must take full responsibility. Vanni panicked when the army wanted them all, he was a super magician, yes, but he was just a teacher without a lot of authority, compared to the real generals and military divisions, it didn't matter!

Vanni knows exactly who can and can't. Now he thinks he's really in the middle of something.

“Send him back? You really think the Egyptian military is going to be lenient on us, and they can just shoot us without asking us who we are, which means they don't give a shit who we are, and it's easier for them to get rid of it.” Movan said.


Compromise amounts to putting your life and dignity in the hands of others, which is Movan's least favorite way.

“But we're still a dead end. If it's just some big snake, that's fine. When Red Snake Medusa finds us, we're really screwed.” Wanee said.

“Or is the teacher a little brainy? Rest assured, you are from a European academy, and there is no need for our military to piss off such a university. Forget what you saw, give this girl to us, I assure you that you will leave Egypt safely, even the test materials you need, and that our military can be delivered to your school in the form of military decorations, so that you can take our glory back to school.” Major General Gamma said.

“You shut the fuck up.” Movan leaned towards this guy's chest and kicked Major General Gamma almost bleeding out.

“What you're doing, torturing him won't do us any good, and I don't think it's a bad thing to leave a trail behind.” Wanee said.

Ignoring Varney, Movan walked toward the height, when the sun was completely westerly sloping, and when the Snake Demon clan was most active at dusk, the Snake Eye Curse would also spread a few points, believing that it would be another bloody battle.

Apath squatted at height, her eyes staring at the red tongue of the oblique sun, and a small face was printed so beautifully. It's just that her clean, beautiful eyes don't have much flair.

“Brother, I didn't cause you much trouble.” Apache whispered.

Major General Gamma's words Apath also heard, the whole thing is because of her, the Egyptian military can spare Movan these people, after all, their strength and background is not simple, but the military must not allow her, a special person, to leave alive, raising little Medusa, absolutely no one should know, publicly, Egypt and the international will have a big wave!

“I've been in more trouble than you, and that's nothing.” Movan patted her in the head with messy hair.

Apath raised her face slowly, staring at Movan like that. She watched it for a long time, and Movan got a little embarrassed.

Apath did look good, and Movan was amazed by her appearance when she first met her, so she was more and more certain that she was Medusa the Little Fairy, pure and charming, clearly a clean and incredibly clean young girl with an extraordinary temperament.

Movan shifted his gaze away from his snatched look.

“Do you like me?” Apath asked seriously.

“Ah, how could you ask that!” Movan stunned for a moment.

“If you don't like me, why protect me?” Apache continued.

“…” Movan was asked some funny questions, and explained, "This has nothing to do with likes or dislikes. I am a man of flesh and blood, and what the vast majority of people hate is this cruel, ugly thing, even though it is everywhere in the world, and I cannot eliminate it one by one like a righteous warrior, but since I have met it, nothing can be considered to have happened. ”

“Oh, well, that means it's not about Apache, even if it's someone else, my brother would do the same, right?” Apath asked.

“Pretty much, but it's also a face-watching world, looking good, and I'll be more serious and more firm in my convictions.” Movan said.

“...” Heidi was just a short distance away. He was particularly touchy when he heard Mofan's last words. There was another big change for Mofan | hooliganism. How do you know the rest of this makes Heidi believe that this guy is still a total hooliganism | hooliganism!

“This is the last bottle that will keep us safe tonight.” Mulberry came over and handed over a bottle of some diluted medicine.

Mubai temporarily formulated medicines similar to suppressing the serpentine curse with some materials, which unfortunately can only be delayed for some time and cannot completely eradicate the serpentine curse problem.

“Rest well today. Tomorrow is probably a good time to fight and maintain your spirit.” Movan said.

Mu Bai nodded, they had not rested much in the past few days and had been traumatized by members of the military. Sustaining them would only drag them down and break their minds.


Everyone found a safe place to rest, and at dusk, the snakes did not find them, indicating that Mulberry's temporary medication was still effective.

They are really tired, they were cursed by snake eyes before, not to mention that in order to catch little Medusa was also always nervous, and more deadly was attacked by the military, barely persisted to this day, but still strangled by the military and the snake clan...