Versatile Mage

Chapter 1675: Luxury Van Snow Hills

Shells, silver-white shells like metal, they cover this vast expanse of ocean with no space, creating a shocking scene of freezing the ocean!!

They form a silver and white land that can't be counted at all!!

Despite a beautiful gleam above, and despite the spectacular crust about to be connected to a distant white cloud, which darkens the ocean, it seems to the cruiser that the touch of a little beauty is not felt at all, but rather endless fear!!

They are all creatures!!!!

How many of these Bay Demons and Spiral Demons do you really need to make such a picture!

What a hell of a scene this silver and white land of demons of the ocean brings near the shoreline of human habitat!!

Why is it so overflowing to cover a sea area???

What exactly happened in the ocean!

“Get out... Get out of here.” After a long time, the cruiser spoke to the driver.

The driver also had a blank mind and rushed to the helicopter to choose to return.

To be honest, just such a far-sighted view gives you an infinite sense of horror, and where do you dare go really close?



Van Xue Mountain

Movan remembers the last time he left Van Snow Mountain, Van Snow Mountain gave himself the feeling that it was a thriving heart, that stones were always transported on the road, that any piece of land had buildings that were constantly being built up, that workers and architects were busy, and that there was engineering ashes over the New City.

But this time back, the streets were clean, and countless greenery plants were planted on both sides, and the business circle was situated on many tall buildings, the lights were brilliant, elegant, the residential neighborhoods were well planned, and compared to the last mess, it was like changing a plot of land.

The new city of the past, it can be said, is a large construction site, full of dirt, and full of materials piled up into hills. The new city now is really a new city, even many architectural styles seem to follow Bo, the novelty has a few ancient rhymes, although it is imitated...

This ever-changing new city is surrounded by the Van Snow Hills. The new city area is actually huge. There are still lots of large plots of land under the pile of earth, stone and steel, but one side is already so bright, and Movan already feels incredible.

“Snow, you're amazing!” Movan praised it from the heart.

“I didn't do anything, mostly Dad and Mu Linsheng were planning it.” Muningsnow said.

Mu Zhuoyun used to be the Emperor of Bo. In the management of the city, he can say that he is an old driver. Plus, after these years, he kept running east and west in various cities. He realized more things. In the construction of the new city, Mu Zhuoyun is called a big show of boxing!

“It didn't occur to me that Mu Laoghu is an expert in cities and people can't look like each other.” Movan sighed.

“We also have some changes in Van Snow Hills, let me show you around.” Muningsnow said.

“Well, it's time to get acquainted with our love nest.” Movan said.

Van Snow Hills has been renovated in a very special way, with the design of a park garden from the bottom of the hill, similar to the original Moose Hills in Bo, but Van Snow Hills is much bigger than Moose Hills.

The hillside location has many magic training fields, the vast majority of clans have independent training sites, to provide magic disciples to practice, one clan flourishes and flourishes, often looking at the magic training grounds can make a rough judgment.

A few steps up the hill are misplaced many villas, which are allocated to the main members of Van Snow Mountain to live in. They can be said to be the core of Van Snow Mountain. Since Van Snow Mountain does not take the position of last name, many of its abilities while remaining loyal to Van Snow Mountain, will be arranged in these comfortable villas. These villas are elegant environments, separated from the Van Snow New City business circle, while also allowing the villa owners to look over the bush of the business circle, and many extraordinary core members of Snow Mountain have already bought them at great prices, but Munningsnow is not for sale.

If you live in a Villa Van Snow Mountain, you must be an important member of Van Snow Mountain.

And the villa surrounds the mountain area with many sophisticated mountain roads that can be used for racing. Finally, they lead to the Vincent Grand Mansion, which is very open at the top of the mountain, with the largest enchanted battlefield, garden of flowers, bamboo forest maple forest, large swimming pool, spring water council hall...

When Movan was in Van Snow Mountain, it was a deserted area. In addition to trees and weeds, it was a lonely large white stone house. Living on it was no different from following the hilltop cemetery in the wild countryside, so Movana would not like to come here and live more in the Devil's own big apartment.

And now, this fan snow hill is a dream, even the dining room is independent of the mansion's artificial pool, running water, panoramic glass windows, white curtains...

