Versatile Mage

Chapter 1840: Never Seen Again

The black agitated clouds gradually left over Red Lai City, leaving behind a sore area behind.

Senators Nan, Cai Dong and Chen Xian turned into a bunch of white bones at this time. Originally, Tang Yue wanted to take this Nan Senator personally and send him to the Supreme Court, but the Manta Ray Evil Birds were not so kind.

Perhaps this is also a better result, even if Senator Nan's wrist was turned to the Supreme Court, he would not have been convicted of a felony without causing substantial loss of life and injury, and possibly even through his political alliance, he would have come out in less than a few years, in a more suitable capacity to be reinstated in Dongshan.

It ends here, even if there is no shortage of asshole politicians like Congressman Nan in the world, but one who dies can keep one side safe!

The Red Ray magicians hid further outside, and when the Manta Ray Evil Birds all dispersed, they came out with a palpitation. Obviously, they chose to save their lives this time, otherwise they would not be left with the three of them, possibly all over the street.


Shortly afterwards, Wen Xia arrived at the Hongling Silver Mining Area with people from the Hongling Military Region. After the army would see the white bones of Congressman Nan and the other two, there was no sign of compassion on his face. The general himself knew what kind of bird Senator Nan was and would listen to his dispatch solely because he had bought up more senior people and gave them direct orders from the Hongling Army.

The general took over the silver mine directly, and in order to prevent those manta rays from flying back, they arranged some boundaries and more immediately organized army personnel to start building underground shelters.

Underground shelters are very important, especially in some mining areas, where people are concentrated and resource-rich, and in many cases may no longer be within the safe realm. Demonic incursions are very common, especially in the west, when Movan went west, and the town that was attacked by the demon graffiti was the reason why so many people escaped.

Fortunately, the Bird King Demonic Star arrived in time to take away the angry Manta Ray Demonic Birds, and then the result was unimaginable.


Movan sighed long as he watched the evil star of the Avian King take the terrible storm away.

This trip to Qin Ling is tantamount to unleashing one's favorite mount, but Movan also knows that without the covenant himself, it is difficult to really tame a male who grew up in the sea and the sky.

“Anyway, it's a perfect deal.” Mulberry looked at this messy little town of Red Lai and said.

“Yeah, these horrible guys, I hope I never see them again.” Zhao Manyan said.

“Zhao, how's your totem?” Movan asked.

“It's been dead for years, but its totem power must have saved a lot of it, and I don't think it's going to be a problem to go superscale with that power. The question is which system should I try to advance, light, water, or rock?” Zhao Manyan said.

Zhao Manyan's three tie bottlenecks can no longer be bottlenecked. He followed Mofan's bird to the north. The benefits may not be very great, but the repair is too solid. You can't even be solid. A lot of times you lose your life if you're not solid. The magic of a magician is in itself a process of constantly breaking through his own potential, the more constant the battle, the more life and death he experiences, the more it can be improved to cultivate. Reasoning, Zhao Manyan's cultivation methods were all comfortable in the presidential apartment, quiet for a few days, crazy for a few days, how could you think that he was no different from a dead man now, the ghost gate closed with a few nails clearly remembered, what's even scarier is that he seems to be used to this method slowly, not going out for a while and not feeling well all over the waves!



After dealing with the Manta Ray Evil Bird, Zhao Manyan chose the closed cultivation and began to impact his super order.

Tang Yue also needs to finish all the things Congressman Nan, including Judge Zhu Wei, which is to be disposed of together. The Nanxi Mountain trial will fall into Zhu Wei's hands. The Ling Xin trial was intended to isolate them, but now, the Nanxi Mountain trial will need a new receiver.

Tang Yue still has some feelings for Nanxi Mountain, and I think she might apply to become the president of Nanxi Mountain from the Ling Hidden Judgment Association.

The Nanxi Mountain trial will be quite close to Van Xue New City. If she takes charge of Nanxi Mountain, it would be good for Van Xue Mountain, at least someone is covering it up north!

Movan sent the Little Moon Mother Phoenix to do the thought work for the Evil Star of the Avian King. He did not return to Van Snow Mountain without his heart. Instead, he returned to Pearl Academy. If he wanted to practice with his heart, it would be much more appropriate for Pearl Academy. His heart would always be able to calm down, just as some new forces required him to drill well.

Mu Bai and Jiang Shaofu went to Van Xue New City. Mu Bai, as the head of the southern wing, was idle. It was necessary to go back for a circle. Just as Jiang Shaofu also wanted to visit Van Xue Mountain and Van Xue New City...

In Van Xue New City, Jiang Shaoxuan was almost frightened by the speed of development here.

How long has it been since the start of the Base City Plan? Van Xue New City has grown from a wasteland to a town of slightly larger size. Compared to the Red Rai Silver Mining City run by Congressman Nan, this town is an urban garbage dump, which varies from day to day.

“It was just a while ago when the big project was dusty, and the new city was really pretty, and everything was new.” Mu Bai was outraged. He is also an elder who watches the change of Van Xue Mountain. Not long ago, Van Xue New City was actually full of construction sites and mud fields. Now it is obvious that there is a particularly comfortable urban area. Much of the greening of this urban area is preserved and trimmed. It does give a beautiful feeling to the city.

“I thought it was messy here, I didn't expect it to grow so fast, it seems I can consider buying a house here... do you have any offers?” Jiang Shaoxiang asked.

“There is no need to buy it, it is a waste of money. The South Wing Mages gave me a nice house on South Wing Street. If you want, give it to you. I live in Van Snow Mountain, and that house is a waste to me.” Mulberry said.

“Is that the street up ahead?” Jiang Shaoxiang pointed to the front of a long street filled with Tibetan green stone bricks and asked.

“Well, do you want to go up and take a look?” Mulberry asked.

“Well, it would be nice to see the bay and those two mountains.” Jiang Shaoxiang said.