Versatile Mage

Chapter 1953: Getting rid of entanglement

Even knowing that the foot is full of dangerous spider claws, the Mercenary Corps of Malone still has to rush forward with their scalps, and many of the mercenaries are even more fierce, preferring to cut off their legs rather than be dragged underground by these desert-eating spiders.

This Hiraya, too, sacrificed a number of people, and when it finally passed, the opposite long slope appeared in the eyes of all.

The reverse long slope resembles a wide cliff path, rising slowly along the steep edge of the cliff, staggering directly up and down the Rift Valley Road below...

Everyone climbed up the reverse long ramp. Desert bone spiders seemed to know their intentions. They had already been laid on the reverse long ramp. Countless reverse long ramps were hung upside down to the back of the sky. They looked like a string of camel magpies in the distance!

“They're trying to clog us under the ramp.” Captain Tommy was angry.

“It's the only way up.” Kuma snorted and rushed to the front of the team and even to the front of the ninth team.

The deputy commander will personally lead the team and kill a bloody road on the spider's long slope, which hangs like a grape rack.

Kumar is a botanical magician who shoots a red seed onto the road ahead and sees the red seed grow quickly as it touches dry hard earth rock and has grown into a large trumpet carnivore in a matter of seconds!

The trumpet meat flowers are like the more moisturized grass of spring, one after the other, the root stem of the trumpet meat flower will swing, they smell the smell of the desert bone spider, the trumpet flower suddenly grows countless meat tip teeth, these tip teeth circle, elongated, as the trumpet meat flower bites down, can swallow a string of desert eating bone spiders directly into it.

“Follow the vice president! ”

“Keep up with the Vice Chairman!! ”

Nor did the Mercenary Corps of Malone become indiscriminate because of the death of its personnel. The moment before, the companion who was still laughing and chatting became a corpse in the next second. They were not uncommon. The mercenaries' sense of survival was stronger. Along the trumpet meatloaf road, opened by Deputy Commander Kuma, the Mercenary Corps of Malone surged a wave of morale and rushed into the rebellious long slope full of desert eating spiders.

“Go higher, or you'll be buried by the floodstone.” Nan Xiao said.

“After you go to the mat, a bunch of useless things.” Secretary Gavin said.

Gavin simply ignored the lack of strength, and he only looked at the results. In Pinggu, the 9th team did not do the task of opening the way, putting a lot of mercenary members at risk for nothing.

Ejiangtu also has a good temper, he endures at this time.

Also, now that we're at a critical juncture in our lives, there's no need for meaningless quarrels.

The ninth team reached the end of the team, at a time when more desert spiders were climbing out of different canyons and cracks, trying to drag them all away and keep them from moving forward.

“Rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble."

There is no longer a need to listen to Nanxun, now the whole Great Rift Valley is in a severe tremor, that landslide crack makes the members of the Mercenary Corps of Malone feel more oppressed, wondering if the next second will be swallowed by this terrible floodstone flow.

The magicians of the Mercenary Corps of Malone worked harder to destroy the desert bone spider, and the whole spider blood flowing on the opposite long slope washed down like a stream, forming a bloodbath in the lowest depths...

The dead desert bone spider broke its limbs and soon became a small mountain bag.

Overall, the Mercenary Corps of Malone is still strong, and they are extremely powerful in confronting these desert bone spiders in the face, not so high that the desert bone spiders cannot stop their killing, and the gradual mercenary corps is 70 to 80 meters away from the lowest depths.

“Boom!!!! ”

“Boom!!!!! ”

Standing high on a terrain, looking back at the long cracks, rock tunnels, and flat valleys that I had walked before, I thought the floodstone stream would be like river water into the valley, along the valley skeleton, who knew that the power of the floodstone stream was far more exaggerated than expected, exactly like a steel dragon full of power, rammed directly beneath the surface cracks, easily destroying the cracks to the face of Africa, even widening the original terrain of the Rift Valley several times.

Hung Shi Liu was very close. Fortunately, the ninth team after the pad rushed forward for a short distance, or someone would always be directly involved in the destruction.


The sound was so loud that it had brought everyone closer to deafness.

The floodstone stream was black and brown, and the dragon shook a terrible collision, watching everything under his feet destroyed, and everyone was glad that they had arrived early at this safety point, regardless of everything, killing a blood path with the desert full of bones and spiders.

“It's horrible!” Jiang Shaoxiang said.

When we didn't see Hong Rock Stream, we thought it was just a small natural disaster, and we could see its destructive power, which made us realize how small we were, even if we could not afford the natural disaster sweep with a mighty fix.

“These desert spiders are truly fraudulent, and when they find out that we are not buried alive, they actually retreat and disengage faster than the tide!” Zhao Manyan said.

“They do know how to avoid harm. Without the certainty of eating us all, they choose to wait patiently for the next batch of prey. Anyway, if the spider silk is smashed by some powerful creature, they just have to be rewoven. All they have to do is be patient and sink in.” Ling Ling said.

The fierce, more unexpected retreat of desert spiders.

However, if you count carefully, the Mercenary Corps of Malone still lost about ten people. When rushing against the long slope, the Mercenary Corps fought each other, well-trained, neatly aligned, with very few casualties. The main cause of death was the flat trap, which was dragged to the ground by the bone spiders of the protective desert...

There was nothing they could do. If they were not so persecuted by the floodstone currents, they could have stopped and rescued those trapped. If they were still alive, they would not have abandoned them. Behind them were the more horrific floodstone demons, with no choice.

“This is still the desert layer, so much obstruction, waiting at higher altitudes… the danger encountered and the demons encountered are even harder to cope with.” The mermaid said.

“The Mercenary Corps of Malone is indeed quite powerful, instead of some poor psychological qualities, and may have long been dragged to the collective burial by these desert-eating spiders. ”

I'm a little busy today, I just have one more chapter ~ ~ I think I have something to do tomorrow. Say hello to everyone.