Versatile Mage

Chapter 1594: One of the Seven Giants

“By the way, since the Snake Scorpion Army listens to you, I will summon you, can you summon them too, you know, my enemies are so many, so powerful, to be able to get your Snake Scorpion Army to help, I think things will be very easy to solve!” Movan said.

“You've had less daydreams.” Apath's dissatisfaction says, "You have no idea the complexity of the Medusa. ”

“Well, I'd be interested to hear from you. Now I have time.” Movan said.

“She is the heir of a disobedient Queen Medusa!” At this time, another voice came in.

Movan heard the voice of the Ninth Phantom, but did not see her. After searching around, he found that the Ninth Phantom had flown out of a painting on the wall with a charm. The appearance was very similar to that of the woman in the painting. This really showed the characteristics of a ghost, and Movan still looked a little strange.

Wouldn't it be a terrible thing if powerful ghosts could attach themselves to a particular object like this and make people unconscious?

“She's not doing her job. What do you mean?” Movan glanced at Apath and asked inexplicably.

“Didn't you ask me to deal with the Snake Scorpions? I've been to their evil temples, and I know about the Medusa.” Nine Ghosts said.

Apath was silent at this time, his eyes staring with resentment at the Ninth Phantom, this damned old woman, causing herself to look like this now!

“Then tell me.” Movan seemed very interested, sitting on the couch without noticing a small mouse lying on the couch eating secretly.

Xiao Yanjie flew away in a hurry to avoid being beaten up by Movan. She cried out in mourning and expressed her dissatisfaction!

Movan laughed embarrassingly, holding Xiao Yanxi in her arms as a little warm pillow listening to the story.

Xiao Yanjie also prepared her own snacks, staring her eyes wide and waiting for the Nine Phantoms to say about the Medusa clan, even if she doesn't understand!

“Medusa's mother is dying.” The Nine Ghosts said.

“…” Movan barely sat down.

That's how powerful the Nine Ghosts are!!

Mother of Medusa, this is the great BOSS that truly holds all the Snake Scorpion Army, the supreme ruler of Snake Scorpion and Medusa, such an ancestral super demon is on the verge of death... incredible!

Each country is home to some of the great demons, so called natural enemies of the country, which greatly restrict the movement of mankind, and even more frequently invade and trample on urban civilization, like the Dongting Lake tribe in central China, and if the supreme ruler of the Dongting Lake tribe dies, the national flag will be halved to celebrate!

The mother of Medusa is not only the Egyptian superdemon, it is one of the biggest hidden dangers of several countries around the Mediterranean in Asia across Africa, including the Arab, Greek, Italian, etc. The strength and prevalence of snake scorpions have headached many countries in the region for centuries... and one of the great demon giants that has plagued them is the mother of Medusa!

“The Seven African Giants - Mother of Medusa, is it really about to die??” Movan still feels a little unbelievable after staring at the Nine Phantoms.

“The youngest daughter of Medusa's mother is beside you. Ask her yourself.” Nine Phantom Queens glanced at Apath and said with a full smile.

Movan opened his mouth and looked at Apath with some shock.

No way!!

Apath is the daughter of Medusa's mother...

Movan knows that Apath is of high rank and is the purest noble descent of Medusa, but I didn't expect her to be this pure. She is actually Medusa's mother's daughter, so she is not Medusa's mother's son-in-law... Ah, what the hell is a son-in-law, this is a summons deed!!

“You know how cheap you are?” The Nine Ghosts turned their eyes up.

Movan nodded wildly.

Be good, make a fortune, no wonder a military capital like Ethan desperately likes Apath. Turns out Apath affects the fate of Africa... And she, is now her own contract beast, wow haha, such a powerful contract beast, it turns out that good people have a good reward, should do more good deeds in the future, kill more for the people, so that God will constantly give himself such beautiful assistants to reward himself!

“Since Medusa's mother is dying, who will inherit the supreme rule of Medusa??” Movan suddenly thought of the problem, his eyes staring at Apath with great enthusiasm.

Apath is the heir to Medusa's throne, once Medusa's mother dies, isn't her lovely little pet going to be an African giant??

“She also has two sisters, one named Pemoje and one named Dino. Neither of the two big witches is an oil-saving lamp. When I entered the evil temple, they almost found me...” Nine Ghosts said.

“Oh, oh, their family is so lively.” Movan said.

