Versatile Mage

Chapter 1873: Feng Ling Fu Yu

Rushing out of the encirclement, Zhang Xiaohou took Mofan ashore, saying that it was ashore, because the tide had risen because of the sea spirit beast, now ashore is also immersed in the sea water very deep, there is nothing to settle on.

“Wheel of the Floating Wind! ”

Zhang Xiaohou looked around and there was really no place for Movan to step on, so he performed a wind system magic that Movan had not seen.

The buoyancy wheels formed under Movan's feet, which had a very strong wind bearing capacity, put on Movan a pair of empty shoes that could float in the air without losing weight, so that Movan could step in the air.

The vast majority of these skills are learned by wind magicians themselves. It is rare that such skills as Zhang Xiaohou can be applied to others to make them tread in the air. It seems that in the time I haven't seen Zhang Xiaohou, this kid hasn't relaxed for a moment and has some curiosities of his own.

“Hey, it's the sworn fruit, after taking the sworn fruit, my wind system capacity has improved a lot, it seems to have mastered something unexpected... what just took you out of the inside, and this floating wheel is my wind feather, I also only recently discovered that they can be applied to others, where you practice a little, this floating wheel you can more comfortably steer.” Zhang Xiaohou is also Movan's crotch buddy, he knows everything in Movan's mind.

“This buoyancy wheel has helped a lot.” Movan nodded.

The waves of the bay were high, and before you could see some abandoned tires, some broken trees, and now it's just fucking water, which hurts a lot.

“Brother Fan, I rarely see you hurt like this. However, I found that the sea demons were really much better than the terrestrial demons, and when I first fought them, I almost caught up with them.” Zhang Xiaohou said.

“In this environment, some of my teeth have been suppressed so badly... monkeys, do you see the bone slag circling over the bay?” Mofan stepped in the air through Zhang Xiaohou's wheel, pointing to the waters not far away, he said.

Zhang Xiaohou looked at the past and found that Movan had said that the area had actually surged, and the surge could be up to twenty meters, as if it were a fluctuating hill.

And between the four or five undulating sea peaks and the sea valley, Zhang Xiaohou saw what Movan said about the bone slag, which was also a group of dirty hunters, most of whose bodies were immersed in the sea water, and many of whose long claws were spread out like spiders, suspended or gliding on the surface.

“We haven't dealt with any of this yet.” Zhang Xiaohou smiled bitterly.

“Shen Qingqing should tell you what those are, if the tide reaches the third level, we all sink together.” Movan said.

“Brother Fan, I know… what good plans do you have?” Zhang Xiaohou asked.

“Fuck the plan, fuck them! ”

“ …… ”

Movan doesn't have the time to plan, even if he has a strategy, he needs to use it. Now Movan has an egg plan. Fight first!

“I'll turn these guys around first, Fan, you give the dirt hunter next to the second Hell Beast a little shock, and then I'll sneak in.” Zhang Xiaohou said.

Zhang Xiaohou also did not know if Movan had heard himself, but with years of acquiescence between the two of them, there was really no need to say more.

With the wheel of the floating wind, Movan no longer needs to think about the question of pedaling land, which makes Movan a dry duck comfortable, not knowing much, and in the middle of the sky, Movan's fire system magic can still be used, that little storm in front of the soul-grade flame, easily evaporated into white gas.

Movan stepped on the wheel of the floating wind and broke into the vicinity of the guard circle of the second Helicopter Beast. Those dirty hunters who slid on the surface of the sea wave, a tiger leopard like a build-up, half-pressed his body and limbs. The fierce eyes of the dead stared straight at Movan in the middle of the sky. As long as Movan arrived at their jump distance and attack distance, he would surely fly up!

“Blade feathers!! ”

Movan hated these dirty hunters and directly used some of the most powerful magic in the fire system.

Xiao Yanqi's body, the three soul fires gathered together, a magnificent and hegemonic melting flaming sword appeared near Movan, with Movan's killer finger, these swords inevitably descended and stabbed the hunters of the guard circle!

Although Movan has many systems, he has to admit that his biases are serious and the dirty hunters are strong, but not enough to make himself scarred and surrounded hard to get away from. His mighty wife relies on the fire system's little flamingos, which gives him the ability to defend himself with one enemy for a hundred hours. The flamingos of fire can cause a great flame to destroy the nearby enemy, thus creating a release environment for Movan to destroy other magic.

Just in the face of sea demons, especially fighting in the waves of the water, Flangie's ability to possess this Mofan BUG level is lost. The lightning system magic does not release the environment, resulting in a battle that is incredibly passive!

Bike, Movan is now too biased in the fire and thunder systems, spatial systems, summoning systems, shadow systems, chaos systems, rock systems, if all these systems can reach this height of thunder and fire systems, how can they be so hard on these dirt hunters???

Not that Movan's other five can't tie roles like Thunder and Fire, but that Movan himself often faces a very difficult battle. Once in front of the monarchy, in front of a large group of warriors, the other systems, which are much less powerful, become impotent.

At the end of the day, it's not solid enough!

Thunder and fire systems can shake the power of the monarchy.

Others have reached the highest level of invasion of the leadership, making it difficult to harm the monarch.

With the wheel of the flying sky in the air, Movan let the blade stab these dirty hunters, not that he was stupid not to know that the fire system would suffer from waves and a severe decline in tidal power, but that even if the power in his eyes declined, the offensive and destructive nature of the fire system would still be stronger than that of others... As for the thunder system, the thunder system was used too often just now, without rest and adjustment, the magic quickly dried up!

The hunters are sea demons, the sea demons like humidity and cold, fire magic is their abhorrence, these sly disgusting dead spirits also seem to make sense in front of the sea spirits, their claws with their companion claws, on the head of the sea spirits beast form a shield consisting of their bone backs, blocking the fall of the flaming sword!

White steam spread over the bay, but was soon dispersed by the turbulent rain.