You're from the Grand Clan. People like Movan who can squat and eat on a stool can't imagine a dining room making it so luxurious!

Mu Ningxue lives in his own environment, it won't happen at all!!

“Do you like it?” asked Muningsnow.

“I can't like it anymore, hahaha, but where did you get all that money?” Movan said.

“Many businessmen see the prospects of our Van Snow Mountains and want to get future status from us, so we pay only a small fee for materials in building their special care in Van Snow Mountains.” Muningsnow said.

In fact, it is very simple, Mu Linsheng directly invited the company to bid, using the construction of Van Xue Mountain as an appraisal, and the best of the best will be the construction partner of Van Xue New City. How many businessmen want to bid in so many places in Van Xue New City, those businessmen have come up with almost the finest team of professionals to the Van Xue Mountains, all of which can be said to be exemplary!

Mu Linsheng was also very smart, and with a big plan for Van Xue Mountain herself, the division of labor to those big enterprises, so that the experts could work together and build a unified overall style, so Van Xue Mountain now has this amazing sense of modernity and luxury!

“…” Movan was shocked.

It turns out that such a luxurious Van Snow Hill didn't cost much!

Even more unexpected is that Van Snow Mountain, which has been suppressed everywhere in the past, now has a lot of big companies fighting for fear after favor...

This land is worth fucking!!

“I used to think you were like a princess living in a castle. When I laid down on the iron fence under your mountain, I thought that you Moose Hills were not great. Later, I made a palace-level place for you to live... I didn't think you'd built it yourself, which embarrassed me.” Movan scratched his head.

When the little snot-nosed boy dreamed of flying in the future, casting a palace to feed the little princess, happily with her every day, who knew the reality was that the princess was diligently advancing and building a new palace with her own hands.

This makes Movan feel like he's the one being adopted...

Muningsnow just laughed and didn't say anything about it.

In fact, after the establishment of this mountain, many people did come to admire it, but it was Mofan's name. What he did in the ancient capital and the northern frontier made those who joined Van Snow Mountain almost absolutely faithful, and it was the support of these people that made Van Snow Mountain even better.

No snow mountain in the name of Movan can be like this. After all, the Muha affair is a black scar branded on Muningsnow and Mu Zhuoyun that cannot be removed.

“Ah, I have something for you… why don't you show me our room first, it's not a good place.” Movan immediately remembered something, which freed his embraced self-esteem from some small relief.

Muningsnow didn't say much either, taking Movan through several houses.

Movan's house was built in the form of a master, so it was the most elegant location in the entire Van Schoe mansion.

Pushing open the door, you need to go through a bedroom yard with pebbles and blue bamboo in it to get to the real bedroom. This master room is three times bigger than the one you have in the big apartment in Demon City. The modern imperial luxury scale is to completely let Movan stay.

“Where's the bed?” Movan asked.

“The bedroom is upstairs. ”

“Isn't our room a little teh... the bidders did it too?” Movan doesn't know how to describe it for a while.

“It's done the way I like it myself, and I think you'll like it.” Muningsnow said.

Movan thought he could afford Muningsnow now, who knew Muningsnow's definition of luxury was not at all on the same horizon.

Alas, forget it, Mu Ningxue should feed herself, eating soft rice is nothing, this kind of soft rice can still put aside meaningless self-esteem and accept it openly.

“Since this is the master's room, who's the other room we just passed?” Movan asked.

“Mine," Munningham said.

“Yours?” asked Movan.

“I live in the house.” Muningsnow said.

“You live... Wait, don't tell me I live here alone?” Movan suddenly understood.

“Mmm.” Munningsnow nodded.

“Isn't this what you like to do?” Movan said.

“It's my favourite style, but I didn't say I live here.” Muningsnow saw Movana lose some exaggerated expression, her mouth slightly raised. Movan took it for granted that he never said he wanted to live together.

Mofan's series of surprises at Fanshaw Hills was completely beaten to nothing by the phrase Muningsnow.

In that case, it would be better to go back to the Devil's Landscape and at least from time to time get some hermitage, Aytuzu's benefits in your own little apartment, where you expect to live in a room with Muningsnow's lonely male widow... honestly, it's pure to go to a public cafe with a Janima like this!