Versatile Mage

Chapter 1849 Glacier Flying Cord

“Bang!!!! ”

Double clamped up, the other side of the toll bridge was smashed in one breath, the broken steel bars were exposed, and the broken cement blocks fell into the water. The raincoat wizard did not stand steady this time, and the toll bridge fell into the water with the other end of the break. However, her hands were quite agile. As she fell, she found an iron roof that flowed right here. Before the iron roof sank, the raincoat sorceress jumped onto a pillar billboard.

This columnar billboard can just fall on the foot. After the raincoat magician stood steady, she seemed to think that the raincoat would interfere with herself. She ripped the hat off and revealed a fairly clear face. The short, wet ears looked clean but did not lose the feminine tenderness!

“Tell me where it is!!” Her eyes seemed a little sharp, which didn't quite match her appearance.

The teenager hid on the other side and barely crossed the toll bridge there. Her legs were soft and they were all a little unstable. It was only when she heard the Master Raincoat call that he climbed to the railing that she looked down at the water as if she had mustered some great courage.

“... on the other side of the street, it's rushing towards you!” The teenager saw a rapid shadow underwater, his voice trembling and shouting.

The raincoat sorceress quickly locked her eyes...

“Get out of the way, it's sprinting, you'll die!!” The teenager shouted in horror.

Movan glanced at the creep of the water and found that the sea demon diving into the water was indeed swimming fast, as the teenager said, the power of the sea demon itself is several times stronger than that of the slave demon. If you accelerate the full blow like now, it is powerful enough to reach a war general-level creature attack, raincoat women will be smashed to pieces!

Keep a half grip on your left hand, and Movan is ready for thunder chestnut balls.

“Glacier fly! ”

The raincoat woman firmly strode out, half-metre behind her, the ice cream appeared in a circle. As she fingered, seven or eight hard iron-like ice cords flew out of the circle cream. Unlike most ice magicians, the front-end of the women's cold iron flying cord was sharp as a spear!

“Wow!!!!! ”

The surface blows up, the giant clamper sea demon bursts out of the water, its brown and green body looks completely like an armored tank, when it hits at such a speed, it is even more a horrible psychological shock!!

“Psst!!!! ”

Glacier fly rope passed at the same time, just as the giant clamper sea demon rushed over. Ice cold and sharp glacier fly rope has extremely strong penetration capability, so thick crust like iron armor is directly penetrated by this glacier fly rope...

Four of the eight flying ropes went straight through and nailed to the supporting pier of the Express Bus Bridge.

The attack of the giant clamper sea demon stopped in the middle of the air. These glacier flying ropes seemed thin, but they were able to hold the tonnage of the sea demon. The giant clamper sea demon, which had been penetrated for a time, seemed to be erected on the royal crab above the oven. The giant clamper could not escape, however flying, the claw climbed desperately.

On the billboard, the raincoat woman calmly stared at the giant clamper sea demon, who should have been heavily entrained by the glacial flying cord, and whose life was flowing fast, light green blood spilled into the water.

After a while, the raincoat woman flipped herself over and landed on the four glacier flying ropes, walking smoothly along it to the giant clamper sea demon.

The clamper sea monster also wanted to swing the clamper to kill people, but unfortunately its clamper couldn't hit those angled diamond flylines, and the raincoat woman stepped on the head of the clamper sea monster and walked from its shell back to the flying rope at the rear end.

Along the fly rope, the raincoat woman returned to the Express Bus Bridge, above the bus bridge rain shelter, and a large group of people were looking down here, when they found that the giant sea monster had been killed by a seemingly slim and weak woman, and they were excited to wake up!

The teenager looked at the woman in the raincoat and had not returned to God for half a day. In his eyes, the giant clamper sea demon is a monster so powerful that it can kill all the people here, more likely to threaten the bridge of survival, and this horrible and horrible guy can actually be killed, or by this seemingly weak sister, so this sister is more fierce than the monster sea demon in front of her!

“You're doing great.” The raincoat woman lifted the teenager holding the railing steady.

After fear, there was an excitement and fanaticism in the eyes of the teenager: "Can a magician be so strong! ”

“Many are stronger than me.” Women in raincoats don't smile because of it.

She walked the teenager from Movan, and her eyes stopped here for a second, coldly saying: “Are you scared? If not, hurry up. ”

Movan touched his forehead and retrieved the thunder magic from his left hand. "I was trying to help you, I didn't think you'd solve it. You're a lot better than I thought. ”

Battle magicians and wage magicians have different temperaments. The kind of calm that battle magicians exhibit in the face of demons is not available to wage magicians sitting in the office. It is obvious that raincoat women have experience and types of killing, including the ice intermediate magic she performs, are obviously improved after countless battles!

Intermediate Magic Ice Locks are functional magic, mostly used to bind and tie enemies, but in the hands of raincoat women become a rather powerful offensive magic, turning locks into cords and maximizing threading capabilities.


Back on the Express Bus Bridge, everyone saw that the women in raincoats looked different and seemed to want to have a good relationship with her.

Movan glanced at the communication watch and found that the convergence coordinates were already displayed.

“We can climb from here to that building.” The teenager suddenly thought of something, pointing to the building over there.

“There's food, clothes, medicine in the building, it's better than staying here in the rain. ”

“Yeah, yeah, let's take refuge in that building first! ”

The glacier flying rope made by the raincoat women just became a moving rope bridge for them, and the only difficulty was that they had to climb through that horrible sea demon's corpse for a more comfortable and safe refuge.

Everyone began to climb up the glacier flying rope, and the raincoat woman looked in the other direction.

“Sister, aren't you coming with us?” The teenager asked.