Versatile Mage

Chapter 1906 Killing Prisoners

Black gas continues to emerge from the coral dorsal fin demon monarch, this shadow elder's claw heart is the strongest dark erosion, the coral dorsal fin demon's gray green skin is rapidly drying out, and the horrible force grinds its bones!

“Chew it up! ”

Movan stood still, but gave a ruthless command to the Shadow Elders.

The Shadow Elder made a strange and terrible laugh, his figure suddenly separated from the Movan shadow, while Movan's own shadow disappeared. Blinking continuously in the rain curtain, the pale punctual lightning shows the Shadow Elder's Dark Demon body in a more complete way: it flies out in the direction of its thick, elongated arm, and suddenly that head becomes huge!

Like one of the most primitive wild demons grabbing fresh prey, when Shadow Elder breaks the bones of the dorsal fin coral demon monarch, dorsal fin coral demon monarch will also become a food without any resistance, stuffed into the mouth by Shadow Elder, chewed up madly, screaming again.


Movan flew toward the severely injured bell, which had passed out, and the wind wing's residual energy kept her from falling into the strait.

At this time, the Demon Feather is afraid to have any more weird thoughts, and quite admirably, Movan and Bibel are flying to the library location of Jimei University.

The location of Park Beach, the battle between the White Wolves is over, and they are chasing the Chili demons who are trying to escape back into the ocean, eventually returning a small part of the Chili demons to the ocean due to their limited time to summon.

“Bibell! ”

“Teacher Beetle! ”

A group of people immediately approached, and they saw that the bell had been lost from below the thigh position and that the face was hard to see.

“Do you have a healing magician? Give her some help.” Movan said.

“I'll take her.” A space disciple from Lindu said.

Movan looked at the taken bell and couldn't get her to survive. The monarchy creatures caused the trauma that was often difficult to heal. In a situation like this, it was definitely safe not to find a healing magician, but to see if there were any more lethal factors to the wound torn off her thigh.

“Did you just call for Shadow Elders?? How did you do that?” Lin Wai stared at Movan with incredible eyes at this time.

The Shadow Elder, a rather powerful race in the dark, Lin Duo himself is an old scholar of dark magic, he has never seen anyone to awaken this rare dark species from another side and integrate into his shadow!

“I don't know for myself, it's probably the Dark Moon Crystal, it should be very interested in the Dark Moon Crystal.” Movan replied.

“There are factors in this regard, but mainly your rebel shadow, more suited to this dark species!” Lin Duo said.

“Maybe, but I'm not sure if I can wake this guy up again next time.” Movan said.

The Shadow Elder is mighty, the coral dorsal fin demon monarch does not seem to have any power to fight back under its attack. Movan knows that the coral dorsal fin demon monarch is not dead and eventually faded a layer of skin and escaped from the chewing of the Shadow Elder, but the Shadow Elder attack itself is not entirely on the flesh, but also on the soul eating. The coral dorsal fin demon monarch's soul must be broken at this moment, life expectancy drops dramatically, it may take less than a few years of light shade, it will be dehydrated, dry, organs exhausted...

And this wound to the soul is just as incurable. Being able to reach the monarchy level, its vitality is incredibly stubborn and its resilience is quite remarkable, but the most fearful is often such a dark wound of the soul, the hourglass of death has been laid, and life is counting down!

Movan himself had difficulty explaining why the Shadow Elder woke up in his shadow, but he could feel that it had a lot to do with his dark matter, the shadow and the curse. These two attributes were the favorite of the Shadow Elder. He wanted to come here and have a certain relationship with the dragon of Feng Zhou incorporating the curse into his dark matter, and this dark moon condensed the enormous dark glow for himself...

“If this Shadow Elder can make good use of it, my shadow system can definitely stand on its own in the superior order.” Movan looked back at his shadow.

The white lightning in the sky is uninterrupted, but the shadow of the unbelievably stretched rain curtain is darker than the others, and the evil seemed to make the boy feel like he had his own consciousness.


This is Movan's shadow.

But more and more, Movan feels like a cunning, ruthless, undisturbed devil's servant, knowing that it does not pose a threat to him, yet having to watch out!

The Shadow Elder, this guy is stronger than himself, and even a strong dark slave could turn backwards. Movan knows that he has an extra dangerous thing on his side from today on, and hopefully that stronger and more hegemonic demon in his body can deter it.


“~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!!! ”

More than a dozen kilometres away, a roar of the earth and the ocean came from afar.

Looking at the past, you can see a corrupt beast dragging out a long bloodstain like the sea of daylight and fleeing further east towards the sea, and the roar is a little painful.

“Escaped??” On the bridge across the sea, the old phonetic magician heard some information from the cries of Disaster One.

Meanwhile, over 10 kilometres of the ocean, hegemony also rises from the depths of the water, where the ocean has found a clear tilt, which should be the legacy of their struggle under the sea.

Instead of chasing the escaped prisoner, it turned around and stared at the prisoner who was still messing around the strait, suddenly accelerating back and killing him.

“Kill Disaster 2????” The old magician of the phonetic system heard Zhao Manyan's message from his subordinates.

In order to save his life, the prisoner fled directly to the sea, so the biggest threat at the moment is that he is still in the captivity of the Imperial Army, backpacked by a hegemony, blocking the life of the prisoner, and cooperating with the superior mentors in the human race, there is definitely a chance to kill him!

President Donghai heard the news, and at first he was a little confused. After all, a creature such as the prisoner was basically impossible to kill. It was Xiamen's greatest luck to be able to get rid of it, but when he saw the overwhelming momentum kill back, the suppressed mind also became restless.

Yeah, why not kill.

The sea demons are so indiscriminate, they are nothing more than bullying the weakness of mankind, chopping off their sea demon monarchs, and they dare to invade the coastline!