Versatile Mage

Chapter 1845: The True Storm

Liu Ru suggested that this matter be mentioned to Movan, and Mubai called Movan.

“Is something wrong with you there too?” Movan asked in the first sentence.

Mu Bai stunned for a moment and looked at Liu Ru, who also looked confused.

“What happened to you there?” Mubai asked.

“A while ago, a man impersonated me at school, and that man died. Dean Xiao told me that something delusional had broken into Pearl College and came towards my apartment, but was detected by a professor of the Faculty of Light.” Movan said.

“On my side, Mu Xuxu Cotton almost died.” Mulberry said.

Mu Bai just heard Zhao Manyan shouting from the other end of the phone: “O Niu B, you put that * * man to sleep, and let her stop you. Mu Bai, you are truly so deep that I am quite pleased with Zhao Manyan! ”

“I'm so glad I didn't have anything to do with her, she took over my house.” Mubai was angry when he heard these words from Zhao Manyan.

“So you took her? ”

“People like you can't communicate with each other in a human way. Please shut up and do a good job analyzing things. Mu Xuxu Cotton was really miserable and almost died. If I got that kind of operation, you might never see me again.” Mubai scolded.

Zhao Manyan owes this man even more than Movan!

“It could be for me. If you find you can't deal with me, turn around and deal with the people around me... Old Zhao, be careful this time. I'll notify the others and keep them alert.” Movan said.

“I don't care, I'm closing it.” Zhao Manyan said.

“We have to pull people out. He has to have that kind of ominous demon descent on what triggers and possesses. None of this, we don't know, flavorful precautions, and if anyone gets the hang of it, it's that there's no chance of survival at all. Movan, this is the strongest and most unprotected ghost spell I've ever seen, and this time it's absolutely extraordinary who's going to kill you, but be careful anyway.” Mubai said solemnly.

“I know that I will never let go of this dog thing that has been done to people around me!” Movan said.


Since this happened, Movan could not be relieved to continue practicing in the demons. He abandoned Zhao Manyan, and Movan took Ling Ling with him to Van Xue Mountain.

The Airport of Flying Bird Base City has been built, now it is only 14 minutes to fly from Demon to Van Snow Mountain. I didn't know I was going to fly to Flying Bird City. On my way to the Airport, I encountered a heavy rain!

The storm came quite suddenly, Movan remembered that there would still be sunlight when he was ready to leave, and it took less than a decade to get in the car. The clouds were thick, the rain was heavy, and all the vehicles driving on the viaduct turned on flash lights and the visibility became very low.

“Alas, why is it raining again? I'm worried about the rain.” Taxi drivers complained very dissatisfied there.

“What are you worried about? Isn't it supposed to rain more passengers? I have to worry that my flight will be cancelled. In that case, I will have to take my own seat in the rain. The Magic Society also fixed the summons beast not to go on the highway. Did I pay the toll?” Movan also complained.

“I am at least Shanghai Yin. Now Pudong is drowning in its inner appearance. Can I not worry about it? If it rains like this, the water will rise... Perhaps the man-eater sea monsters still run into the city and get wow. By the way, what are you magicians doing eating? The Antarctic glacier melts. You don't care. I just bought a house in Pudong. The state has no subsidies at all!” The taxi driver said.

“…” Movan's encounter with such a driver was silent.

How dare you say anything? Isn't the melting of Antarctic glaciers causing sea levels to rise supposed to be like Buddha or God's? This magician doesn't care. It's as if their magicians, if they try harder, can keep the glaciers from melting. Such places as the Far South Ice Realm and the Far North Realm are magicians who can go. The curse magicians are all dead there!

“It is high summer, ocean tropical storm season, this side of Shanghai has been hit by successive tropical storms. If this tropical storm is of a higher level, it is likely that it will continue to raise the sea level in Pudong waters.” Ling Ling said.

“Yeah, yeah, that's exactly what I'm worried about. I think I'm moving back to my home in Sichuan.” The driver said.

“Master, didn't you just say you are native Shanghai Yin?” Movan said.

“Can't my mother's house! ”

“Well, men and mothers say...”

“My mother's house! Do you still want to go to the airport? ”

“Got to, got to, got a lot of trouble looking at the road, the rain is so heavy, you have a temper, don't turn your head, if you hit me, I'm fine, I'm afraid you have something.” Movan said.

“You talk too much! ”

“ …… ”

It was raining heavily and most flights were cancelled, and Movan waited for exactly three hours at the airport before being notified of the departure.

Movan is also wondering, I knew it would be such a long time. It would really save me a lot of time if I called Master Aerial Drop's Wall Grass Le Dong.

When the plane took off in heavy rain irrigation and into the thick rain clouds, Movan sitting on the seat could feel the rain raging, the passenger plane rocking, landing, like riding a roller coaster, even Movan began to lose his mind, let alone the shock and scream of the other ordinary passengers.

As the plane rose to a higher altitude, the storm clouds slowly got dumped below. Movan looked down and found that the black clouds were like black earth mountains on the ground. It was hard to imagine that beneath this layer was the real human land, but rather like the inferior Hell.

“What a terrible tropical storm.” Movan exclaimed.

The plane is already at high altitude, and it should be hundreds of kilometers long, but these hundreds of miles long are all swallowed up by storms from the Pacific Ocean, not to mention mankind in this natural disaster, those mountains, those rivers, those basins, those valleys, are just as trembling under the brush of torrential rain!

“The tropical storm season is also the sea monster season...” Ling Ling said softly.

“Will it be serious?” Movan asked.

“It is hard to say that Japan is a country frequently devastated by tsunamis and tropical storms, so their naval wars are among the best in the world. We used to be much calmer on the east coast than Japan for a long time. The defenses we have built are also rough. Even the reservists have been transferred from the interior to the coast. There is a serious lack of combat experience… Senator Shao Zheng has also taken a lot of precautions and counted some achievements. However, the tropical storm season is the true sea monster invasion time. Looking at the rain for a few days, more than three days, the war must erupt.” The Spirit looked to the dusty world and revealed his fears.

It's time to come, all the coastal preparations before, in order to prepare for this real storm...