Versatile Mage

Chapter 1848: The Sea Monster is Out (Corrected)

Movan has a military communications device and is planning to use the signal to find Zhang Xiaohou and others.

Looking at the location of the green dots, Movan found that they were basically scattered all over Xiamen.

“Movan, get on the BRT.” Ling Ling refers to a wide and long high bridge on the front avenue that looks like a high speed.

“I'll focus on the neighborhood first.” When Movan saw several of the nearby victims still drifting in the water, he grabbed them with his own mind and concentrated them all on his roof.

These people happen to be a family, it looks like the house was directly washed down by the water flow, hugging several planks of wood watching God's arrangement, God is kind to them, let Movan descend from the sky.

“Move instantly! ”

Movans moves collectively instantly, targeting the city's rapid bus viaduct to which Ling Ling points.

A relationship with more people, Movan used two instant moves to successfully transfer all people to this fast bus viaduct...

“This highway bridge is so long.” Movan looked up at the viaduct and found that the bus viaduct was invisible to the end and did not know where to go to the city.

“Xiamen's geographical environment is not very suitable for the construction of the subway. Their BRT is the equivalent of the Metro railway line, which runs through the north and south of the city and divides several routes... Now the ground roads are basically flooded, so that the BRT, which is 20 meters above the ground, can pass relatively smoothly.” Before Ling Ling came, he obviously did some homework, but for the first time he seemed to know the situation very well.

Movan didn't stay here long last time, he thought that this huge bridge above the main road was the Circular Expressway, now look at this fast bus viaduct will indeed be wider and stronger than the Circular viaduct, even the pier is much thicker, the height has nearly doubled, reaching the height of the fourth floor of the normal building!

The sea and rainwater are now approaching the height of two storeys, and the vast majority of the two storeys are now left with only one roof exposed to the water, and this bus viaduct is clearly the safest and most mobile place right now, about 10 meters below the surface of the water.

The rains arrived very quickly, and people in the city were estimated to have lived as usual two days ago, and were accustomed to facing tropical storms, but continued rainfall and terrible precipitation quickly filled the roads they could have walked, and the unconscious pavement was like a water pond, and they had to hide upstairs and watch the ground floor flood open.

Flooding is not uncommon in the south. The fact that the ground floor turned into a sink has happened occasionally for 10 years. They thought that after moving to the second floor, the water would fade the next day, but the storm never stopped, the first floor was completely encroached upon, gradually the second floor... even the house collapsed!

As Ling Ling said, everything came too quickly, even if the city government issued an extra big warning early, many people reported that "this is how it has been for so many years” mentality stayed where it was, until the storm continued to shoot their faces, they realized that the rain turned the city into a sea, even washed down their original flood control dam, and drowned a few meters high...

When people come back to God, it becomes a scene where the city is soaked in the sea, and they look at it, and the intensely flowing surface is full of debris, trees, iron roofs, tall buildings become lonely trees, carrying many people in distress, and they look at this strange city of sea water in horror by the window.

The people in the building are isolated, surrounded by water and deep.

And the people on the express bus elevation, because many places are open air relationships, those who hide above them, although they have much longer space to move, are baptized by the storm and wind, one with a frozen face and blue lips and white lips.

“Ling Ling, does this BRT lead to land off the island?” Movan asked casually.

The difference between many of Xiamen's beachfront cities is that the entire Xiamen city area is on an island, and most of the other beachfront cities will be connected to the land... If you want to come to the storm, in a short time, it will make the original cross sea bridge useless, so that the whole Xiamen is surrounded by sea water and trapped inside.

Now Movan understands why it's so urgent here. Disasters are everywhere these days, many affected places can at least evacuate people to safety zones, far away from being swallowed up by sea water, while Xiamen here, the city is locked up by sea water, citizens have nowhere to evacuate, shelters have become those sturdy high buildings and the city's rapid bus elevation system.

“Sea demon!! Sea demon!! There are sea demons!!!!” A shout of terror suddenly occurred to me.

Ling Ling is holding the map and intends to show Movan the route of the city's rapid transit bridge. When he hears someone shouting at the sea demon, he immediately puts it away.

The shout scared all the people hiding here at the bus stop at once.

There is a rain shelter above the express bus stop. At this time, the area is already full of people. The sea monster shouted, and everyone panicked for a while, not knowing where to hide, can only scream there!

“Don't panic, don't panic, we have magicians here, I'll protect you!” At this point, a woman in a blue raincoat with a rain hood shouted out loud.

The woman, who was about 25 years old, was supposed to be in some magic department, and she stepped out of the crowd and stood in the constant downpour, and the rain hit her raincoat, spraying countless mists of water, making her look a little hazy.

“Where's the sea monster?” The women stood at the edge of the high bridge and looked down at the seawater, which was constantly creeping.

“Next to the house where the English training was written, beneath that pile of white plastic garbage, I saw my head exposed.” A teenager in a school uniform said.

“About what?” The woman asked.

“Like crabs, two big eyes on top of your head, and giant pliers like an excavator!” The teenager said somewhat nervously that it was probably the first time he had seen a sea monster so close.

“How can you see so clearly when it's raining so hard?” Women don't understand.

“My vision is naturally better than others, but it doesn't seem to work and I can't be admitted to the school of magic... but I think it might have dived under the bridge and I saw the shadow of it moving underwater.” The teenager said.

“I can't see, you follow me down the toll road, you tell me where it is.” The woman asked.

“Huh??? I... I'm scared! ”

“It's all right, I'll protect you. We have hundreds of people here. It's raining and windy. There's nowhere to hide. If the sea monster climbs up, a lot of people will die. Don't worry, I'll deal with the sea monster, you just tell me where it is.” The woman said.

