Versatile Mage

Chapter 1792: The Mentally Ill Think Broad

Asahi Island is about 50 kilometers from the town of return, itself dozens of kilometers from the sea, and the island is some distance from the beach.

Asahi Island belongs to the town of Wang, but because of its relatively remote distance, the island is no different from an abandoned deserted island if it is not managed by people.

After leaving the lakeside tea room, Mofan, Ling Ling, Zhao Manyan and Jiang Shaoxu went to the rough coast, looking back to the town without a port, there was only one way to look back to the town to inject the river into the sea, they followed the river to the sea, and found that there was no beach, but rather a cliff with a certain height.

The cliff could be said to have formed a natural dam, blocking the sea water that would otherwise have spread, making the town of Hope Town a relatively small town threatened by rising sea levels.

The seawater is not within reach, and those who prefer humidity do not mess around here.

“There's a cliff tower.” Ling Ling pointed to the place where the cliffs rose and said.

“Go check it out. ”

The four men walked towards the cliff tower, and on their way, two members of the trial court were patrolling there. They lit a cigarette and looked rather idle. After a few random interrogations of the four men, they continued to chat about some gossip and went in another direction. Movan also heard them cursing someone in the cliff tower.

Stepping into the cliff tower, I thought the cliff tower should be abandoned, but I walked into the doorway and found it cleaned up.

The cliff tower is made of stone, the outside stones are gray and visible at night, obviously for some years.

“It looks like someone lives here, with clothes hanging next to it.” Zhao Manyan pointed to the two dead wood paths next to his finger.

“Don't be like that.” Movan said.

After that, some of the dark cliffs had a tall figure that gradually emerged.

This man's face is slowly clear, is a face that has undergone a muddy experience, black elderly spots adorned with brown and yellow skin, a pair of golden eyes staring at their guests, the light of vigilance emanating from his pupils shows that he is not an ordinary guardian of the tower.

The middle-aged man actually had some hunchbacks, but even so, he was half a head taller than Movan and Zhao Manyan. You can see how the tower guardian was when he was younger!

“Kids are fine. Don't come out here and play. You'll get ripped open by monsters in the middle of the night!” The tower watchman saw that the visitors were a few young people and did not have much tone to say.

“Uncle, are you the guardian here?” Movan asked.

“I know and ask, hurry back to the town, the sea is not peaceful these days.” The tower watchman said.

The tower guardian should be a veteran, wearing old military uniforms.

“We're just here to find out about Asahima. You've been here quite a few years. How many featherless birds do you think Asahima has?” Movan went on to ask.

“Let's go, let's go, we don't need you nosy people here.” The tower guardian said impatiently.

“Uncle, do you know Totem?” Movan asked again.


The Tower Guardian did not have the intention of communicating, and sent Movan and others directly.

A few people didn't have much to gain. They walked aimlessly on the edge of the cliff. Jiang Shao recalled Movana's last question and couldn't help but say: “Movan, do you think that totem is a big cabbage in the street, just grab someone and you'll know?? ”

Movan scratched his head and explained embarrassingly: “This is how it is arranged in general TV shows, games and novels. The kind of old man who seems to have a strange temper and lives in an abandoned place. Eighty-nine out of ten are watching over something. I thought about it carefully. There are totem marks here. Maybe the veteran is watching the totem, so I opened the door and asked him directly. ”

“…" Ling Ling, Zhao Manyan and Jiang Shaoxiang were speechless for a while. The psychopath thought broadly, so it was Movan's kind of speech.

“It's still good to go on a field trip, there's no point in going around here.” Zhao Manyan said.

This time was for the totem he needed. Zhao Manyan was extraordinarily enthusiastic and called out the wings of the golden wind. He roughly determined the direction of Asahima.

“I'll go scout, you wait here for my message.” Zhao Manyan said.

More than 20 kilometers is not too far for those who can fly. Zhao Manyan patted his golden wings and leaped up into the dark sky. On the calm surface of the sea, he can be seen flying fast. He is gradually moving away in the eyes of Movan and others.

Watching Zhao Manyan fly to Asahi, Mofan couldn't help but sigh: “This is the first time I've seen Zhao Manyan take the initiative to do something. ”

“He's probably excited.” Ling Ling said.


In the inky sky there is only a little silver bright, probably in the position behind Zhao Manyan, this kind of night without moonlight and starlight, the ocean and the sky are thick together, if the sea water would not keep fluctuating noise, can not distinguish them at all.

In the oceans and skies, the headache is not this vast monotony, but a question of direction.

Moon and cloud cannot be used as references, because they all move. It is impossible to walk in a straight line in such an environment. Often it is no different from walking in a straight line with your eyes closed. Walking outside of the Nine Clouds is unknown.

More than 20 kilometres, this is a little far away, and the town itself looks to be in a remote coastal zone, far away, isolated from the rest of the world. There are no coastal vessels in this terrain.

Zhao Manyan's flight speed is not very fast, even the helicopter is no faster than the wind wings of the wind magicians themselves. The wind wings magicians can use the control of the air flow and the wind to make the speed exceed the vast majority of flight tools.

Wing magic consumes magic. Just when Zhao Manyan felt that he was flying in the wrong direction, an irregular island appeared on the surface of the thick ink.

The island is more than 10 kilometres in diameter, with lush, overlapping plants, and the highest part of the island's mountains is close to those of the mainland, with the lowest position being the teethy sandy beach.

Zhao Manyan could only see one side of the island, which was bigger, and he didn't fly very high, that's all he could see.

Asahi Island is very quiet, it looks like a deserted island with heavy vegetation. It doesn't look like it is full of wild domesticated animals. Zhao Manyan didn't really care to continue flying forward, suddenly he heard the sea level beneath him boiling, splashing water!