Versatile Mage

Chapter 1727: Earthwork Consultation

Out of Awakening Stone, Movan ignored Guo Li's so-called double charge.

Shen Nujiao waited outside, saw Movan come out, immediately stood up and asked with a little anticipation on his face: "How is it, what tie is awakened? ”

“Earthly and chaotic, pretty good.” Movan said.

Shen Nu Jiao was still quite happy for Movan, but as soon as he heard him awake the two faculties, some grudgingly muttered: “Both faculties are just fine? If I were you, I'd be happy dancing with my hands. ”

“Do you want to dance and celebrate?” Movan said.

“I won't! ”

“You won't be able to learn, just dancing with fewer and fewer of those clothes... uh, joking, joking.” Movan hastily changed his tongue when he saw the look in Mannu's eyes.

When Movan paid and was leaving with these two new magic systems, he suddenly remembered something.

“By the way, I have a little girl. Can you help her wake up, too?” Movan asked.

“What rank is she?” Guo Li asked.

“Not awake yet.” Movan said.

“Oh, so when it's free, you call her over, Cotton, you go help her wake up.” Guo Li pushed things directly to his apprentice.

Movan found a place where no one was, summoned Apath.

Apath appeared in front of Movan with a blurred sleep, and she said reluctantly, "What are you asking me to do again? I want to be sleepy. ”

“Didn't you want to learn magic? I'll take you to awakening.” Movan said.

“Really?” Apath's eyes glared up suddenly, flashing with the light of anticipation.

“Don't lie to me, let's go. ”

Apath was very happy, she didn't even mind that Movan had summoned her in the men's room. She followed Movan hastily, looking scared that Movan would regret it.


Taking Apath into the Awakening House, the shepherd was somewhat surprised. How did Movan get the man here so quickly, and he was also a little beauty with such evil people.

“You go in with her, cotton. She doesn't know anything. You teach her more.” Movan said.

“Okay, you come with me. ”

Xiao Min entered the awakening house with Apath, and Movan and Manju were waiting outside, and Manju was looking at Movan with a very strange look, apparently beginning to doubt the relationship between Movan and Apath.

“I said how come you haven't returned home for so long, so you have such a wonderful little girl overseas.” The shepherd said in a shadowy manner.

“Why do each of you think that? Do I look so obsessed again?” Movan said.

“Probably.” The shepherd smiled.

By the time they spoke, Cotton had walked out of the house with Apath and woke up pretty fast.

“What do you say?” Movan asked.

“Lucky for me, it's a plant system, although this one has some... it's a plant system anyway!” Cotton said.

Apache's face was full of smiles, and she didn't think she really needed to awaken magic or her favorite botanical magic.

“Oh, jealous, aren't you a master of botanicals, just enough to teach her something to get started.” Movan said.

“Well, I'm also working on magic education.” Shen Nu Jiao said.


Upon returning to the apartment, Apath, one by one, called hermitage, summoned hermitage to her heart, even taught her plant-based magic at night.

Apath was really interested in magic, and Shennu took her to the Pearl College training ground to teach her some basic techniques in the plant system.

Movan himself has found a training ground where he intends to practice his magic.

Chaos West is indeed much harder to control than the rest of the system. When Movan was in the Awakening House, he completed the first orbit of the earth system in just two exercises, releasing the magic of the earth system, but the stars of the chaos system are hard to grasp and it took Movan all day without much progress.

However, Movan is not in a hurry, the stars need to get familiar slowly, can't eat on the chaos system, Movan can drill the earth system, and the thunder system!

The thunder system now has 2,401 stars, to cast them into a magnificent star palace, it is also a huge project, good in the small mud plunge and promoted to a large level, so that Mofan's cultivation speed and control speed is several times faster than before, otherwise the thunder system 2,401 stars really don't know when it will be able to listen to their own manoeuvres.

“Hey, the one in there, interested in a little consultation?” A voice came and interrupted Movan's practice.

Movan was practicing some elemental magic in a common training ground that was very large and not far from several students at Pearl College.

Movan initially thought he was talking to someone else and ignored them. When the greasy young man walked toward him, Movan realized that what he was referring to was himself.

“With me?” Movan refers to himself.

“Is there anybody else here? Don't you dare say a word, don't mother-in-law!” Oilhead learners said impatiently.

“How?” Movan asked.

“You don't even know the ranking competition, you don't look like a freshman.” The participant said.

“Knowing is knowing that you want to collaborate, then come on, just as I would like to try my new magic system.” Movan nodded.

It's boring and inefficient to practice alone in the face of a target, and since someone happens to be training themselves to move sandbags, it's perfect.

“The new department? Looks like you're still an intermediate magician, and I don't want to abuse vegetables. I'm Zeng Tong from the Fire Faculty. What's your name, which faculty?” Oilhead learner Zeng Tong said.

“I... I am Van Mok from the Department of Homestead, so much instruction!” Movan laughed, and there were some slight fluctuations in the sand where he stepped at his feet.

Participants once saw that Movan had set the scene, glanced at the slowly fluctuating sand, and scornfully smiled: “It seems you are usually lazy, the earth system is not very skilled. ”

“I just learned.” Movan replied.

“Fine, I'll show you the real turf!” Zeng Tong's face flew confidently, his right foot slammed toward the sand, and the sand began to boil, and the tiny sand fluctuations beneath Movan's feet immediately covered up the past!

Zeng Tong majored in the fire department, supplemented by the earthly system. In front of Zeng Tong, Mofan's earthly system was too slow and soft, and he was completely a beginner!