When the teenager heard these words, he couldn't help but look at a young girl in a rain shade who was also wearing a school uniform, a girl with a clear face, wet hair and pale lips, but these had no effect on her beauty, and she was looking at the teenager with some helplessness.

“Okay, I'm going down with you… I can see something about three meters below the surface!” The teenager said.

“I'll go down with you. I'm a magician too.” Movan came over and said to the girls and teenagers.

“Well, but when the sea monster shows up, you stand back.” The women in raincoats don't seem to like Movan very well, some chilling remarks.

Movan can't see the sea monster, he has the ability to night vision, but if there are too many cloaks in the vicinity, in a hazy situation, his sight is not better than that of a normal person, but the teenager does have some excellent vision, so much rain can still see 100 meters below the bridge, even can see such a cloudy underwater object...

There are several entrance stations for the city's express bus service and toll stations at the entrance.

The general toll gateway is on the second floor, which is about the same height as the pedestrian bridge. In fact, the toll station is also used as a pedestrian bridge, which makes it convenient for citizens to cross the main road of this type of bus, while the express bus is on the next level...

The toll road pedestrian bridge is less than a meter from the surface of the water at this moment, standing here on the toll bridge, facing this close flow tide, that steadfast looking teenager already has some soft legs, not to mention a sea monster with terrible pliers in the nearby waters!

“In this case, the sea monsters can enter the city directly…" The raincoat woman muttered to herself and her eyebrows were tightened.

“The general sea demon should not have been able to enter, but if the rain continues to fall like this, it will be difficult to say.” Movan made his point.

Large-scale sea demons can wreak havoc on the city, especially now that the city is in this situation, buildings and BRT are shelters for the city's people, small sea demons come in, people can still hide, big sea demons come in, that is to pull out all their life-saving straw!

“Can you see it?” The raincoat woman ignored what Movan had said and seemed to think he was embarrassed.

Movan was just talking.

“Strange, I saw it swimming down to us.” The teenager said.

“Don't always look forward or around your eyes and check your feet.” The raincoat lady reminded him.

The teenager immediately poked his head out of the railing and stared perpendicularly at the water just below...

A pair of big eyeballs out there, big as a basketball, still spinning!

This eyeball seemed to have a serious blind spot of sight. It also did not find a teenager with a probe into his head. Instead, he looked around for a moment or two and looked straight up. Suddenly, in a cloudy basketball eyeball, the teenager's frightened face suddenly appeared. This face was frozen and frozen. It stifled on this frightened expression.

“Careful!! ”

The raincoat woman reacted quickly and immediately pulled the stiff teenager back to the force!

“Bang!!!!! ”

Meanwhile, an excavator-grade plier came up and hit the toll bridge directly. The toll bridge is not as robust and magnificent as the fast bus viaduct. It was smashed to pieces like a mini toy under this sea monster plier!

The toll bridge suddenly smashed a large hole in the middle, and it was lucky that its support point was on the bridge face above, not directly collapsing, but continued to hang, otherwise the teenager and the raincoat woman would fall directly.

When Movan saw this scene, his left hand flipped, and a lightning ball like wild chestnut appeared on Movan's palm, the spiky thunder tip was dense and numb, and with Movan's rapid accumulation of power, this thunder chestnut ball was gradually becoming larger.

“Don't." Ling immediately grabbed Mofan's wrist and shook his head at him.

“What's the matter?” Movan doesn't understand.

“This sea demon is supposed to be one of the first to be able to get into the city, and we need to know its exact power, let that woman deal with it, so I can get a complete picture of its power hierarchy, its strengths, its weaknesses.” Ling Ling said.

Movan thought about it, throwing one of his skills over, and this sea demon, full of crab shells, couldn't hold it up, it was basically a second kill. But it really doesn't understand its abilities and witchcraft.

Now that we're here, instead of killing a few sea monsters in seconds to enjoy that kind of slaughter, it's time to consider how to destroy their entire invading community, which is likely to be everywhere in the city now, lurking, ready to attack.

“Also, if she can deal with the situation, it is unnecessary for me to make a move. Let's wait here for Zhang Xiaohou to gather the people together.” Movan said.

With the size of a city, what Movan can do is limited. After all, it is mainly up to the army to deal with the sea demons, and the magician in a crowd like this raincoat woman. Movan is unlikely to stand here all the time to protect this group of people in the rain shelter. They will also face more attacks from the sea demons, or let this raincoat woman adapt first. In a crisis, people can stimulate more potential and improve their ability to cope more quickly...

It has nothing to do with seeing death, and Movan just wants these people to learn to adapt and to survive. Of course, if a raincoat woman can't handle it, Movan will.

“Zhang Xiaohou is already assembling the scattered people, when the personnel are full, they should be given immediate tasks, the task will be daunting... This sea demon has no war rank but is several times stronger than the slave rank.” Ling Ling said.

“The sea demon will be better than the demon on the road. Especially when there's plenty of sea water.” Movan spent time in Tokyo's East China War City, and he knows that.

The definition and division of the ranks of slaves, generals and chiefs is mainly measured by demons on the pavement, and few organisms in the ocean serve as a reference point. In the case of the sea demon that Movan encountered, with water, a servant-grade sea demon could strike three servant demon beasts on land.

Now this giant clamp creature is only a slave, but it's strong!

“The power is three times that of a brute force demon beast. With water, you can dive quickly. The ability to move is comparable to that of a balanced demon beast. I don't know if there is any magic...” Spirit stared closely at the raincoat woman fighting this demon, muttering to herself.