Versatile Mage

Chapter 1871 Moving Demons

After all, dirt hunters are not targets, they are incredibly flexible.

And Mofan's fortified mid-level magic, in turn, caught the power of a man who couldn't kill or severely traumatize the dirt hunter.

The thunderbolt effect of thunderbolt rage is not bad. After all, it uses the thunderbolt constellation. It is a high-ranking power. The dirt hunters are too flexible to kill only three.

A high-order magic kills three, don't say magic is not enough, it is estimated that when the tide of thirty-two times arrives, it will not be possible to kill the Sea Spirit Beast itself.

“Now this distance of the card, it's good to deal with some, but it's a waste of time. Gotta be bolder, pull more out.” Movan's heart darkens.

Taking a moment to look at the shore, Feichuan Wolf quietly went around to the other side of the shore in search of an opportunity to attack the Sea Spirit Beast. Unfortunately, its movement was clearly observed by the hunters at the guard ring.

Movan didn't expect Feichuan Wolf to succeed when he provoked here. The dirty hunter was not so retarded, leaving Feichuan Wolf on the side. In fact, it was to pull the guardian circle of the dirty hunter, lest they kill too many at once, surround their own group, and make themselves unable to cope.

In the face of more than a hundred dirt hunters at the same time, Movan can only escape, the most multilateral running and fighting, trying to kill the Hailing Beast is unlikely.

The side of the old wolf did work, and as Movan approached more than fifty meters, only half of the dirt hunters in the guard circle fought Movan, and all the others watched.

“The farther Hailing Beast and the more than a hundred dirt hunters don't seem to care much about the fighting here.” As Movan leaps into the air to hide, he glimpses the farther side of the sea spirit beast and its protective circle.

There are at least 150 dirt hunters next to each sea spirits, cunning and fraudulent, but what's interesting is that they only sweep the snow in front of the door, ignoring the fact that the first sea spirits were attacked by Movan… and whether or not they were a little far away, they only looked after their sea spirits.

This is even better for Movan, who does have some magicians in the Bay of Five Kings, but a really combative estimation of himself.

Fortunately, Ling Ling is a smart girl. She keeps persuading Lu Lin and Zhang Xin to do their work. A pair of human magician's army will be here soon.


“The guy's really crazy, so if he rushes in and gets surrounded, he's dead!” Zhang Xin stayed here with his scalp really hard, but Movan began to rush into the guard circle, watching his figure gradually be swallowed up by those brutal and horrible dirty hunters, and his face was even more bleak.

Why can anyone be so bold?

Haven't he ever heard of the fierceness of a dirty hunter?

Movan did break into the nearest perimeter of the guard circle at this point, where he was attacked by nearly a hundred dirt hunters, what a siege of water.

Movan is still moving forward, and finally even the dirty hunters who ended up staying next to the sea spirits are attacking. They can't let this human being get any closer to the sea spirits. God knows what strange magic this human will suddenly use to kill the fragile sea spirits, and they must put an end to this crisis.


Movan found his provocations and shocks to have worked, and the dirty hunters in front of him basically rushed up to take their lives.

“In a flash...”

Silver star dust is flying, and a constellation of space systems is rapidly structuring.

The hunters laughed badly, in fact, the magic of the space system was ineffective under their combined evil forces, and Movan's previous instantaneous movements could not escape their bone spears crossing, and even more foolishly, at such a distance, they could definitely cut Movan's neck off before they could make instant moves!

Using this slightly sophisticated magic to escape when surrounded is tantamount to wild bears already in front of each other and still looking at wearing pairs of running shoes...

The dirty hunters were incredibly cunning, and as soon as they saw that Movan had made such a fatal mistake, they dramatically accelerated the attack, and all fifty or sixty dirty hunters pounced over and killed Movan directly before his space constellation had been completely interwoven!

Movan is still painting constellations, the whole instantaneous 3D pattern is reflected on the lake, but all sides are a tremendous bone face, and the murder weapon that evolved from their easy-to-assemble bones, all angles sealed...

“Psst!!!!!! ”

Chopping a fleshbone knife, a stabbing spear, a wolf tooth stick... These also have some bloodstained objects on them and attacking Movan with that evil blade. Movan's body was torn apart at an instant, then split apart, and then cut to pieces by the hunters who later pounced on in the process of dispersion.

Zhang Xin and Zhang Lulin saw this scene and were scared to death.

When Movan easily killed the Red Rift Demon, they were already amazed, but when such a strong man faced this large group of dirty hunters, he still died so fiercely that not a single body was left behind!


The constellations of the space system have been completed and the light is even brighter, but the magician himself is dead, and this silver constellation is empty.

However, Zhang Lulin soon discovered very strangely that the constellation of space systems seemed to be still in operation.

There have also been cases where a magician was killed by demons while completing star charts and constellations, because the magic needed to be supported by magic in the magician's body, in which case the magician died and the magic would be extinguished immediately.

The constellations of the biased space system have not dissipated...

“Buzz!! ”

In a spatial tremor, the silver section of a sudden space constellation, that large group of simultaneously attacking hunters suddenly disappeared in the flash of a silver glow show.

Moving instantly, this magic still works, just as the killers of Movan's dirty hunters were moved a hundred meters away...

Meanwhile, not far from Movan's fragmentation, a black cloak gradually floated in the rain, and under the cloak, a figure was bursting at a terrible rate towards the Hailing Beast!

“Die!!! ”

The dirty hunters saw this scene, and all the bones were going to blow up!

This instantaneous movement transferred them from the original location very close to the sea spirits beast to a hundred meters away, a large gap appeared in the guard ring of the sea spirits beast, and at this time, the human rushed towards the sea spirits beast!!

“Didn't die? ”

“What's going on?? ”

“Was it a puppet shadow that the dirty hunter killed?” Zhang Lulin suddenly realized what was happening, and his face showed surprise and amazement!