“Do you know why I said she wasn't doing her job?” Nine Phantoms later smiled.


“Pemoje and Dino are constantly caging Medusa of all races, and even the sphere of influence has been extended to the Big Snake Mother and the Scorpion Demon, who have mastered all the power of the Snake Scorpion from Cape of Good Hope to the Mediterranean, who have even won the alliance of other desert maniacs, and you see this in front of you... look what she's doing, brother, I want to learn magic... I want to eat this, I want to play here.” Nine Phantoms later learned the look and tone of Apache, and Movan looked funny.

Apache's face turned blue and her little pointy teeth revealed.

“Why don't you argue, even Medusa has to be an advanced Medusa, otherwise what difference does it make to bring fish?” Movan asked.

“Mind your own business!!” Apache was insulted and angry to bite.

“Ha ha, not that she didn't want to argue, she was born late, she was not tall, and not many tribes were there to support her. Had it not been for Medusa's mother to protect her, she would have been given beauty soup by her two powerful sisters... she is, by the way, the best looking of the three Medusa sisters.” The Ninth Phantom Queen said.

“Wow, sister, do you want to be so cruel that everyone loves each other?” Movan was surprised.

“When it comes to the Queen's throne, they can't help but kill all their brothers and sisters | Light, so there won't be any competition suspense, the royal road is unrecognized by six parents, let alone them?” The Ninth Phantom Queen seems to be very fond of this.

“Oh, well, it makes sense, that means she can't compete for Medusa's mother's place?” Movan said.

“Unless one day her two sisters suddenly die, hahaha, and even then, she can't hold back the Medusa tribes, and jump out of a relatively old snake-haired Scorpion King Medusa probably dares to call her a board.” Nine Unseen Queens said of bliss and happiness.

Apath blushes and without that damn contract, she eats both of them alive now!!

“So you can't count on her to bring in the Scorpion Army??” Movan asked.

“There's nothing wrong with scaring a few small tribes. The bloodline is there to scare the Medusa warriors of the hybrid bloodline, but it doesn't play a critical role, because most of these tribes will still be directed at her two sisters. As soon as she shows up, she basically goes to her two sisters, and soon her sister's command will come... Now, of course, the Snake Scorpion tribes won't be so bold, and Medusa's mother is still breathing. When Medusa's mother dies, she will either unravel or be swallowed...” Jiuhao said.

Movan reached out her hand, touched Apath's little head, rubbed her hair messy, and made a heartbreaking look: “Look at you. How pathetic. You should thank me for having you. ”

“I'm sleepy.” Apath doesn't want to hear from these two anymore, preferring to go back to the contract space, at least quietly there.

“You haven't answered my question. What kind of cooperation do you have with Ethan?” Movan asked.

“What else can there be? Ethan is the head of the human army, and in the eyes of Medusa, humankind is a force. Since the demon's power is divided between her two sisters, she seems to be able to get only some support from humankind. Ethan gets information from her about the Snake Scorpion and some battle Snake Scorpion concessions, and Ethan becomes Egypt's biggest military chief, helping her destroy her two sister's tribe..." Nine Ghosts said.

“So, Apath, you have chosen the wrong person, Ethan kind of dog bastard can't be used to cooperate, besides, he doesn't really have much skill, you can choose me if you want to choose, look at me Movan, born with colorful clouds and xia, tiger body shocked, eight years of worship, even if not talk about this vulgar thing, my personality charm far exceeds Ethan's, isn't it, and look at my face, does it have an extraordinary sense of handsome. Rest assured, since you follow me, I won't dislike you. Serve me well and make sure that you hang your two sisters and beat them up in the future, and strip them off.” Movan rubbed Apath's little head so hard that she was more and more proud to forget.

Apath is going crazy and has never seen anyone more disgraceful than him!!

He also helped himself to fix two sisters. With his current strength, he couldn't even beat a lowest Medusa. If it weren't for the old woman of Nine Ghosts, he would never have touched his rank in his life...

“I'm sleepy!!” Apache spoke out loud. Listen to them again, Apath thinks she might as well give herself a little hypnosis, sleep a hundred years at a time, and wake up when Morgan's life is running out.

Movan didn't have any difficulty getting Apath into the contract space.

Apath fell asleep very quickly. Movan checked her release and saw that she was really asleep and did not torment her anymore.