Versatile Mage

Chapter 1827 Quarantine Guard


Soon after dawn, Zhao Manyan and Mubai finally returned.

Both were full of lumps, as if the fallen seamen begged along the way to the city area, and after the hair soaked by the sea water was blown dry, the styling could not bear to look directly and smell bloody.

Zhao Manyan was still there laughing like a retard, as if he had found some pearl treasure in the ocean.

“Done?” asked Jiang Shaoxiang, pinching his nose.

“Yes, it's fucking hard, but I believe you.” Zhao Manyan said with some excitement.

Jiang Shaofu said other totem things about Xuanwu earlier, Zhao Manyan appeared to be half convinced. After all, Zhao Manyan had never mentioned to himself what brothers and sisters he had, but after this contact with the skeleton under Asahi Island, Zhao Manyan truly believed.

The totem stamp of the reigning master can actually be handed over to the skeleton stamp, adding half of the other totem stamp, which means that Jiang Shaoxu is telling the truth. In addition to the three main totems of the reigning master, the basilisk snake and the marine skeleton, there are other ancillary totems. If you find all the ancillary totems, put them together and make a holy beast totem!

Once one of the most powerful totems, before Zhao Manyan followed Movan to find a totem or just held on to nothing else to do, but now he feels his whole person is about to fall into it.

Overpower, this cargo was crushed from the Gulf of Venice, the unstoppable atmosphere shook Zhao Manyan's heart, then how the real Totem Holy Beast is a phenomenal presence, he is slowly approaching it, digging out its frontal face a little bit, is it alive, or like this marine skeleton forever sleeping, if it is alive, as the guardian of Totem, can he let it fight for himself, if it dies, its remnants in the world of Holy Beast Totem power will also bring great benefits to himself!!

“What's the guy's name under the sea?” Mubai asked.

Looking back at the amazing skeleton scene under Asahima, Mu Bai was still palpitating.

“That's the father of the beast, the ancestor of all the beasts, the giant, shellfish creatures, all related to the father of the beast.” Jiang Shaoxiang said.

“You know all that??” Zhao Manyanshan dissented.

“As I said, my brother left a lot of things behind, and I was slowly collecting and sorting them out. He mentioned that near Asahima was a burial ground for a totem related to his reign. He also mentioned that a feather totem had built its nest in the Nine Clouds of a certain ocean. I can only go halfway through field trips and tell you about these scenes now, but that guy should be the father of the beast. What, did it bring you benefits?” Jiang Shaoxiang asked with some small anticipation.

“Of course there are benefits. When my mermaid touches its skeleton... Forget it, I'm tired and I'll talk to you later tomorrow.” Zhao Manyan was somewhat proud.

“Mulberry, those seaweed particles.” Ling Ling asked.

“Don't worry, I did what you said.” Mulberry said.

“That's good, we just have to wait for the results.” Ling Ling said.

“By the way, what about the judge Zhu Wei, and the senator behind him.” Mulberry thought about it and asked.

Obviously, the big tiger behind the incident was the senator, and it was easy to get a presiding judge out of jail safely under his authority, and what they did today was tantamount to pissing off the senator, who would certainly not let them go easily for his own election.

While everyone was discussing the matter, a judge from Tang Moon's side rushed over.

“Deputy Chief Justice, looking back at the town from the highway entrance to several nearby entrances and exits, all sealed off by a group of military personnel, the whole town went into quarantine!” The judge said in full sweat.

“Military?? Which military ministry, this is where we judge, why there are military men running to make the quarantine blockade!” Tang Moon immediately burst into anger.

“Sister Tang Yue, most of whom is a member of the Nan Parliament, will definitely seal off the place on the day of his election, in order not to let anything here fail, without receiving a reply from Judge Zhu Wei.” Ling Ling said.

“We have referred the matter to the Spiritual Chamber, haven't we, the people of the Spiritual Chamber left it out of control??” Jiang Shaoxiang said.

“Eighty-nine out of ten are those who have handed over higher levels of hidden danger, through which Congressman Nan mobilized the strength of the military.” Ling Ling said.

“Damn, this guy is so shameless, so many cities along the coast are killing sea demons, the army is already seriously underpowered, there is a bastard who sent such a large number of soldiers to this place to wipe his ass, doesn't he know that this group of soldiers could save a town people!!” Jiang Shaoxiang scolded with outrage.

Jiang Shaoxu's father is the military ministry. Now even his father's army has been transferred from the interior to the coast. In recent years, she has even wanted to see his father. It can be seen how serious the battle situation is. But now, good news is, a large group of soldiers have been sent to the town of Watchback. This place only takes four or five days to resolve the crisis automatically. However, in order not to let things fail, Senator Nan has spared no effort to put other towns in a difficult situation and send this large army here...

“I don't know how many of these people are going to suffer if they're really going to be senators!” Zhao Manyan also said harshly.

Now Zhao Manyan understands why Tang Yue insisted at that time. This is the virtue of some senators. Don't think that they will repent after 10 or 20 years. The interests are current and the power is current. He will still ignore others!

“Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock! ”

A large group of military magicians, they drove their horns from the town of Watchback, and rolled up a lot of smoke.

The big broadcast of the town also rang at this time, repeated repeatedly:

“Wangfu Zhenxu Island is facing a Class A hidden danger, there is a toxic epidemic. See Deshan Military Region to take over, adopt isolation guard. Within five days, personnel in the town are not allowed to go out, personnel outside the town are not allowed to go in. Please stay in the house as long as possible during isolation guard, let alone go in and out without permission to escape. During isolation guard, all communications are closed! ”

“All communications shut down during quarantine! ”

This sentence circled in the ears of several people. Jiang Shaoxiang immediately pulled out his cell phone. Surely, there was no signal!