Versatile Mage

Chapter 1819: The Strong Man of the Year, Great Temper


Near the diamond-topped loft building, manta rays and evil birds, like locusts, which used to be a large part of the dead featherless birds in the waters around the island, have now been invaded and they have flown from the ocean to the island, completely enclosing a piece of water.

Zhu Ling obviously knew everything about the island, and he knew that hiding in the isolation building during the day would not be attacked by those manta rays and evil birds, so he gathered them all here.

“Your Honor, there is actually an easier way to threaten them directly, and we do not say that we have hurt their lives, let them taste the pain, the weakness of their arms and the shortness of their legs. I am sure that the two remaining people will show up.” Le Dong whispered an idea.

“Kill us if you can, without affecting your ways.” Tang Yue snorted, obviously not afraid of this presiding judge Zhu Ling at all.

“Kill you? I'm not an unforgiving man, I'm just doing something that's good for everyone, and don't forget, I'm the one who suffered the most. Who will pay for my son's life? Tang Yue, I don't want to talk to you anymore. Bring back your two friends. I can swear by my soul that all of you will be safe. But if you want to bring things to the attention of everyone, don't blame me for not being affectionate. Everyone is burning!” Judge Zhu Wei said.

“Teacher Tang Yue, I think the presiding judge has a few points to make. Anyway, if this matter can be handled happily, without causing too many casualties, there is no need to pursue it. Everyone takes a step back and is happy. Why do civilized people make such rough and barbaric things like breaking arms and removing legs? Sit down and discuss things peacefully.” Zhao Manyan said immediately.

What lack of arms and legs, Zhao Manyan seems to be among them, Tang Yue is their own people at the trial meeting, Zhu Ling wants to move others presumably do not have the courage, the rest of Jiang Shaohu and Ling, out of humanitarian reasons, those Zhu Ling's men most of the time don't do to them, so the one percent of those used to kill chicken monkeys is themselves.

Moreover, once he was broken leg and his arm was cut, Zhao Manyan was 100% sure that Mofan and Mubai would not show up. What kind of two people are they? Can he not understand Zhao Manyan!!

“Your Honor, it is true that things have not come to that level. Zhu Min's accident can only be blamed for his own lack of mastery. He cannot make things bigger because of this. Mr. Nan did not also explain, everything is mainly about calming down.” Next to Zhu Ling, a man with some white hair said.

The white man was actually in his early thirties, and he was very opposed to Zhu Ling doing so from the outset.

Tang Yue couldn't move, Lingyin trial will know that Tang Yue had an accident in their Nanxi Mountain. With the temper of Tang Zhong's old men, it is estimated that whether they did it or not, they will turn Nanxi Mountain to the bottom of the sky. Not to mention, there are so many judges and judges present, they can not guarantee that they will keep their mouths shut as bottles, and their loyal men will probably fall down at the top superiors to take their place.

“Then here it is!” Zhu Ling appeared to be emotionally unstable, mainly because of his son's tragic condition, which made him deal with the matter irrationally.

It's a little silly here, but he died so blindly, how could he not crash and freak out?

“Yes, I'll spend it here first. When Mr. Nan is finished, everything will be fine. In fact, it's only five days!” Pointe Wu said.

“For this, I took the life of my youngest son, and I hope that Mr. Nan will give me a good arrangement, huh!” Zhu Ling said coldly.

“Rest assured, don't worry, you and Mr. Nan have kept a good spot for you for so many years. It's a fat piece of meat there. As for Zhu Min's thing, you should consider it a punishment for that thing. What you did in the beginning was true...” Wu Zheng said.

Before he finished his speech, Wu Zheng saw that a trial made him run up quickly and told the chief judge Zhu Lin: “Your Honor, there is a man out there who claims to be Mofan. He said that if you don't let his friend go, he will let you truly cut off your grandson. ”

Presiding Judge Zhu Ling heard this sentence, so easily suppressed his inner anger poured up, what reason, what indulgence, what until Mr. Nan's election ended these people were thrown behind his head, and his brain was full of the tragedy of his son Zhu Lin's death!

How could his son have had such an accident if they hadn't come here to do so badly?

Wu Zheng tried to persuade him, but when he saw the whole face of Judge Zhu Ling twitching, Wu Zheng knew that nothing was going to work now.

On the other hand, Zhao Manyan looked as ugly as Wu Zheng.

Movan, isn't this a fucking gas on the fire? Things could have been settled peacefully. This Zhu Wei just wanted to cover up some of the things he did back then. They just pretended not to see it. According to Zhu Wei, the presiding judge didn't come to any jade stone burning. Now, good, Movan can't open any pot to mention which pot, and he scolds others to cut off their grandchildren. This is to have his old Zhao family cut off their grandchildren first!!

“You stay here!” Judge Zhu Ling was not completely out of his mind. He knew that there were two people on the other side. This verbal abuse led him to leave, so he ordered heavily.

“Your Honor, the purpose of our visit here is to get Congressman Nan to a successful election. We've been waiting for this day for so long. Don't make any more trouble because of this. We just need to make sure these people don't leave the island for the last five days.” Pointe Wu hastily said.

“It's not your son who died. Get lost. I have to let him kneel before me!” Judge Zhu Ling roared and stepped out.

“Gentlemen, you have also persuaded your friends not to be so grumpy. We have not done anything to you. All we ask is to stay here for a few more days. If you are in power, who can not make some wrong decisions, I can assure Congressman Nan that he will dispose of the island as soon as his election is successful.” Wu Zheng is about to cry too. How did you meet such a large group of tempers? What's wrong with young people now? Is it bad to be a little social and smooth?

“Well, Congressman Nan, it was him. Twenty years ago, he would have abandoned Asahima in order to preserve his reputation and achievements. Twenty years later, if he became a congressman, who would have guaranteed that he would not become an aggravated party to the scourge??” Tang Yue snorted coldly, she obviously didn't want to take this step back!